Academic Notices
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भारत सरकारची (सेंट्रल सेक्टर ) महाविद्यालयीन व विद्यापीठ शिक्षण घेणाऱ्या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी शिष्यवृत्ती योजना सन २०२४ – २५
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वरिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील विध्यार्थ्यांना (इतर ) योजनांच्या शिष्यवृत्ती बाबत अत्यंत महत्वाची सूचना
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(EBC), (EWS) (SEBC) & (OBC) प्रवर्गातील पात्र विद्यार्थी व विद्यार्थीनींकडून प्रवेशाच्यावेळी शिक्षण शुल्काची रक्कम शैक्षणिक संस्थांनी न घेणेबाबत (१९-जुलै-२०२४)
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(EBC), (EWS) (SEBC) & (OBC) प्रवर्गातील पात्र विद्यार्थी व विद्यार्थीनींकडून प्रवेशाच्यावेळी शिक्षण शुल्काची रक्कम शैक्षणिक संस्थांनी न घेणेबाबत (०८-जुलै-२०२४)

Student Development

The Board of Students Development conducted following activities in  year 2018-19.

College Level Programmes

  • Karmavir Bhaurao Patil Earn and Learn Scheme : August 2018 to Feb 2019
  • Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan : 02/02/2019, 05/02/2019, 11/02/2019
  • Awarness of Science : 15/02/2019 to 16/02/2019

Department Level Programme

  • Workshop on “How to apply to Foreign Universities” : 25/02/2019 to 26/02/2019 Chemistry
  • Workshop on Digital Journalism New : 28/02/2019 Journalism and New trends, Scopes and Future communication studies
  • Workshop on Eco friendly alternative for Plastic Bag-Paper bag making : 15/12/2018 B.B.A.
  • Workshop on Bonsai and Indoor Plant : 30/01/2019 Botany
  • Workshop on Python Language 14/02/2019 Computer Science

Activities like tree plantation, Yoga Day, Swachha Bharat Abhiyan, new voter registration campaign, voting awareness rally, services and facilities available to differently-abled students, introductory lecture on awareness about various types of scholarship available to students, Clean Baramati rally and survey, student council election, and participation in college and university level youth festivals were conducted as per guidelines of BSD, SPPU, Pune and information reports were submitted on time.

The annual IQAC Youth Festival was organized between 27th and 29th December, 2018. In this programme various activities, competitions and events were arranged for the students, and it saw tremendous participation from the students. All participants were awarded with certificate for each and every event. One remarkable activity undertaken by our students was the monetary contribution drive for Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund. In this activity, students contribution was Rs.18541/- Teaching and support staff contribution came to Rs. 4925/- and contribution from departments like statistics, 3050/- botany Rs.3500/- computer sciences Rs. 2000/- and chemistry 9100/-. Our college added Rs.9884/- to this collection. The total amount of Rs. 51000/- was deposited in the bank account of Kerala Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund.

All these programs and activities were successfully organized and executed with the kind guidance and support of our Principal, Prof. Dr. Avinash S. Jagtap, the Vice Principals, IQAC Coordinator, all heads of departments, faculty members and the support staff who extended their cooperation for all student centric events.

Sr. No.Academic YearDownload
1.Activites 2023-24
2.Activites 2022-23 Download
3.Activites 2021-22
4.Activites 2020-21Download
5.Activites 2019-20 Download
6.Activites 2018-19 Download

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