Academic Notices
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शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२५-२६ साठी महा-बी. बीबीए/बीसीए सीईटी ऑनलाईन अर्ज सादर करण्यास अंतिम मुदतवाढ देण्यात येत आहे
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पदवी (UG ) व डी. टी. एल. या अभ्यासक्रमातील सर्व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी मार्च / एप्रिल – २०२५ ऑनलाईन परीक्षा अर्ज भरणेबाबत
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प्राध्यापक व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी महत्वाची सूचना – अमेरिकन लायब्ररी चे सभासद होण्याची सुवर्णसंधी

our college

Principal’s Message




Journal & Magazines


1. Office Automization

College has developed office automization software through Computer Science Department. These software are used in the daily working of the college office, which helps in to work smoothly, efficiently. The college office is equipped with 30 Thin Client and 5 standalone desktops, 2 Laser printers, 4 Dot Matrix Printers, Fax Machine, 1 Network Printer, 1 Xerox machine & 1 Laptop is also available in the offices of Principal, Vice Principals, College Library, Computer Lab, Teachers common room, Reading hall and are connected to the college office by LAN. Internet facility in the office & college campus is one of the unique features of our college.

2. General / Admission Section

Bonafide certificates are issued within 10 to 15 minutes.
Transfer / Leaving certificates are issued with in 4 to 8 days. Railway / Bus / ST / Air concessions are issued within 15 to 30 minutes.
Certification of true copies of documents is given immediately.
Transcripts are made available within an hour or two.
Computerized admission procedure is adopted since 2003-04 which helps college office to complete admission procedure of 120 students within 2 hours and to generate various types of reports such as:

3. Daily Accounting System

College has a licensed copy of Tally 7.2 version Software. These packages of accountings are used by us. Day to day entries such as Receipts, Payments, Contra and Journal recordings are made and this helps us to generate following types of reports –

4. Monthly Salary System

Our Software & Microsoft Excel are used for payment of monthly Salary to the members of Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff. This helps us to generate following types of Reports.

5. Scholarship / Free Ship Section

Concessions in fees are given to the students at the time of admission that belongs to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC/ SBC categories.
Payment of maintenance allowances are credited the saving bank accounts of students belonging to the SC/ST/DTNT/OBC/ SBC categories.

6. Examination Section

Procedure of verification, accepting examination fees & preparation of statement of 120 students who have filled in their examination forms is completed within 2 hours.
Checking & acceptance of fees from students for verification of marks & revaluation of answer books is done within 10 minutes.
Distribution of mark sheets to 600/1200/1800 students is done with in 1 hour from the time of declaration of result.

7. Relation With The Students Community

The administrative staff is courteous by behavior and has maintained healthy relations with the student’s community.

8. Students Involved In The Office Work

Those students who are needy and deserve encouragement are allowed to work in the college office under “Earn and Learn Scheme“

The Administrative Roles & duties

NameRoles & Duties
Mr.Shah Abhinandan Bharatlal , Registrar
Mr. Abhinandan B. Shah , Registrar
Mob. 9881021008

• Major implementation and planning of the entire administrative work.
• To fulfill the circulars received from the Government, University, UGC, etc. by guiding the concerned employees and carrying out coordination work in this regard.
• Head of Accounts Department.
Mr. Vikas S. Bhosale
Office Superintendant
Mob. : 9921862361
Email. :
• Government Correspondence / Fulfillment.
• Affiliation works of various study sequences.
• Planning, classification, completion of all works in the administration department.
Mr. Gurunath N. Tate
Senior Clerk
(Subsidized Department)
Mob. : 9881985900
Email :
• Checking and issuing checks of party bills in junior and senior courses subsidized department.
• Preparation of the budget of the entire subsidized department, preparation of article review and doing all kinds of work in this context.
• Completing all tasks and errors related to Accounts Department eg Income Tax Return, TDM. Service Tax, Profitable Tax etc.
• Submission of Accounts of Grants under Quality Improvement.
• Drawing advance checks required for all departments.
• To do all the work related to bill payment.
• Cancellation of admission and refund of deposit.
• Hon. Auditing the accounts of the Director of Education, Senior Accounts Officer and General Auditor, Mumbai on time. Also prepare annual reports to the superiors.
• Preparation of budget for junior and senior aided departments Submission of affiliation fee and university share of senior aided courses to the university within the prescribed time frame.
• Writing the day book and taking the signatures of the seniors on the day book once a week.
• According to government regulations, all taxes should be paid within the prescribed period and the report should be given to the principal through the manager.
• Written report by quarterly internal audit Hon. It should be given to the Principal through the Principal.
• With the permission of the registrar, all the operations of the accounting department are carried out by him and the computer system developed by the college is continuously updated (developed) and reports accordingly.
• Preparation of separate budget of examination department as per autonomous college. Also payment of internal examination, theory and practical examination, payment of cap and preparation of half yearly budget and accounts.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration timt to time send.
Mr. Amol S. Patil
Junior Clerk
1.Unaided Department(Account Section)
2. UGC / Gov. Scheme Work
Mob : 9822381492
Email :
We have been given the responsibility of planning all the work in the accounting department and fulfilling this. Also the following work is assigned to you. Reporting all these works to Office Superintendent from time to time.

• U. G. C. And daily cash book work in Rusa grant.
• U. G. C. Preparation of accounts of all scheme grants received from
• Also preparation of audit statement.
• Checking the bill of parties in Junior and Senior Terminal Courses Unaided Section.
• Preparation of the budget of the entire non-subsidized department, preparation of audit and doing all kinds of work in this context.
• Responsible completion of all tasks and errors related to Accounts Department (eg Income Tax Return, TDS, Service Tax etc.)
• Drawing advance checks required for all departments.
• To do all the work related to payment of bills.
• Payment of honorarium to study boards, academic councils, research committee members etc.
• Collection and accounting of prize money given by prize givers for Moropant Competitions, Merit Prizes, Sports Prizes etc.
• Preparation of budgets for junior and senior and unaided sections.
• Submission of application fee and university share of senior unaided course to the university within the prescribed period.
• Writing day book and taking signatures of seniors on day book once a week.
• Payment of all taxes within the prescribed period as per government rules and its report to Hon. Manager and Mr. should be given to the principal.
• Updating Coursewise Accumulation of Courses in Unaided Department with the help of software.
• Written report by quarterly internal audit Hon. Through the manager Hon. should be given to the attendant.
• To tally all the activities of the article department with the permission of the Hon.Registrar and prepare reports accordingly by continuously updating (developing) new ones in the computer system developed by the college.
• Y. C. View Open University admissions and other functions.
• Writing the day book and taking the signatures of the seniors on the day book once a week.
• Calculation of Open University Examination and CAP.
• Written report by quarterly internal audit Hon. Through the manager Hon. should be given to the principal.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time Send.
Mr. Rajesh D. Mehta
Lab Assistant
Junior and Senior Subsidized and Unsubsidized Fee Division (Account Section)
Mob: 9011675091
Email :
You will be fully responsible for updating daily fees, other fee registers of junior and senior aided and unaided departments and also filling the fee details of all classes in the software.

• Recovery of arrears of fees from students.
• Updating of individual fee register of all departments.
• Carrying out various tasks of the Accounts Department from time to time.
• Reconciliation of other accrued fees.
• Giving the information of the fees collected on a daily basis to the accounting department for accounting.
• Preparing Quarterly Fee Reconciliation or reporting the same to Hon Registrar.
• Entries of deposit and fee refunds in student personal register.
• Yearly Update of Non-deposited Student Lists keep.
• By updating the year-wise list of outstanding students, Mr. Report to manager.
• By updating the year-wise list of students coming from the scholarship department, Mr. Report to manager.
• Hon. With the permission of the Registrar, all the activities of the Fees Department are regularly updated (developed) in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time
Mr. Shivendra V. Salunke
Aided and Unaided Junior Division (Account Section)
Mob.: 9765009696
• Doing cancellation fee refund, deposit amount etc. in Accounts department.
• Depositing money collected for various reasons in the accounts department in the bank and doing other bank related work.
• Paying Senior Unsubsidized, and Junior Unsubsidized and CHB pay.
• Payment of wages to employees on a daily basis.
• Payment of Income Tax, Profession Tax, EPF within prescribed time frame.
• Carrying out various tasks of the Accounts Department from time to time.
• Obtaining the signatures of the Principals on the college check
• Fee Reconciliation.
• Hon. To tally all the activities of the Accounts Department with the permission of the Registrar and report accordingly by constantly updating (developing) the computer system developed by the college.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Amol M. Solankar (Junior Clerk)
Mob.: 9970823657

Mr. Mahadeo C. Bhise (Lab Attendant)
Mob. : 9405776282
Email. :
(Commerce Degree and Post Graduate Admission / Examination)
We have been given the responsibility of planning the work of senior college commerce degree, post graduate course entrance examination and student attitude and also the following tasks have been entrusted to us.

Access context :
• To do admission related work for degree and post graduate aided and unaided courses and to report the information to the administration.
• Generating statistical information by recording the admissions given in the computer (eg subject wise, category wise and fee concession wise, category wise)
• Preparation of Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, Bonafide, Railway Concession etc.
• Accepting the eligibility form of the students and submitting it to the university.
• To provide subject wise student number information to concerned department.
• To prepare statistical information of all students according to category wise fee concession.
• To bring to the attention of the students the information about the various concessions available from the government for such students by registering the blind and disabled students separately.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of their respective departments and the computer system developed by the college are continuously updated (developed) and report accordingly.

Exam Reference :
• All work related to examination of Degree/Post Graduate Aided/Unaided Courses Hon. To be completed with the concurrence of the Examining Officer and CAP Director
• Administrative planning of examinations held at the autonomous college level of all courses and distribution of examination receipts.
• Conducting Central Evaluation of Examinations as per instructions of Hon'ble CAP Director and declaring results within prescribed time frame.
• Online upload of examination form of all courses within the deadline.
• To complete and plan the work of all university level examinations.
• Re-scrutiny and re-evaluation of the marks sheet to accept the applications and make the necessary fulfillment within the stipulated time through the committee.
• Provision of stationery required for college and university level examinations and submission of accounts thereof.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Baburao Y. Nalawade
Senior Clerk
Mob. : 9420709355
Email. :
Mr. Mohasin A. Shaikh
Junior Clerk
Mob. : 8007832886
Email. :
(Arts Degree and Post Graduate Admission / Examination)
We have been given the responsibility of planning the work of senior college arts degree, post graduate course entrance examination and disciple attitude and also the following tasks have been entrusted to us.

Access context
• To do admission related work for degree and post graduate aided and unaided courses and to report the information to the administration.
• Generating statistical information by recording the admissions given in the computer (eg subject wise, category wise and fee concession wise, category wise)
• Preparation of Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, Bonafide, Railway Concession etc.
• Accepting the eligibility form of the students and submitting it to the university.
• To provide subject wise student number information to concerned department.
• To prepare statistical information of all students according to category wise fee concession.
• To bring to the attention of the students the information about the various concessions available from the government for such students by registering the blind and disabled students separately.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of their respective departments and the computer system developed by the college are continuously updated (developed) and report accordingly.

Exam Reference:
• All work related to examination of Degree/Post Graduate Aided/Unaided Courses Hon. To be completed with the concurrence of the Examining Officer and CAP Director
• Administrative planning of Conducting Central Evaluation of Examinations as per instructions of Hon'ble CAP Director and declaring results within prescribed time frame.
• Online upload of examination form of all courses within the deadline.
• To complete and plan the work of all university level examinations.
• Re-scrutiny and re-evaluation of the marks sheet to accept the applications and make the necessary fulfillment within the stipulated time through the committee.
• Provision of stationery required for college and university level examinations and submission of accounts thereof.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr.Santosh D. Deokar
Junior Clerk
Mob. : 9881020260
Email. :
Mr. Papinkumar B. Bhandvalakar
Junior Clerk
Mob. : 9975031549
Email. :
(Science, B.Voc., Degree and Post Graduate Admission / Examination)
We have been given the responsibility of planning the work of senior college science degree, post graduate course entrance examination and disciple attitude and also the following tasks have been entrusted to us.

Access context
• To do admission related work for degree and post graduate aided and unaided courses and to report the information to the administration.
• Generating statistical information by recording the admissions given in the computer (eg subject wise, category wise and fee concession wise, category wise)
• Preparation of Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, Bonafide, Railway Concession etc.
• Accepting the eligibility form of the students and submitting it to the university.
• To provide subject wise student number information to concerned department.
• To prepare statistical information of all students according to category wise fee concession.
• To bring to the attention of the students the information about the various concessions available from the government for such students by registering the blind and disabled students separately.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of their respective departments and the computer system developed by the college are continuously updated (developed) and report accordingly.

Exam Reference:
• All work related to examination of Degree/Post Graduate Aided/Unaided Courses Hon. To be completed with the concurrence of the Examining Officer and CAP Director
• Administrative planning of examinations held at the autonomous college level of all courses and distribution of examination receipts.
• Conducting Central Evaluation of Examinations as per instructions of Hon'ble CAP Director and declaring results within prescribed time frame.
• Online upload of examination form of all courses within the deadline.
• To complete and plan the work of all university level examinations.
• Re-scrutiny and re-evaluation of the marks sheet to accept the applications and make the necessary fulfillment within the stipulated time through the committee.
• Provision of stationery required for college and university level examinations and submission of accounts thereof.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Amol M. Solankar (Junior Clerk)
Mob.: 9970823657
Scholarship Division
• Completing scholarships, freeships, EBC and other important work as well as submitting information notices on notice boards.
• Accepting scholarship forms of junior and senior aided and unaided students and submitting proposals along with necessary documents and completing them.
• Appropriation of scholarship amount received from Govt within prescribed time.
• Acceptance of Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj Scholarship Form and Submission of Proposal.
• Accepting the scholarship form and proposing it along with the necessary documents
• Accounting of scholarship received, disbursement of scholarship, follow up
• Registration of scholarship form filled students in college software as per government fee approval
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of his department and tally are regularly updated in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Papinkumar B. Bhandavalkar
Junior Clerk
Research Center Division
Mob. : 9975031549
Email. :
We have been entrusted with the responsibility of planning the PhD course admission, examination and scholarship of the senior college and fulfilling the same and the following tasks have been entrusted to us. All the following work should be reported from time to time to the Office Superintendent.
• For research, proposal, half term progress report etc. by forming a committee as per university rules and taking approval of the university.
• Payment of fees of admitted students and preparation of budget.
• It is up to the students to fill in the admission form as well as fill the university fee and keep its records
• All the documents required by the college for the students to get Sarathi, Barti, Mahajyoti etc. scholarship to settle
• Before submitting the theses of PhD students to the university, Mr. Taking approval of Principal, Head of Department, Manager and Office Superintendent.

Hon. To follow the instructions given by the administration from time to time
Mr. Sushil A. Burse
Lab Assistant
Junior and Senior Establishment Division
Mob. : 9096010065
Email. :
We are given the responsibility of planning the works of the junior and senior establishment department and completing it and reporting every work done to the Office Superintendent from time to time.
• To keep up-to-date the records of appointment of teachers in junior and senior aided departments
• To prepare the workload of junior and senior aided department according to the number of students
• Recording confidential reports of junior and senior department teachers
• Preparation of proposals for provident fund of teaching and non-teaching staff.
• Preparation of pension papers of teachers and non-teaching staff
• Also to fulfill the information requested by the University Government accordingly
• To do all the work related to teacher recognition and verification of junior department.
• Preparation of junior and senior subsidized budgets.
• To update the register entries of teachers and non-teaching staff under DCPS scheme of junior and senior aided department.
• Granting recruitment of faculty on subsidized hourly basis.
• To advertise the recruitment of professors on subsidized hourly basis, to carry out recruitment related tasks.
• To advertise the recruitment of professors according to the workload of junior and senior unaided departments and to do the work related to recruitment.
• To settle the information requested by the University and Government from time to time.
• Creation of establishment department software and entries therein update.
• Regarding junior and senior salary work, Mr. Magadum A.A. And Mr. Shah S. B. Helping and guiding them as needed.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of his department and tally are regularly updated in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Shreyansh B. Shah
Junior Clerk
Junior and Senior Unaided Establishment Division
Mob. : 9011377841
Email. :
We are given the responsibility of planning the works of the junior and senior establishment department and completing it and reporting every work done to the Office Superintendent from time to time.
• To keep up-to-date the records of appointment of teachers in junior and senior aided departments.
• To prepare the workload of junior and senior aided department according to the number of students.
• Recording confidential reports of junior and senior department teachers.
• To furnish the information requested by the University Government in this regard
• To do all the work related to teacher recognition and verification of junior department.
• Preparation of junior and senior unaided budgets.
• Quarterly and Annual Income Tax Return Form No. 16 Junior Unaided and Senior Unaided Wage Section Reference Works.
• To settle the information requested by the University and Government from time to time.
• Creation of establishment department software and entries therein update
• Regarding junior and senior salary work, Mr. Magadum A.A. And Mr. Burse S. A. Helping and guiding them as needed.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of his department and tally are regularly updated in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Amit A. Magdum
Lab Attendant
Junior and Vocational and Senior Subsidized Wages.
Mob. : 8605971177
Email. :
Junior, Vocational and Senior Subsidized Pay Departments and the responsibility of planning and reimbursing the work of the Pay Department is entrusted to us to give a report of every work done from time to time to the Superintendent.

• Preparation of proposals for provident fund of teachers and non-judicial staff.
• Also to fulfill the information requested by the University Government and its advisors.
• Preparation of junior and senior subsidized and unsubsidized salary budgets.
• Preparation of junior, vocational and senior subsidized monthly salary bills and submission to Govt.
• Quarterly and Annual Income Tax Return Form No. 16 Reference works.
• Writing cash book of department wise pay department, doing bank reconciliation and taking signature on cash book.
• Written report by quarterly internal audit Hon. Through the manager Hon. should be given to the principal.
• To update the registrar records of teachers and non-teaching staff under DCPS scheme of junior and senior aided department.
• Creating software of payroll department and updating all records in it.
• To fulfill the information requested by the university and government from time to time.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of his department and tally are regularly updated in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Rajendra M. Mane
Junior College
Mob. : 9096635961
Email. :
We are responsible for planning the works of the junior aided and unaided department and reporting them to the Office Superintendent from time to time.

• Overseeing the work related to Verification and set approval of junior department.
• All works in online context ( eg U-dice and others)
• Conducting junior aided and unaided admission and qualification works in
• H.S.C Submission of examination form to the board.
• E.B.C./ F.E.G. Proposing and submitting to the Government.
• Tacking Out necessary noticed and Corresponding with the junior department

1. Admission a deposit refund, I card, Mark sheet S.T. Pass, Serving Student Bonafide, L.C., et al.
2. Entry Of Cancelled application in the Independence register and submission of their application to the account department for refund.
3. Preparation of examination work and result of all courses of 11th and 12th Hon with.
• Hon. With the permission of the registrar, all the activities of his department and tally are regularly updated in the computer system developed by the college and report accordingly.

Hon. To work as per the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr.Rakesh S. Deore
Junior Clerk
Store Department
Mob. : 9922364113
Email. :
We have been given the responsibility of planning and completing the work in the store department. Reporting every work done from time to time to Office Superintendent.

• Central purchase related to the college and institute and their proper entry in the register and allotment to the departments.
• Exchange/ exchange of stationery, electricals, sanitation and other materials in store department.
• Supervising, attendance and salary of daily servants, security, cleaning staff.
• Keeping account of journals brochures and various forms offered for sale in customer store.
• To plan the programs of the college throughout the year.
• To carry out maintenance of various equipments and other materials in the college departments, boys/girls hostels as per the application received from them.
• Hon. Director, Hon. Principal and Hon. To carry out the tasks assigned by the Office Superintendent from time to time.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time
Miss.Sushma M. Sanghai
Junior Stenographer
Mob. : 8805886350
Email. :
• Drafting regular meeting correspondence. Also to write the proceedings of the present meeting.
• Academic Council, Finance Committee, CDC, Student Council, Study Board etc. Writing the minutes of the meeting.
• Hon. To plan and follow their tour as per instructions of the Principal.
• Preservation of confidential and other records as required.
• Hon. Sorting the e-mails received by the principal and sending them immediately to the concerned department.
• Hon. Issuance of reminders etc. in respect of cases where the Principal/Government has sought some information.
• To maintain complete confidentiality and integrity in relation to assigned work.
• Hon. To handle all correspondence of the Principal.
• Hon. Doing all types of typing work related to principals.
• Hon. Vice-Principal, Manager, CIA, Deans of all departments and all departmental activities related to announcements, prepared notices, letters of thanks etc. Performing typing tasks.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Ganesh M. Zurange
Lab Attendant
Inward-Outward Section Attendance Sheet
Mob. : 9922890840
Email. :
• We have been given the responsibility of planning and completing the work in the inbound and outbound department. Reporting every work done from time to time to Office Superintendent.
• Preparation of attendance sheet of junior web senior aided and unaided teachers and non-teaching staff.
• To record the salaries of teachers and non-teaching staff.
• To register all circulars (inward) received from University, Govt, UGC.
• Posting instructions drawn up for teachers, non-teaching staff and students on notice boards and social media.
• To carry out all activities related to inbound and outbound.
• Hon. To tally all the activities of the Accounts Department with the permission of the Registrar and report accordingly by constantly updating (developing) the computer system developed by the college.

Hon. To work as per instructions given by the administration from time to time.
Mr. Shoaib A. Sheikh
Mob. : 9226336834
Email. :
Mr. Chetan B. Shelar
I.Q.A.C. Department.
Mob. : 9657240800
Email. :
• Collecting report of departmental or individual work done every six months by the head of each department, other activities, professors (aided and unaided) of the college
• Call for report. Scanning and filing of received reports
• To follow up information not received from the department and to retrieve it from the department.
• I.Q.A.C. I.Q.A.C once in three months as per the order of the coordinator. Conducting members meeting.
• Filing of annual AQAR report on website. Filling the information in the file given according to the criteria. Submitting to the website of NAAC.
• Annual MIS, AISHE, NIRF online information filling.
• To prepare the agenda of the Academic as well as Board of Studies of the Autonomous College and send it to the members. Also preparation of appointment letter of members of new Board of Studies.
• Checking and correcting the study sequence of each department as per the subject code and subject admission brochure approved by the Faculty Council and uploading it on the website.
• Filing of minutes of Board of Studies meetings by each department.

To follow the instructions given by the administration from time to time.
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