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शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२५-२६ साठी महा-बी. बीबीए/बीसीए सीईटी ऑनलाईन अर्ज सादर करण्यास अंतिम मुदतवाढ देण्यात येत आहे
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पदवी (UG ) व डी. टी. एल. या अभ्यासक्रमातील सर्व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी मार्च / एप्रिल – २०२५ ऑनलाईन परीक्षा अर्ज भरणेबाबत
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प्राध्यापक व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी महत्वाची सूचना – अमेरिकन लायब्ररी चे सभासद होण्याची सुवर्णसंधी

faculty of Science

About Science Faculty

Course Structure




Course Structure : 2019 Pattern


Total Papers : Theory 4*2 + Practicals 4 = Total 12

Eligibility : 12th Science Pass OR Similar Exam Pass
Sr. No.Sr. No.Group - 1Group - 2Group - 3

Total Papers : Theory 3*2 + Practicals 3 = Total 10

Eligibility : F.Y.B.Sc Pass OR A.T.K.T.

Compulsory Papers : English OR Marathi, Environmental Awareness

Sr. No.Group - 1Group - 2Group - 3Group - 4Group - 5Group - 6Group - 7Group - 8

Total Papers : Theory 6 + Practicals 3 = Total 9

Eligibility : F.Y.B.Sc Pass  and S.Y.B.Sc Pass OR A.T.K.T.

Sr. No.Principle Subjects
B.Sc.( Computer Science)
Sr. No.SubjectDurationIntakeEligibility
1Physics2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Physics as a Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
2Mathematics2 Years60 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Mathematics as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
3Statistics2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Statistics as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
4Zoology2 Years24 SeatsGraduate (B. Sc.) in Life Sciences with minimum 50% marks or B grade
5Microbiology (General)2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Microbiology as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
6Chemistry ORGANIC
2 Years24 Seats
24 Seats
24 Seats
Graduate(B. Sc.) in Chemistry as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
7Computer Science2 Years60 SeatsB.C.S OR B.Sc (Computer Science) OR B.E. with minimum 50% marks with 50% marks

Course Structure : 2022 Pattern


Total Papers : Theory 4*2 + Practicals 4 = Total 12

Eligibility : 12th Science Pass OR Similar Exam Pass
Sr. No.Sr. No.Group - 1Group - 2Group - 3

Total Papers : Theory 3*2 + Practicals 3 = Total 10

Eligibility : F.Y.B.Sc Pass OR A.T.K.T.

Compulsory Papers : English OR Marathi, Environmental Awareness

Sr. No.Group - 1Group - 2Group - 3Group - 4Group - 5Group - 6Group - 7Group - 8

Total Papers : Theory 6 + Practicals 3 = Total 9

Eligibility : F.Y.B.Sc Pass  and S.Y.B.Sc Pass OR A.T.K.T.

Sr. No.Principle Subjects
B.Sc.( Computer Science)
Sr. No.SubjectDurationIntakeEligibility
1Physics2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Physics as a Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
2Mathematics2 Years60 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Mathematics as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
3Statistics2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Statistics as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
4Zoology2 Years24 SeatsGraduate (B. Sc.) in Life Sciences with minimum 50% marks or B grade
5Microbiology (General)2 Years24 SeatsGraduate(B. Sc.) in Microbiology as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
6Chemistry ORGANIC
2 Years24 Seats
24 Seats
24 Seats
Graduate(B. Sc.) in Chemistry as Principal Subject with minimum 50% marks or B grade
7Computer Science2 Years60 SeatsB.C.S OR B.Sc (Computer Science) OR B.E. with minimum 50% marks with 50% marks

Course Structure : NEP (1.0) 2023 Pattern


Total Papers : Theory 15 + Practical 7 = Total 22 ´ 2 Credits = 44 Credits

Eligibility : 12th Science Pass OR Similar Examination Pass
SEMCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse NameTheory / PracticalCredits
IMajor Mandatory -101-MJM-Theory2
Major Mandatory -102-MJM-Theory2
Major Mandatory-103-MJMPractical2
Open Elective (OE)-116-OETo be selected from the BasketTheory2
Open Elective (OE)-117-OETo be selected from the BasketPractical2
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)-121-VSCTheory2
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-126-SECPractical2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC) ENG-131-AEC Functional English-I Theory 2ENG-131-AECFunctional English-ITheory2
Value Education Course (VEC)ENV-135-VECEnvironmental ScienceTheory2
Indian Knowledge System (IKS)-137-IKS Theory2
Co-curricular Course (CC)YOG/PES/CUL/NSS/NCC-139-CCTo be selected from the Basket Theory2
Total Credits Semester-I22
IIMajor Mandatory-151-MJMTheory2
Major Mandatory-152-MJMTheory 2
Major Mandatory -153-MJMPractical 2
Minor -161-MN To be selected from the Basket Theory 2
Open Elective (OE)-166-OETo be selected from the Basket Theory2
Open Elective (OE)-167-OETo be selected from the BasketPractical2
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)-171-VSCPractical2
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-176-SECPractical2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)ENG-181-AECFunctional English-IITheory2
Value Education Course (VEC)COS-185-VEC Digital and Technological Solutions Theory2
Co-curricular Course (CC) YOG/PES/CUL/NSS/NCC-189-CC To be selected from the Basket Theory 2
Total Credits Semester-II22
Cumulative Credits Semester I + Semester II44

Minor Subject (MN): Basket

Sr.NoAny one Subject as MajorAny one Subject as Minor
1)Physics Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Electronics
2)ChemistryPhysics, Mathematics, Statistics, Environment Science, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology
3)MathematicsStatistics, Physics, Electronics, Chemistry.
4)Statistics Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Chemistry
5)ElectronicsMathematics, Physics, Statistics.
6)Microbiology Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Environment Science.
7)Botany Microbiology, Chemistry, Zoology, Environment Science.
8) ZoologyMicrobiology, Chemistry, Botany, Environment Science.
9)Environment Science Chemistry, Microbiology, Botany, Zoology.
10)Computer ScienceMathematics, Statistics, Electronics

Open Elective (OE): Basket

Sr.NoDepartmentSemesterCourse CodeCourse Title
1)ElectronicsIELE-116-OEBasic Electronics-I मूलभूत इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स भाग १
IIELE-117-OEElectronics Practical-I इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स प्रात्यक्षिक भाग १
2)BotanyIBOT-116-OEHorticulture [फलोत्पादन]
IIBOT-117-OEFloriculture [फुलशेती]
3)StatisticsISTA-116-OECommercial Statistics व्यावसायीक संख्याशास्त्र
IISTA-117-OEIntroduction to MS-Excel and Statistical Computing सांख्यिकीय संगणन आणि मायक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेलचा परिचय
4)PhysicsIPHY-116-OEAstronomy-I [आकाशाशीजडलेनाते - भाग१]
IIPHY-117-OEAstronomy-I [आकाशाशीजडलेनाते - भाग१] Practical
5)MicrobiologyIMIB-116-OEMicroorganisms for Human Welfare मानवी कल्याणासाठी सूक्ष्मजीव
IIMIB-117-OEFood, Agricultural and Pharmaceutical अन्न, कृषी आणि औषधी सूक्ष्मजीवशास्त्र
6)Environmental ScienceIENV-116-OEDisaster and their Management आपत्ती आणि त्यांचे व्यवस्थापन
IIENV-117-OEEnvironmental Management and Safety पर्यावरण व्यवस्थापन आणि सुरक्षा
7)ZoologyIZOO-116-OEFresh Water Fishery गोड्या पाण्यातील मत्स्यशेती
IIZOO-117-OEFresh Water Fishery (Practical) गोड्या पाण्यातील मत्स्यशेती (प्रात्यक्षिक)
8)ChemistryICHE-116-OESoil and Water analysis माती आणि पाणी परिक्षण
IICHE-117-OEPracticals in soil and water analysis माती आणि पाणी परिक्षण प्रात्यक्षिके
9)Mathematics IMAT-116-OEBasic Mathematics I मुलभूत गणित भाग १
IIMAT-117-OEApplied Mathematics I व्यवहारिक गणित भाग १
Computer Science ICOS-116-OEInternet Awareness इंटरनेट ची ओळख (थेअरी)
IICOS-117-OEIntroduction to MS-Office MS Office चा परिचय. (प्रॅक्टिकल)
Course Structure for S.Y.B.Sc. (NEP 1.0) (2023 Pattern)

Total Papers : Theory 15 + Practical 8 = Total 23 ´ 2 Credits = 46 Credits

Eligibility : F.Y.B.Sc. pass/pass with A.T.K.T. at least 50% of total credits of F.Y.B.Sc

SEMCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse NameTheory / PracticalCredits
IIIMajor Mandatory 201-MJM-Theory2
Major Mandatory -202-MJM-Theory2
Major Mandatory-203-MJM-Theory2
Major Mandatory-204-MJM-Practical2
Open Elective (OE)-216-OETo be selected from the BasketTheory2
Vocational Skill Course (VSC)-221-VSCTheory2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)MAR-231-AECभाषिक उपयोजन व लेखन कौशल्येTheory2
HIN-231-AECहिंदी भाषा कौशलTheory2
SAN-231-AECप्राथमिक संभाषणकौशल्यम् Theory2
Field Project (FP)-235-FPProjectPractical2
Co-curricular Course (CC)YOG/PES/CUL/NSS/NCC-139-CCTo be selected from the Basket Theory2
Generic IKS Course (IKS)GEN-245-IKSIndian Knowledge System (Generic)Theory2
Total Credits Semester-II24
IVMajor Mandatory-251-MJMTheory2
Major Mandatory-252-MJMTheory 2
Major Mandatory -253-MJMTheory2
Major Mandatory -254-MJMPractical 2
Minor -261-MN Theory2
Open Elective (OE)-266-OETo be selected from the Basket Practical2
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-276-SECPractical2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)MAR-281-AECलेखन निर्मिती व परीक्षण कौशल्येTheory2
HIN-281-AECहिंदी भाषा: संप्रेषण कौशल
SAN-281-AECप्रगत संभाषणकौशल्यम्
Community Engagement Project (CEP)-285-CEPCommunity Engagement ProjectPractical2
Co-curricular Course (CC)YOG/PES/CUL/NSS/NCC-289-CCTo be selected from the BasketTheory2
Total Credits Semester-IV22
Cumulative Credits Semester III + Semester IV46

Course Structure : NEP (2.0) 2024 Pattern


Total Papers : Theory 13 + Practical 9 = Total 22 x 2 Credits = 44 Credits

Eligibility : 12th Science Pass OR Similar Examination Pass

Note: Select any one group from the following groups.

Group A Group BGroup C
Physics ChemistryMathematics PhysicsStatisticsMathematicsPhysicsStatisticsElectronics
Group D Group E Group F
Physics MathematicsElectronicsStatistics ChemistryMathematicsChemistry StatisticsPhysics
Group GGroup HGroup I
StatisticsMathematics ElectronicsPhysics ChemistryElectronicsChemistry Botany Zoology
Group J Group KGroup L
Botany Zoology Microbiology Chemistry Zoology Microbiology Botany Microbiology Env. Science
SEMCourse TypeCourse CodeCourse NameTheory / PracticalCredits
IDSC-I (General)-101-GEN-T2
DSC-II (General) -101-GENT2
DSC-III (General)-101-GENT2
Open Elective (OE)-103-OETo be selected from the OE BasketT2
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-104-SECTo be selected from the SEC BasketP2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)ENG-104-AECT2
Value Education Course (VEC)ENV-105-VECTo be selected from the Basket T2
Generic Indian Knowledge System (GIKS)GEN-106-IKST2
Total Credits Semester- I22
IIDSC-I (General)-151-GENT2
DSC-II (General)-151-GENT2
DSC-III (General)-151-GENT2
Open Elective (OE)-153-OETo be selected from the OE BasketP2
Skill Enhancement Course (SEC)-154-SECTo be selected from the SEC BasketP2
Ability Enhancement Course (AEC)ENG-154-AECT2
Value Education Course (VEC)COS-155-VECT2
Co-curricular Course (CC)YOG/PES/CUL/NSS/NCC-156-CCTo be selected from the CC BasketT2
Total Credits Semester-II22
Cumulative Credits Semester I + Semester II44

Open Elective (OE): Basket

Sr.NoDepartmentSemesterCourse CodeCourse Title
1)ElectronicsIELE-103-OE Principles of Electronics Devices
IIELE-153-OE Electronics Practical
3)StatisticsISTA-103-OECommercial Statistics
IISTA-153-OEIntroduction to MS-Excel & Statistical Computing
4)PhysicsIPHY-103-OEIndian Astronomy – I
IIPHY-153-OEIndian Astronomy – II
5)MicrobiologyIMIB-103-OEThe Microbial World
IIMIB-153-OEBasic Microbiological Practices
6)Environmental ScienceIENV-103-OEDisasters & their Management
IIENV-153-OEEnvironmental Management & Safety
7)ZoologyIZOO-103-OEFresh Water Fishery (T) गोड्या पाण्यातील मत्स्यशेती (थेअरी)
IIZOO-153-OEFresh Water Fishery (P) गोड्या पाण्यातील मत्स्यशेती (प्रात्यक्षिक)
8)ChemistryICHE-103-OEChemistry of Soil & Water
IICHE-153-OEChemical Analysis of Soil & Water
9)Mathematics IMAT-103-OE Basic Mathematics
IIMAT-153-OE Applied Mathematics
Computer Science ICOS-103-OEInternet Awareness
IICOS-153-OEIntroduction to MS-Office

Skill Enhancement Course (SEC): Basket

1)PhysicsIPHY-104-SECApplications of Internet of Things – I
IIPHY-154-SECApplications of Internet of Things – II
2)ChemistryICHE-104-SECChemistry Laboratory
IICHE-154-SECChemistry Laboratory Instrumental Techniques
3)Computer ScienceICOS-104-SECDBMS Using PostgreSQL
4)BotanyIBOT-104-SECFruit Processing Industries
IIBOT-154-SECMushroom Cultivation
5)Environmental Science IENV-104-SECIntroduction to lab instruments
IIENV-154-SECSustainable Agricultural Practices
6)ZoologyIZOO-104-SECMedical Laboratory Technology - I
IIZOO-154-SECMedical Laboratory Technology - II
7)MathematicsIMAT-104-SEC Scilab Software
IIMAT-154-SECMaxima Software
8)MicrobiologyIMIB-104-SECSkill in Microbiology – I
IIMIB-154-SECSkill in Microbiology – II
9)StatisticsISTA-104-SECStatistical Computing using MS-Excel
IISTA-154-SECApplication of Statistics Using Advanced Excel
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