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Extension Activities

About Extension Activities Faculty

List of Extension Activities

About Extension Activities Faculty

Baramati’s Anekant Education Society established the Arts, Science andCommerce College on 23rd June, 1962. A gymnasium was also established alongside in 1962, for which the college authorities made available 17 acres of land.

With the grant from the university and government, as well as a sizeable investment from the society, a huge playground was made ready. This included a track of 400 mtrs. for running, a volleyball court, a basketball court, football ground, and kabbaddi and khokho ground as well.

With an additional grant from the society a separate gymnasium building was constructed which housed the office, store room, NCC office and two halls. A separate building was also constructed with the intent of being as a gym.

A compound wall was been constructed around the playground. Several trees were also planted with a view of keeping the environment healthy. The gymnasium is fully equipped with the latest machinery required for running a gym. Various facilities for different sports are also provided at the gymnasium. This is done so that the students with varying interests can take full advantage of the facilities.

Since 1962 till 2009 the players representing our college have brought us many laurels at the university, national and state level. The college had organisedan all-India university khokho andkabbaddi competition. District level competition were also organised by the college. This fully-equipped gymnasium has always been the college’s pride over these years.