Anekant Education Society's
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science & Commerce
- Online Result System -

  Get your result (Autonomous College Only)

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The results of the following classes have been announced. Result declared date is showing infront of class name

ALL FY =>FY.B.A. [27/12/2024], FY.B.Voc.(RM) [19/12/2024], FY.B.Voc.(JM) [19/12/2024], FY.B.Voc.(DT) [18/12/2024], FY.B.Com. [31/12/2024], FY.B.Voc.(FP) [21/12/2024], FY.B.Sc.(Comp) [31/12/2024], FY.B.Sc. [19/12/2024],

ALL SY =>SY.B.A. [27/12/2024], SY.B.B.A. [23/12/2024], SY.B.B.A.(C.A.) [23/12/2024], SY.B.Com. [04/01/2025], SY.B.Sc. [23/12/2024], SY.B.Voc.(DT) [18/12/2024], SY.B.Voc.(ECD) [18/12/2024], SY.B.Voc.(FP) [21/12/2024], SY.B.Voc.(JM) [19/12/2024], SY.B.Voc.(RM) [19/12/2024],

ALL TY =>TY.B.Voc.(RM) [21/12/2024], TY.B.Sc.(Comp) [31/12/2024], TY.B.Voc.(FP) [18/12/2024], TY.B.B.A. [23/12/2024], TY.B.Voc.(JM) [21/12/2024], TY.B.Sc. [04/01/2025], TY.B.B.A.(C.A.) [27/12/2024], TY.B.A. [27/12/2024], TY.B.Voc.(ECD) [18/12/2024], TY.B.Com. [17/01/2025], TY.B.Voc.(DT) [18/12/2024],

ALL PG-I =>M.A.(Eco)-I [07/01/2025], M.A.(English)-I [11/01/2025], M.A.(Hist)-I [07/01/2025], M.A.(Marathi)-I [08/01/2025], M.A.(Polit)-I [07/01/2025], M.A.(Psy)-I [07/01/2025], M.Com.-I [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Any. Chem)-I [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Bot)-I [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Comp)-I [13/01/2025], M.Sc.(Data Sci.)-I [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Elect)-I [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Geography)-I [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Inorg. Chem)-I [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Maths)-I [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Micro)-I [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Org. Chem)-I [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Phy)-I [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Stats)-I [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Zoo)-I [08/01/2025], M.Voc.(FP)-I [08/01/2025],

ALL PG-II =>M.A.(Polit)-II [07/01/2025], M.Voc.(FP)-II [08/01/2025], M.Sc.(Bot)-II [06/01/2025], M.Sc.(Comp)-II [13/01/2025], M.A.(Hist)-II [11/01/2025], M.A.(Hindi)-II [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Zoo)-II [08/01/2025], M.A.(English)-II [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Any. Chem)-II [11/01/2025], M.Voc.(MS)-II [08/01/2025], M.A.(Psy)-II [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Org. Chem)-II [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Geography)-II [08/01/2025], M.Com.-II [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Phy)-II [08/01/2025], M.Sc.(Elect)-II [10/01/2025], M.A.(Eco)-II [07/01/2025], M.Sc.(Geography)-II [08/01/2024], M.A.(Marathi)-II [08/01/2025], M.Sc.(Maths)-II [10/01/2025], M.Sc.(Inorg. Chem)-II [11/01/2025], M.Sc.(Stats)-II [08/01/2025], M.Sc.(Micro)-II [10/01/2025],

If there is any change/correction in the mark sheet then the student has to contact to Exam Section within 10 days from the Result Declaration Date. गुणपत्रिकेत काही बदल/दुरुस्ती असल्यास विद्यार्थ्याने निकाल घोषित तारखेपासून 10 दिवसांच्या आत परीक्षा विभागाशी संपर्क साधावा.

Permanant Registration Number (PRN)
Only Mother Name
Result / Marksheet