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शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२५-२६ साठी महा-बी. बीबीए/बीसीए सीईटी ऑनलाईन अर्ज सादर करण्यास अंतिम मुदतवाढ देण्यात येत आहे
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पदवी (UG ) व डी. टी. एल. या अभ्यासक्रमातील सर्व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी मार्च / एप्रिल – २०२५ ऑनलाईन परीक्षा अर्ज भरणेबाबत
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प्राध्यापक व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी महत्वाची सूचना – अमेरिकन लायब्ररी चे सभासद होण्याची सुवर्णसंधी

Stream : Professional

About Professional Faculty

Course Structure





B.B.A. : Department Profile
Ms. Deepali Anpat, Assistant Professor and HOD, Dept. of BBA

The positive link between education and development has been accepted and established. Hence the is need to understand various facets of education. It has been observed that requirement and expectations in the education has been changes drastically and now management is considered as an important and integrated part of all education.

To fulfil this, need the college has established the department of Business   Administration in the year 2008. Since then education is taught at general level from the first year to third year of the undergraduate level. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is one of the most advanced stream under graduation study based on the curriculum it. Offers and the opportunities it has for the post graduation studies. BBA students are exposed to multiple subjects during their 3 years or 6 semesters of studies. Establishment of the department was in 2008. While the establishment, course contains only Finance and Marketing specializations. But now as per the need of Industry we have started with two more specialization for the students that are Human Resource Management and Service Sector Management. Now a day education is focusing on creating job providers instead of job seekers and department focus on the same activities related to entrepreneurship development. Department is taking continuous efforts for development of the students in management professional.

VISION:-  Our Department of BBA strives to be a world-class institution of higher education, recognized for our innovative approaches to business education, and our commitment to developing students who are leaders, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers. MISSION:- Our Department of BBA is committed to providing a rigorous and comprehensive education that prepares students for the challenges of the business world. We strive to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment that promotes academic excellence, ethical behaviour, and a commitment to social responsibility. Through innovative teaching methods, hands-on experience, and exposure to real-world business problems, we aim to develop students who are prepared to make a positive impact on the world through their work in business. We are dedicated to serving as a resource for the community, providing valuable expertise and research in the field of business, and fostering entrepreneurship and economic growth.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

B.B.A. course focuses on essential business management knowledge and key insights in Finance, Sales and Marketing, Human Resources, and Service Sector Management in order to help students develop managerial, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills. And also Elite Core Faculty, Conducive ambience for learning, Outbound Training Program, Industry Connect, Faculty involvement in research and business consultancy.

Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Mrs. Deepali AnpatHead of DepartmentMCM, MBA(HR, Marketing)15View Profile
2Ms. Sejal AhiwaleAssistant ProfessorBE (E & TC), MBA (HR), UGC NET03View Profile
3Miss.Pooja KasarAssistant ProfessorBBA, MBA(HR), M.Com.03View Profile
4Mrs.Varsha TawareAssistant ProfessorBCA, MBA(FINANCE)07View Profile
5Miss.Supriya KadamAssistant ProfessorBBA, MBA(FINANCE)01View Profile
  • Undergraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Bachelor in Business Administration20083 + 1 Years

1) Certificate Course in Time Management

2) Import Export Management

3) Fundamentals of Accounting & Banking

4) Computer Application in Business Management

  • Excellent Classroom
  • Seminar Halls and Auditorium
  • Computer Lab
  • Digital Libraries
  • In-campus Hostels
  • Active functioning Club
  • Effective connect with industry and Corporate
  • RESEARCH: Not Applicable.
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty : 
No.Title of the PaperName of Journal/ConferenceMonth and Year of publicationISBNUGC. No./Impact Factor/ Citation DetailsFaculty Name
1Effect of Compensation management on Employee PerformanceSkill Convergence: A management path for Sustainable Development, India.October 2017ISBN - 978-81-925257-2-3-Prof. Deepali Anpat
2The Role of Organization Culture in an Organizational DevelopmentNon International Multi disciplinary Half Yearly Research JournalJanuary 2018Vol. No.: VI, ISSN 2278-81582016-4.42Prof. Deepali Anpat
3Green Marketing as a New Methodology for Sustainable Development of Business OrganizationScholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary StudiesMarch 2019Vol. 7, Issue-40 ISSN: 2319-4766 Online ISSN: 2278-8808SJIF 2018 = 6.371Prof. Deepali Anpat
4Study of Consumer Perception for Environment Friendly Products With reference to Selected Textile Industries in PuneStudies in Indian Place Name UGC Care JournalFebruary 2020Vol.40 Issue-27 ISSN: 2394-3114UGC Care JournalProf. Deepali Anpat
5Consumer Buying Behavior for Green Products.Transformative Role of Business in Social Responsibility: An Indian PerspectiveFebruary 2020Prof. Deepali Anpat
6Corporate Social Responsibility with special Telecommunication Industry and Vodaphone Literature ReviewVidyabharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal2019-20ISSN 2319-4979Prof. Deepali Anpat
7Industry 4.0: Emerging concepts: Opportunities and Risk for IndiaVidyabharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal2021-22ISSN 2319-4979Prof. Deepali Anpat
8Literature Review Of Analysis and Overview Of Green Marketing and Sustainable Development Practices in IndiaKanpur Philosophers International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences Published Biannually by New Archaeological & Genological Society Kanpur India2023-24ISSN - 2348-83015.45Prof. Deepali Anpat
9.Examine employee experiences of hybrid work culture in India : An Ecological ApproachVidyawarta, Peer-reviewed International JournalISSN-2319-93189.29 Prof. Sejal Ahiwale
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR :   2024-2025 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR :   2023-2024 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR :  2022-2023 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR :  2021-2022 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR :  2020-2021 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2019-2020 – View

1.Startup New Venture Activity

2.Guest Lecture on Labour Law & Labour Welfare

3. Workshop On Soft Skill Development

4. Workshop on Detailed Project Report

5. Workshop on Financial Schemes For Start -Up

6. Business Fair 2023/2024 Business Fair 2023-24 Business Fair 2022-23

7. Workshop On Financial Reports

8. Industrial Visit For SYBBA Students

9. Industrial Visit For TYBBA Students

10. Workshop On Team Building: Techniques & Strategies For Effective Organizational Working 11. Logo Competitions

11. Teachers day-  View

12. Guest Lecture on Law for Women in India – View

13. Business Fair 2023-24 – View

Sr. No.Organization with which MoU is signedName of the institutionYear of signing MoU
1Prabuddha International AIM2CHANGE, PhaltanBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2024
2Hotel The LEAF , by Kesariya Veg , BaramatiBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2023
3Hotel Hirkani , MIDC , BaramatiBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2023
4Veritas Engineers and Erectors , MIDC , Baramati. BBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2023
5Sharda Media and Publicity , Hange Corner , Oppo. Panchayat Samiti , Baramati.BBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2023
6Maharashtra Information Technology Support Center (MITSC), MaharashtraBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2022
7Fusion Infinity Solutions, BaramatiBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2022
8Ayugram E-Commerce India Private Limited, SataraBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2021
93WD Software, Bhigwan Road, MIDC, BaramatiBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2019
10Havells Galaxy, Sarthak Gallary, Bhigwan Road, MIDC, BaramatiBBA Department, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati2016
  • Students Selected for Zonal Level Avishkar Research Poster Competition 2022-23
    • Mr. Swapnil Sanjay Shahane
    • Ms. Sakshi Sanjay Kirdak
  • Student Winners of IQAC Youth Festival Departmental Activity
    • Mr. Shailesh Kuwar
    • Ms. Rashmi Taral
    • Mr. Ramesh Kumawat
  • Video Making
    • Mr. Aditya Dhotre
    • Ms. Shital Khade
    • Mr. Pranav Jalak
  • Best from Waste
    • Ms. Kiran Manoj Gaikwad
    • Ms. Sakshi Bhosale
    • Ms. Trupti Thorat
  • Student Winners of Start-up Yatra
    • Mr. Mahaveer Bhandwalkar
    • Mr. Shailesh Kuwar
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Jaykumar Amitkumar GadiyaBBAJustdial Ltd.Certified Internet Consultant
2Ms. Riya Mukund KareBBAWipro Company, Hinjawadi, Pune.Associate
3Mr. Aditya Ashok DhotreBBATeamlease Services Limited, Koramangala, BangaloreTrainee
4Ms. Kajal Shelke SanjayBBAConnections Direct Pvt. Ltd.CSE (Trainee)
5Ms. Prachiti Prasad KulkarniBBAGirish Group of Companies, PuneAssistant & General HR
6Mr. Sagar Mahadev NagawadeBBASquare Yards Consulting Pvt. Ltd.Associate Investment Manager
7Mr. Mr. Ketan - SomaniBBA2010Somani Hundai Motors , BaramatiCEO
8Mr. Jaykumar Kirtikumar GadiyaBBA2023Padmawati TradersProprioter
9Mr. Kiran R. PawarBBA2010usion Infinity Solutions,BaramatiCEO
10Ms. Pooja R PawarBBA2014InfosysAsst.Manager[ Finance]
12Mr. Ketan Prakash ZagadeBBA2014Hotel SamadhanPropritor

Head, Department of BBA:

Social Media A/C: View Link

Youtube:: View Link  

B. B. A. (CA) : Department Profile
Mrs. Madhuri Saste Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of B.B.A. (CA)

The department of B.C.A was established in 2007-08 to fulfil the requirement of the professional education of the student in the field of IT and Management.Bachelors of Computer Application (BCA) now it is renamed as Bachelors of Business Administration (Computer Application).

BBA (Computer Application) is Undergraduate Degree Program with Computer Applications and Management Subjects. This program provides sound knowledge of theory and practical’s in the field of Computer. The different subjects help the students to design, develop and implement software Applications, to learn emerging computer technologies and produce skilled human resource to face the professional challenges.


  • To provide high-quality education and training to students at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate.
  • To impart career-oriented quality education at part with global standard across all fields of academic and research.
  • To develop various skills of excellence and through inculcation of moral values in the youth with a view to make them responsible citizens of India.
  • To promote research for knowledge and sustainable solutions


  • To impart quality education in computer applications through a well-designed curriculum that balances theory and practical learning.
  • To enhance employability by engaging students in industry collaborations, internships, and certifications aligned with the latest IT trends.
  • To prepare students for lifelong learning by fostering a passion for continuous professional development in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Syllabus on Recent Trends as per the Industry needs.
  2. Well-equipped Computer Laboratory with internet facility.
  3. Placements in various IT Companies.
  4. ICT classroom for Teaching – Learning.
  5. Qualified and experienced teaching staff.
Sr. No.NameQualificationDesignationTotal Exp.(Yrs)PhotoBio-Data
1Mrs. Madhuri SasteM.Sc(Computer Science)HOD & Assistant Professor11View Profile
2Ms. Reshma BabarMCAAssistant Professor7View Profile
3Mrs. Ashwini BhosaleMCAAssistant Professor4View Profile
4.Mr. Dattatray AardeM.Sc(Computer Science) , B.Ed, NETAssistant Professor12View Profile
5.Ms. Trupti BhosaleMCAAssistant Professor1View Profile
6.Mrs. Salama ShaikhM.Sc (Computer Science)Assistant Professor15View Profile
7.Dr. Shashikant NakateM.C.A., M.Com., Ph.D.Assistant Professor14View Profile
  1. Undergraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.BBA(Computer Application)/Former BCA20073+ 1 Yrs
  1. C programming
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Angular JS
  1. Two well equipped and spacious Computer Laboratory each containing 34 Dell computers with internet facility.
  2. ICT classroom for Teaching – Learning. Expert faculties are available to guide the students.
  • Research Centre details: Nill
  • Guideship Details : Nil
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :  
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Dr. Shashikant Nakate (Co-Investigator)बारामती शहरातील सामाजिक सुसंवादावर समाज माध्यमांचा होणारा परिणाम: एक विश्लेषणात्मक अभ्यासT. C. College, Baramati1,05,000/-1 Year2023Done
  • Book Publication : 
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Shashikant NakateSynergies in Defence: Exploring the interplay of Science, Technology, Arts and CommerceBharti Publication, New Delhi 20232023




  • Industrial Visits
  • Hands on Training on Mobile Application Development
  • Hands on Training Program on Machine Learning Using Python
  • Webinars/Seminars on Recent Technologies
  • Entrepreneurship Workshop.
  • Social Awareness Programs.
  • UI Designing Competitions
  • Project Exhibition
  • Poster Exhibition
  • Skill Enhancement Programs.
  • Industry Expert Talks.

ACTIVITIES LIST 2023-2024 : View

ACTIVITIES LIST 2022-2023 : View


  • MoU with AIS solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune.
  • MoU with Orange ITech Pvt. Ltd, Pune.
  • Piyush Pawar, Mr. Abhay Sahu, Mr. Jaydip Shedage, MS. Sakshi Jadhav, Ms. Sifa Mulani and Ms. Preeti Kapse these students from FYBBA(C.A) has got First Prize in National Youth Cultural Exchange Programme held at Punjab ,National Level.
  • Rohit Jalindar Kale(TYBBA(C.A)) got 1st rank in Project Presentation at Vidyatech , State Level Intercollege Competition held at VPASC,Baramati.
  • Jaydip Shedage(FYBBA(C.A.)) got first prize in Folk Dance at Swarrang 2023-24.
  • Jaydip Shedage (FYBBA(C.A.)) got first in Vocal Song at Swarrang 2023-24.
  • Jaydip Shedage(FYBBA(C.A.)) got first Prize in Signing Competition at IQAC Youth Festival.
  • Jambhe Arpita (FYBBA(C.A.)) got first prize in Netball Tournament at TCC.
  • Total 27 students from SYBBA(C.A.) has completed their Internship Program of Web Development Organized by INTERNPE
  • Aniket Bhalerao(TYBBA(C.A.)) has completed Adventure Camp and acquired proficiency in elementary skills of Rock Climbing, Repelling, River crossing, Trekking, Camping and leadership organized by Government of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Piyush Pawar and Abhay Sahu got first prize in Folkdance organized by Krida and Yuvak Sewa Sanchanalay, Maharashtra Rajya at District level
  • Piyush Pawar and Abhay Sahu got first prize in Folkdance organized by Jilha Krida Adhikari Karyalaya, Solapur at District level.

Students Achivements: 2022-23

Sr.NoName of StudentsName of ActivityType of AwardDetails of AwardsClass of studentYear
1Ms. Mansi ShahanePurushottam Karandak Ekankika competitioninter-collegiate LevelFirst prizeSYBBA(C.A)2022-23
2Ms. Sanika JadhavPurushottam Karandak Ekankika competitioninter-collegiate LevelFirst prizeSYBBA(C.A)2022-23
3Ms. Dyaneshwari GaikwadPurushottam Karandak Ekankika competitioninter-collegiate LevelFirst prizeTYBBA(C.A)2022-23
4Mr.Pareekh Madhusudan and Mr.Pawar ShubhamProject Presentation CompetitionState LevelFirst PrizeTYBBA(C.A)2022-23
5Mr. Siddhant TagarePoster PresentationState LevelFirst PrizeFYBBA(C.A)2022-23
6Ms. Salunkhe Shreya and Ms. Pawar SnehalPoster PresentationState LevelSecond prizeFYBBA(C.A)2022-23
7Ms. Khade NikitaKabbadiState LevelParticipationSYBBA(C.A)2022-23
8Ms. Sanap AishwaryaPathnattyaCollege LevelParticipationSYBBA(C.A)2022-23

Students Achivements: 2023-24

Sr.No.Name of StudentName of ActivityType of AwardsDetails of AwardsClass of StudentYear
1Mr. Kale RohitJalindar Poster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateFirst rankTY2023-24
2Ms. Jamble ArpitaNetBall TournamentInter Collegiate Sports eventWinnerFY2023-24
3Ms. Pawar Shamali Ms. Mane Aarti Ms. Ekal PranaliComputer Model ExhibitionInter- CollegiateFirst RankFY2023-24
4Mr. Piyush Pawar Pratik Mr. Hivarkar Abhay SahuComputer Model ExhibitionInter- CollegiateSecond RankFY2023-24
5Mr. Rohit KaleDigital Advertisement CompetitionInter- CollegiateFirst RankTY2023-24
6Mr. Tejas ShindeDigitalAdvertisement CompetitionInter- CollegiateSecond RankTY2023-24
7Mr. Jaydeep ShedageSigningCompetition at IQACYouth FestivalInter- CollegiateFirst PrizeFY2023-24
8Mr. Jaydeep ShedageFolk Dance at SwarrangInter- CollegiateSecond PrizeFY2023-24
9Mr. Jaydeep ShedageVocalSong at Swar rangInter- CollegiateFirst PrizeFY2023-24
10Mr. Jaydeep ShedageFolk Dance at Swar rangInter- CollegiateFirst PrizeFY2023-24
11Mr. Piyush PawarNational Youth Cultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
12Mr. Abhay ShahNational YouthCultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
13Ms. Sakshi JadhavNational Youth Cultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
14Ms. Sifa MulaniNational Youth Cultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
15Mr. Jaydip ShedageNational Youth Cultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
16Ms. Preeti KapseNational Youth Cultural Exchange Programme,PunjabNational LevelFirst PrizeFY2023-24
17Mr. Kale Siddhartha SachinGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
18Mr. Khatke Sushant BalbhimGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
19Mr. Piyush MaheshPawarGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
20Ms. Gayatri Padmakar KendreGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
21Ms. Kambale Madhavi PopatGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
22Mr. Atharv Shrikant JagadaleGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
23Mr. Hivarkar Pritam VilasGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
24Mr. Abhishekh Ravindra KhoseGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
25Ms. Bachal Sharvari PandurangGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
26Mr. Abhay Ajay SahuGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
27Ms. Gurav Shradda PandurangGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
28Ms. Patil Mrunal VinodGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
29Ms. Pranali Dattatray GunavreGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
30Ms. Sanika Dyandev DudhalGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
31Ms. Kajal SanjayShindeGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
32Ms. Pravina Dattatray KirteGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
33Ms. Shamali Santosh PawarGeneral Knowledge ExaminationState levelParticipationFY2023-24
34Ms. Sharvari BachalFine Art Activities Event: Swar rangInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
35Mr. Khatke Sushant BalbhimOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
36Mr. Sidhharth Sachin KaleOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
37Mr. Abhishekh Ravindra KhoseOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
38Ms. Gunaware Pranali DattatrayOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
39Ms. Kendre Gayatri PadmakarOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
40Ms. Kamble Madhavi PopatOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
41Mrs. Hivarkar Partik VilasOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
42Mr. Atharv Shrikant JagdaleOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
43Mr. Sahu Abhay AjayOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
44Mr. Pawar Piyush MaheshOne day Value Education workshopInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
45Mr. Pawar Piyush MaheshBlockade Scheme_NSS_BaramtiState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
46Ms. Gunaware Pranali DattatrayTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
47Mr. Hivarkar Partik VilasTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
48Ms. Kamble Madhavi PopatTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
49Ms. Kendre Gayatri PadmakarTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
50Mr. Atharv ShrikantJagdaleTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
51Mr. Abhishekh Ravindra KhoseTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
52Mr. Khatke Sushant BalbhimTwo day Workshop onCultural event- “Bharud, Kirtan, pravachan ani Pathnatya)Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
53Mr. Hivarkar Pratik VilasEssay Writing CompetitionState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
54Mr. Shende Abhijeet satguruEssay Writing CompetitionState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
55Mr. Pawar Piyush MaheshOratory CompetitionState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
56Ms.Gunaware Pranali dattatrayPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
57Ms. Pansare Renuka AbhijeetPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
58Ms. Mane Rukmini SanjayPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
59Mr. Sahu Abhay AjayPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
60Ms. Shitole Nandini SuryakantPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
61Mr. Swapnil KadamPoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState level Inter CollegiateParticipationTY2023-24
62Mr. Suyash DangePoster Presentation Activity at VidyatechState LevelParticipationTY2023-24
63Mr. Siddharth KaleNSS Activity Historic Site Adaptation SchemeState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
64Ms. Gayatri Padmakar KendrePunit Balan group presents Baramati Power Marathon 2023State LevelParticipationFY2023-24
65Ms. Madhavi Popat KambalePunit Balan group presents Baramati Power Marathon 2023State LevelParticipationFY2023-24
66Ms. Shravani BachalPunit Balan group presents Baramati Power Marathon 2023State LevelParticipationFY2023-24
67Mr. Atharv Shrikant jagdaleBaramati Half Marathon 2024, Sharayu FoundationInternational LevelParticipationFY2023-24
68Mr. Abhishekh Ravindra KhoseBaramati Half Marathon 2024, Sharayu FoundationInternational LevelParticipationFY2023-24
69Mr. Pawar Piyush MaheshBaramati Half Marathon 2024, Sharayu FoundationInternational LevelParticipationFY2023-24
70Mr. Khatke Sushant BalbhimBaramati Half Marathon 2024, Sharayu FoundationInternational LevelParticipationFY2023-24
71Ms. Bachal SharvariBaramati Half Marathon 2024, Sharayu FoundationInternational LevelParticipationFY2023-24
72Ms. Gayantri KendreSocio Cultural Competition Selection CampState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
73Mr. Jaydeep ShedageSinging Competition at AIMSInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
74Mr. Jaydeep ShedageNatyakary shalaInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
75Mr. Jaydeep ShedageSinging at Orchestra Competition at SwarrangInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
76Mr. Jaydeep ShedageAbhang at Swar rangInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
77Ms. Prachi BhosaleFolk Dance at Swar rangInter- CollegiateParticipationTY2023-24
78Ms. Sharvari BachalFineArt at Swar rangInter- CollegiateParticipationFY2023-24
79Ms. Gayatri KendreNSS Activity Historic Site Adaptation SchemeState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
80Ms. Kamble MadhaviNSS Activity Historic Site Adaptation SchemeState LevelParticipationFY2023-24
81Ms. Ayesha MujawarNSS Activity Historic Site Adaptation SchemeState LevelParticipationTY2023-24
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Nanaware Gaurishankar DineshBCA(Computer Application)2010Globant India Pvt. Ltd.Lead Solution (Web)
2Mr. Kadam Shekhar ShivajiraoBCA(Computer Application)2011Mastek Enterprise Solution Private LtdSenior Consultant II - Technical
3Mr. Nair Rahul RajenrdaBCA(Computer Application)2014Infosys Technologies LtdTeam Leader
4Mrs. Shinde Pooja KunalBCA(Computer Application)2017Fiserv India Pvt LtdProfessional Software Development Engineer
5Ms.Sayyed Khansa HamidBCA(Computer Application)2019Cognizant Technology Solution Pvt LtdOIM (Oracle Identity Manager) Developer
6Mr.Pareek Madhusudan RohitashBCA(Computer Application)2022Rechain Technologies Pvt LtdDirector And Co-Founder

Head, Department of BBA(CA):

BCA : Department Profile
Mr. Vishal Shah , Assistant Professor and Head Of the Department BCA

In today’s technology-driven world, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in the field of computer applications. The BCA department addresses this need by fostering a learning environment that encourages innovation, critical thinking, and technical expertise. By offering cutting-edge facilities, experienced faculty, and industry-oriented programs, the department aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world IT challenges.

The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Department is a distinguished academic unit affiliated with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). Established in academic year 2024-25 to cater to the growing demand for skilled IT professionals, the department provides a dynamic and innovative learning environment to nurture future-ready technologists. The program is designed to align with AICTE and SPPU guidelines, ensuring quality education that meets industry standards. It operates under the Faculty of Commerce and Management and adopts the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 framework. The BCA Department remains committed to delivering excellence in education and preparing students to excel in the dynamic world of information technology.


To emerge as a center of excellence in computer application education, fostering innovation, research, and professional growth to meet global technological challenges.

  • To impart comprehensive education in computer applications and related disciplines.
  • To develop technically proficient and ethically grounded professionals.
  • To promote research and innovation to solve real-world problems.
  • To encourage lifelong learning and entrepreneurship.
  • To bridge the gap between industry expectations and academic delivery through collaborations and industry exposure.
  • Accreditation and Affiliation: The department is recognized by AICTE and operates under the academic framework of SPPU.
  • Curriculum: The BCA program is designed to blend theoretical knowledge with practical application, covering areas such as programming, database management, web development, networking, and emerging technologies.
  • Faculty: The department boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members dedicated to academic excellence and research.
  • Infrastructure:
    • State-of-the-art computer laboratories equipped with the latest hardware and software.
    • High-speed internet connectivity for research and development.
    • Spacious classrooms with modern teaching aids.
  • Industry Collaboration: Partnerships with leading IT firms and organizations for internships, training, and placement opportunities.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Regular seminars, workshops, hackathons, and coding competitions to enhance student engagement and practical skills.
  • Placement Support: A dedicated placement cell assists students in securing jobs in reputed companies.
  • Clubs: Technical, cultural, and sports clubs for holistic development.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationTeaching Exp.YrsPhotoBio-Data
1.Mr. Vishal ShahAssistant ProfessorM.C.S., M.Phil.(C.S.), SET, NET21View Profile
  • Undergraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Bachelor of Computer Applications20243 + 1 Years
  • Certificate Course in Programming Using C
  • Excellent Classroom
  • Seminar Halls and Auditorium
  • Computer Lab
  • Research Papers:
No.Title of the PaperName of Journal/ConferenceDateLevel (State/ National/ International)Name of the OrganizerFaculty Name
1Signature Recognition ApproachesOngoing Research in Management and IT3rd & 4th March 2011InternationalASM Group of Institutes, PuneProf. V.V.Shaha
2An Approach of Recognition Technologies through Soft ComputingOngoing Research in Management and IT3rd & 4th March 2011InternationalASM Group of Institutes, PuneProf. V.V.Shaha
3Different Approaches for Content Based image Retrieval from Multiple DisciplinesContemporary Issues in Management and Technology8th & 9th April 2011InternationalPDEA’s Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pune in Association with Choice College of Arts & Commerce, PuneProf. V.V.Shaha
4Signature Recognition and VerificationEmerging Trends in Management13th April 2011NationalSrinivas Institute of Technology, Valachil, MangaloreProf. V.V.Shaha
5Multiple Regression to Calculate Indian Premier League Player Auction Price using Player Performance AttributesEmerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications15th to 17th July, 2024InternationalBGS College of Engineering and Technology, Bengaluru, INDIA.Prof. V.V.Shaha
  • Research Competition:
No.NameCategoryLevelDateName of the OrganizerFaculty Name
1Aavishkar Research Project CompetitionEngineering & TechnologyCollege20/09/2023T. C. College, BaramatiProf. V.V.Shaha
Zonal27/10/2023AISSMSCOE, PuneProf. V.V.Shaha
University20/12/2023Savitribai Phule Pune University, PuneProf. V.V.Shaha

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