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शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२५-२६ साठी महा-बी. बीबीए/बीसीए सीईटी ऑनलाईन अर्ज सादर करण्यास अंतिम मुदतवाढ देण्यात येत आहे
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पदवी (UG ) व डी. टी. एल. या अभ्यासक्रमातील सर्व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी मार्च / एप्रिल – २०२५ ऑनलाईन परीक्षा अर्ज भरणेबाबत
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प्राध्यापक व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी महत्वाची सूचना – अमेरिकन लायब्ररी चे सभासद होण्याची सुवर्णसंधी

faculty of Science

About Science Faculty

Course Structure





Physics : Department Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kalange, Vice Principal, Professor and HOD , Dept. of Physics

The Department of Physics was established with the college in 1962. The Department offers M.Sc. Physics courses from August 1993. Presently, the Department is also a recognized research Centre affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune from 2017 and provides opportunity to eligible students to do Ph. D. in Physics. The department has 4 Ph.D. guides. Area of specialization Material Science, Thin films, Biomedical Instrumentation, Energy Storage, Photo catalysis, Water splitting, Gas Sensing, Photovoltaic etc. Department  is supported by prestigious schemes such as DST-FIST, RUSA, and DBT-STAR College Scheme.

Vision: To establish a platform for the dissemination and creation of knowledge through teaching and research in Physics at various levels. To help and create a scientific society which encourages logical thinking. Mission: The Department of Physics defines its mission in the context of academic excellence, scientific rigor and scientific integrity. Our primary responsibility is to prepare undergraduate, postgraduateandresearch students for careers in physics and technical fields. Department of Physics makes student learning its central focus and promotes faculty and staff learning in its various forms. As Physics is a bridge between technology and society, the Department is committed to bring an understanding of physics and science to the society at large.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  • Highly Qualified Faculty
  • Well-equipped laboratories
  • Advanced Materials & Electrochemical Laboratories
  • Departmental Library
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. (Dr.) Ashok KalangeVice Principal,
Professor & HOD
M.Sc. Physics, Ph.D.34View Profile
2.Dr. Rajendra KaleAssociate ProfessorM.Sc. Physics, Ph.D.19View Profile
3.Dr. Ramchandra SakpalAssociate ProfessorM.Sc. Physics, M.Phil, Ph.D.19View Profile
4.Dr. Sachin KulkarniAssistance ProfessorM.Sc. Physics, PhD., Post Doc09View Profile
5.Mr. Sandip KakadeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physics NET SET GATE PET, Ph.D. (Regi.)12View Profile
6.Dr. Vijay MohiteAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physics, Ph.D.07View Profile
7.Ms. Shubhangi BhosaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physics12View Profile
8.Mr. Sopan ThoratAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physics,M.Phi., SET, Ph.D. (Regi.)05View Profile
9.Mr. Prakash Lalge Assistant ProfessorM.Sc SET01View Profile
10.Miss. Aishwarya Pawar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc., Physics06 MonthsView Profile
Visiting Professor
1.Dr. Bhishma KarkiVisiting ProfessorM.Sc. Physics, PhD., Post Doc.08View Profile
  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
  3. Ph.D. Research etc.
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.Undergraduate (B.Sc.)1962-6303
2.Postgraduate (M.Sc.)1993-9402
3.Ph.D. (Research)2017-18-
  1. Renewable Energy Certificate Course
  2. Advanced Techniques in Physics Certificate Course
  • Electron Beam evaporation/PVD System
  • Electrochemical Workstation
  • Spray Pyrolysis System
  • Gas Sensing Unit
  • Spin Coating Unit
  • Programmable SILAR Deposition System
  • Hydrothermal Autoclave Reactor
  • Photo Catalytic Reactor
  • Astronomical Telescope (6”)
  • Density Functional Theory (DFT) facility for research
  • Advanced Computer Laboratory
  • Lab VIEW software
  • Materials synthesis/deposition facilities
  • Double Distillation Water Plant
  • Research Centre Details : 
    • Research Centre establishment: 2017-18
    • Area of specialization: Material Science, Biomedical Instrumentation, Energy Storage, Photo catalysis, Water splitting, Gas Sensing
  • Guideship details:Ph.D. Guides 04, enrolled PhD student=16
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Prof. (Dr.) Ashok KalangeBiomedical Instrumentation, Material Science6
2Dr. Rajendra KaleMaterial Science4
3Dr. Ramchandra SakpalMaterial Science4
4Dr. R. V. DeokateMaterial Science2
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty: Major:01, Minor:04
Sr. NoName of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Prof. Dr. P. C. PingaleSynthesis and characterization of chromium doped zinc selenide thin films for photo sensor applicationBCUD2,00,0002 yrs2026-18Completed
2Prof. Dr. A. E. KalangeDesign and development of hand held embedded system for human pulse detectionBCUD2,00,0002 yrs2009-11Completed
3Dr. R. D. KaleMicrowave assisted rapid Synthesis of oxide nano powdersBCUD2,50,0002 yrs2009-11Completed
4Dr. R. T. SapkalSynthesis of large area ZnO thin films by spray pyrolysisBCUD2,10,0002 yrs2009-11Completed
Dr. R. T. SapkalTiO2-ZnO thin films for photo electrocatalytic purification of waterBCUD2,20.0002 yrs2014-16Completed
Dr. R. T. SapkalSemiconductor nano composite thin film for water purificationUGC2,70,0002 yrs2014-16Completed
5Dr. S. B. KulkarniTwo-Dimensional Transition Metal Sulphides@Co-Ni Layered Double-Hydroxide Composites as Highly Efficient Supercapacitor ElectrodesECRA Scheme SERB New Delhi35.87 Lakh3 yrs2017Completed
6Dr. M. K. KokareDesign, Development & testing of windmillBCUD2,50, 0002 yrs2009-11Completed
  • Patents: 08 (US/UK/Indian etc)
  • Research Publications: 159 (Nature/ACS/RSC/Elsevier/UGC-care etc)
  • Book/Book Chapters Publication: 41
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Prof. Dr. P.C. PingaleComputational Physics-based on C- Programming (Textbook)Nirali2004
Instrumentation (Textbook)Prashant2020
Silk Fibroin Advances in Applications and Research Editor: S. H. PawarNova Science, USA2023
2Prof. Dr. A. E. KalangeInstrumentation (Textbook)Prashant2020
Prof. Dr. A. E. KalangeEmbedded SystemAlpha IP2023
3Dr. R. D. KaleElements of Materials ScienceApex Publication2022
Silk Fibroin Advances in Applications and Research Editor: S H PawarNova Science, USA2023
E-Waste in India : Management, Challenges & Opportunities : Vol -IAuthorpress2021
E-Waste in India : Management, Challenges & Opportunities : Vol -IIAuthorpress2022
4Dr. R. T. SapkalSprayed Nanocomposite Thin Films for Water PurificationLambert Publication, Germany2014
Biosynthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles usingLambert Publication, Germany2016
Isolation and Identification of Aquatic ActinomycetesLambert Publication, Germany2017
Photo electrocatalytic purification of water by zinc oxide thin films concept and applicationsLambert Publication, Germany2017
5Dr. S. B. KulkarniSilk Fibroin Advances in Applications and Research Editor: S H PawarNova Science, USA2023
6Dr. V. S. MohiteSilk Fibroin Advances in Applications and Research Editor: S H PawarNova Science, USA2023
7Mr. S. B. KakadeInstrumentation (Textbook)Prashant2020
8Dr. S. J RajobaE-Waste in India : Management, Challenges & Opportunities : Vol -IAuthorpress2021
E-Waste in India : Management, Challenges & Opportunities : Vol -IIAuthorpress2022
  • Google Scholar Citations: 3321, i-10 index:57, h-index:14
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2023-2024 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-2023 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021-2022 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020-2021 – View
  • ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2019-2020 – View
Sr. No. Name of activity
1 International conference on recent trends in materials science synthesis, characterization, and applications (RTMS-2023)
2 International Conference on “Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience (ICANN 2017)
3 National Seminar on Physics and Technology of Sensors (NSPTS-2014)
4 Ph.D. coursework in Physics (2023-24)
5 Ph.D. coursework in Physics (2020-21)
6 Guest lectures on NET/SET exam
7 Workshop on “embedded system design and fabrication”
8 Online workshop on “Career opportunities in Blockchain forensic Science”
9 Workshop on “Solar Table Lamp Assembly”
10 Workshop on “Smart solar automation and tracking”
11 Hands on training workshop on “Solar Mobile charging”
12 “Hands on training on the fabrication of Telescope and Night Sky Observation”
13 Guest lecture on “FORENSIC SCIENCES”
14 Workshop on “NASA Artemis Space program”
15 International Young Scientists Meet for “Excellence in research with global cooperation”
16 Lecture series on Value Education and Physics lecture Series I
17 Lecture series on Value Education and Physics lecture Series II
18 National webinar on Functionalized Nano Materials & Their Applications (FNMA 2021)
19 National webinar on Advances in Synthesis Techniques & characterizations of Materials (2020)
  1. Perfect Electronics Wai Satara (03 years)
  2. Gaser Meta coat Chakan Pune (03 years)
  3. Raj Controls Baramati (03 years)
  4. IAPT (01 year)
  1. University Gold Medals: 03
  2. D. Completed (Abroad + inland):04
  3. NET/SET/GATE/PET qualified Students: 43
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Miss. Amruta Keshav InamdarM.Sc2005Procal Measuring and Control EquipmentBusiness development manager
2Mr. Prashant A KadamB.Sc2009ABP mazaAssociate Editor
3Mr. Bhishma A KarkiM.Sc2009National Research Council NepalExecutive Chairman
4Mr. Tushar Balu MoreM.Sc2010Department of Physics, VJTI, Mumbai.Assistant Professor
5Miss. Prajakta Parmeshwar ChandankarB.Sc2017Government of MaharashtraSale Tax Inspector
6Mr. Akshay Anil TawareB.Sc2017State MaharashtraState Excise Inspector
Sr. No. Name Position/Selection Institution/Organization Year
1 Dr. Suraj Madake Post Doctorate Fellow Konkuk University, South Korea 2024
2 Mr. Pratik Ashok Patil Ph.D. Student – Research Award Prof. C. D. Lokhande Endowment Charitable Trust 2024
3 Dr. Swapnil Nardekar Post Doctorate Fellow Jeju National University, South Korea 2022
4 Mr. Aditya Harishchandra Deokar Clinical Audiologist Apollo Hospital, Pune 2024
5 Dr. Suraj Khalate Post Doctorate Fellow Kyung Hee University, South Korea 2022
6 Miss Ravina Holkar Research Project Fellow C-MET Pune 2022
7 Miss Shubhangi Supekar Research Project Fellow C-MET Pune 2021
8 Miss Jyoti Dhawale Selected Water Resources Department, Govt. of Maharashtra 2024
9 Miss Prajakta Chandankar Deputy Education Officer MPSC 2023
10 Mr. Taware Akshay Anil State Excise Inspector MPSC 2022

Head, Department of Physics:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Physics:

IQAC Coordinator Dept. of Physics:

Web Coordinator Dept. of Physics:

Chemistry : Department Profile
Dr. Shrikrishna Salunke  HOD , Dept. of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry is established in1962, which offers bachelor (B.Sc.) in Chemistry as well as master degree (M.Sc.) in Inorganic, Organic and Analytical Chemistry. Department of Chemistry strives to strengthen its academics through teaching-learning, research and extension activities. It is an active centre for higher education and research that does always welcome platform for interaction with academic as well as research scholars, industrial and scientific enterprises.

As the oldest and largest department in the college, consists of about 240 UG and 210 PG students taken care by 19 faculty members and 08 support staff. This department has team of knowledgeable faculty members with expertise across different chemistry domains. Department has ICT embedded classrooms and five well equipped laboratories with facility of internet. We have all types of required chemicals, glassware, apparatus and enough number of sophisticated instruments required for regular experiments/ practical as well as for project, research work of student and faculty members. For environment sustainable management department has a facility of ETP which provides treatment for lab sewage. Department has been recognized as a research centre for Ph.D. program from SPPU in the year 2023. After an autonomous status in 2019-2020, the Board of Studies (BoS) members in chemistry involved in development of new curriculum / syllabus for UG and PG programs as well as different types of certificate courses.

Department has develop a unique mechanism for the placement of PG students through MoU/ collaborations with placement and training institutes. Most of the students secure placements in various fields of chemistry domain or admission to advance studies annually. Department provide a facility of project work for UG/PG students and on job training program for PG students. Every year conference, workshop, seminar, guest lectures, hands on training programs, skill development courses, certificate courses were smoothly organized for UG/PG students and faculty members.

As per motto of college and a social responsibility, our faculty members are involved in providing the financial assistance and educational material to needy students from last ten years.  Faculty members and alumni are regularly contributed the cash prizes to meritorious students and sports persons from department selected at Zonal/ University level.


To create a vibrant and collaborative intellectual hub where curiosity knows no bounds, fostering a community that drives transformative advancements in understanding and applying the principles of chemistry for the betterment of our nation.


To provide an immersive and dynamic learning environment that encourages relentless curiosity, critical thinking, and a passion for discovery. Enhance learnability and employability through innovative teaching methods and state-of-the-art facilities; empower students to become adept practitioners and leaders in the field of chemistry.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Well-Equipped Laboratories: State-of-the-art facilities for research and experiments in various chemistry branches.
  2. Highly Experienced Faculty: A team of knowledgeable faculty members with expertise across different chemistry domains.
  3. Up-to-Date Curriculum: Comprehensive curriculum covering fundame
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio Data
1Dr. Shrikrishna SalunkeAssociate Professor & HODM.Sc SET Ph.D30View Profile
2Mr. Bhimrao ToraneAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET24View Profile
3Mr. Maharudra DudheAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.30View Profile
4Mr. Ravikiranamrut GandhiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.25View Profile
5Dr. Vaibhav LandgeAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., SET, Ph.D19View Profile
6Dr. Yogesh IndulkarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D10View Profile
7Dr. Rahul BhondaweAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D, SET10View Profile
8Mrs. Supriya DeokateAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.6View Profile
9Mrs. Jyoti WaghmodeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.3View Profile
10Miss. Geetanjali BhunjeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.8View Profile
11Miss. Reshma GadadareAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET8View Profile
12Miss. Swati DeokateAssistant ProfessorMSc.(Organic Chemistry), SET5View Profile
13Miss. Gayatri PiraleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Ed6View Profile
14Miss. Anjali BhongAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.2View Profile
15Mr. Harshad SalunkheAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.1View Profile
16Miss. Navale SakshiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physical Chemistry--View Profile
17Mrs. Kalpana SurnavarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Physical Chemistry08View Profile
18Dr. Deepali Pakhare Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. Organic chemistry04View Profile
19Miss. Pratiksha Tak Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. Organic Chemistry--View Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration Years
1.B.Sc. Chemistry19623/4 Years
2.M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry19932/1 Years
3.M.Sc.Organic Chemistry20082/1 Years
4.M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry20092/1 Years
5.Ph.D. Chemistry20233-5 Years
  1. Soil and Water Analysis for S.Y. B. Sc. Chemistry
  2. Titrimetric Analysis for S.Y. B. Sc. Chemistry
  3. Instrumental methods for chemical analysis for M. Sc.-II
  4. On Job Training for P.G. Chemistry
  1. Well-Equipped Laboratories with sophisticated instruments
  2. Availability of hands on Training with standard operating procedure on analytical Instruments
  3. Certificate courses on Soil, Water, Milk and Heavy metal analysis in Laboratory and industrial samples
  4. Consultancy and haring services for FTIR, UV-VIS spectrophotometer.
  5. Project work is mandatory for UG and PG students at their final year.
  6. Financial Support for educational purpose is available to needy from department faculty members from last 10 years.
  7. Opportunity for placement of UG and PG students through MoU / collaborations with Pharmaceutical research institutes, placement consultants and training institutes.
  8. Availability of internet facility.
  9. ICT Based Classroom and Laboratories.
  • Research Centre details :
Name of Research CentreAnekant Education Society Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati
Area of specializationChemistry
Total Guide02
Total PhD Award Students00
Total Working Students02
  • Guideship details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Dr. Yogesh IndulkarChemistry2
2Dr. Rahul BhondweChemistry0
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherFunding AgencyTitle of ProjectAmount (Rs.)DurationStatus
1Dr. Yogesh Nana IndulkarASPIRE SPPU, PuneStudies on Physico-chemical Properties of Unrefined/Raw Edible Oils2.50 Lakh2024-2026 (Two Year)Ongoing
2Dr. Salunke Shrikrishna T.

Mrs. Gadadare Reshma T.
T.C. College
Synthesis, Characterization of Mxenes and its application in water purification1.15 Lakh2023-2024
(One Year)
3Dr. Yogesh Nana Indulkar

Mrs. Pirale Gayatri D.
T.C. College
Green Synthesis of metal complexes and study their antioxidant activity1.05 Lakh2023-2024
(One Year)
4Dr. Landage Vaibhav P.
Mr. Harshad J. Salunkhe
T.C. College
Fruit juice-HCl catalyzed synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidone by green method1.05 Lakh2023-2024
(One Year)
5Dr. Salunke Shrikrishna T.
Dr. Rahul S. Bhondwe
BCUD, SPPU, PuneGreen chemistry approach towards the synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds.2.0
(Two Year)
6Mr. Landage Vaibhav P.UGC, New DelhiSome transition metals catalyzed synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidone via Biginelli reaction0.75 Lakh2013-2015
(Two Year)
7Prof. H.M. WaddeUGC New DelhiNi-Nanoparticals-A Green Synthesis Various Bioactive Heterocyclic Compounds1.10 Lakh2013-15
(Two Year)
8Dr. Salunke Shrikrishna ThansingUGC, New DelhiSynthesis and characterization of Aryl-14H Dibenzo Xanthenes under solvent-free conditions.1.50 Lakh2012-2014
(Two Year)
9Dr. Salunke Shrikrishna ThansingBCUD, SPPU, PuneSynthesis characterization and biological activity of Schiff bases.1.50 Lakh2012-2014
(Two Year)
10Prof. Dr. S.R. KaleBCUD, SPPU, PuneStudies on Qualitative and Qualitative Physicochemical Analysis of Water in Baramati and Nearby area.1.40 Lakh2012-2014
(Two Years)
11Prof. Dr. S.R. KaleUGC, New DelhiUGC Sponsored COP on ‛Chemical Analysis of Soil, Water, Milk Products’7.50 Lakh2008-2013
(Five Years)
  • Book Chapter Publication :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName of ChapterName and Place PublisherYear
1Dr. Rahul BhondweSynergies in defence exploring the interplay of science technology arts and commerceThe Role of Chemistry in defenceBharti Publication , New Delhi2023

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2024-2025 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR – 2019-2020 : View



  • Regular Departmental IQAC Meetings
  • Celebration of College Foundation Day
  • Update of Stock registers and instrument maintenance
  • A bridge course for F. Y. B. Sc. and M.Sc. I students
  • Remedial couching to weak learners
  • Special coaching to advance learners
  • Lecture of renowned industry person
  • Lecture of famous chemistry scientist
  • Certificate Courses
  • On job training program
  • Study tours for UG and PG students
  • Various activities under IQAC youth festival
  • Various Workshops/Seminars/Guest Lectures/Training Programs
  • Celebration of National Science Day
  • Alumni Meet
  1. MoU with Insta vision Satara (17/08/22)
  2. Collaboration with Atal Incubation Centre at Agriculture Development Trust Baramati (AIC-ADT) (18/10/22)
  3. Collaboration Shardabai Pawar Institute of Pharmaceutical sciences and research centre, Baramati (24/12/22)
Academic Year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Placement 70 67 51 32 39
Progression 57 56 41 54 58
SET/NET 01 03 02 02 01

Students Achievements Year 2023-24

Sr. No. Name of Students Name of Placed Institute/Industry/Any Other Job Class Contact No.
1 Gaikwad Vishal Ashok Aegis Protection Pvt. Ltd., Kondhwa, Pune as Trainee Technician M.Sc. 7820897361
2 Pote Rajdeep Yuvraj Clean Science and Technology Limited as “Suitable Post in Production Department” M.Sc. 8623830163
3 Thombare Karan Somnath Clean Science and Technology Limited as “Suitable Post in Production Department” M.Sc. 9511758317
4 Narute Vijay Dnyandev Clean Science Pvt. Ltd., Kurkumbh M.Sc. 7218018571
5 Digge Samruddhi Gururaj Balvikas Mandir, Jr. College, Baramati M.Sc. 9096413898
6 Mandhare Omkar Balasaheb Clean Science Pvt. Ltd., Kurkumbh M.Sc. 7758039757
7 Magdum Darshan Dhananjay Respipure Pharma Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9130256182
8 Chougule Dhiraj Dadaso Nest Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9156221008
9 Talekar Prathamesh Anil Emcure Pharmaceutical, Hinjewadi M.Sc. 7387811776
10 Nevase Rushikesh Somnath Sakar Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9307203055
11 Tate Pranali Prabhakar Self-employment/Business M.Sc. 7066530668
12 Chavan Ketaki Vishal Self-employment/Business M.Sc. 8767911729
13 Kharat Suhasini Yuvraj Fusion Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad M.Sc. 7822075945
14 Bankar Pratiksha Rajendra Mayas Fragrance Specialities, MIDC, Baramati M.Sc. 8999472694
15 Mind Pankaj C. Demech Chemical Products Pvt. Ltd., MIDC, Bhosari, Pune M.Sc. 9421962970
16 Shirsat Shraddha Maruti Sci-Edge Abstracts, Erandawane, Pune M.Sc. 9307532454
17 Suravase Chetan Balasaheb Mayas Fragrance Specialities, MIDC, Baramati M.Sc. 7620728472
18 Ghule Sushant Damodar Own Business M.Sc. 9373966485
19 Deokar Sanket Trimbak Precise Biopharma Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9730828432
20 Patane Pratiksha Appaso Manshya Marketing, Wakad M.Sc. 7028818171
21 Gaikwad Vishal Shamrao Sohan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 7219017650

Students Achievements Year 2022-23

Sr. No. Name of Students Name of Placed Institute/Industry/Any Other Job Class Contact No.
1 Kapare Ranjit Ravindra Maithri Drugs Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad MSc 9823354316
2 Gandhi Parin Bahubali S.K. College, Deur, MH MSc 8669133112
3 Ballal Dhananjay Dattatray Hetero Drugs, Hyderabad MSc 8308347104
4 Ligade Rahul Balaso Maithri Drugs Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad MSc 7028127188
5 Awale Ritesh Navnath Maithri Drugs Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad MSc 7620898900
6 Zinjurate Kiran Prakash Corporate Compliance Services, Hyderabad MSc 7972983599
7 Jagtap Koustubh Amol Capovitez, Baramati MSc 7447648089
8 Pawar Purushottam Tanaji MSN Pharma, Hyderabad MSc 7350936873
9 Sonawane Sampada Prasad Cipla Ltd, Mumbai MSc 9730287359
10 Sangawar Pranali Sunil Sohan Healthcare Pvt. Ltd MSc 9594844282
11 Metakari Akanksha Dnyandeo Ransing College, Kalamb MSc 9359006802
12 Mandhare Aakash Anil MSN Pharma M.Sc. 9130233916
13 Phadatare Kuldip Shivaji Emcure Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 8482941025
14 Chougule Akshay Paygounda BEC Chemicals M.Sc. 7420008872
15 Patil Abhinandan Nemgonda Calyx Chemicals & Pharmaceutical M.Sc. 7066577188
16 Jagtap Aniket Balaso Supriya Life Science Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9579676783
17 Markad Akshay Mahadev Cipla, Mumbai M.Sc. 7558577260
18 Kshirsagar Suraj Sunil Inducare Pharmaceutical & Research Foundation, Baramati M.Sc. 8796287783
19 Sirsat Tejasvi Bhanudas Real Dairy Industries, Baramati M.Sc. 7796686166
20 Pore Sagar Pandurang Sterling Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9322274858
21 Mulik Shraddha Somnath Laksh Academy Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 7218381120
22 Gadadare Rohit Shamrao Encore Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 9637613795

Students Achievements Year 2021-22

Sr. No. Name of Students Name of Placed Institute/Industry/Any Other Job Class Contact No.
1 Yadav Nitin Somnath Neon Laboratories Limited M.Sc. 7083686149
2 Khalate Rohit Vishwas Fresenius Kabi India Pvt. Ltd. M.Sc. 7038291729
3 Jagtap Pratiksha Mininath Talentpro India Pvt. Ltd M.Sc. 9307892707
4 Shedage Sonali Arun Lupin Limited (Biotechnology Division), Tal-Mushi, Pune-412115 M.Sc. 9923369570
5 Ghorpade Rushikesh Satish Neon Laboratories Limited – QA M.Sc. 9172167874
6 Kale Pravin Fumaras QUESS Corp Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7083569209
7 Ware Prajwal Hindurao South Indian Bank M.Sc. 7028098299
8 Mr. Ranaware Uddesh Suresh ANUH Pharma Limited R & D Division M.Sc. 72639 39620
9 Mr. Karche Lalaso Rajendra Badrivishal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals R & D Division M.Sc. 73784 68342
10 Mr. Barge Prasanna Rajendra MSN Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd M.Sc. 90492 83623
11 Ms. Bhoite Pallavi Sharad SET-NET M.Sc. 95277 17876
12 Miss. Gole Akshata Dattatreya Y.C.I.S Satara M.Sc. 88068 17521
13 Lonkar Mrunalini Ganesh Lancesoft Hyderabad as “Operational Associate,” Client Slide Uber M.Sc. 9158932636
14 Dhame Harshad Chandrakant Own Business – Krushi Seva Kendra M.Sc. 7758839358
15 Tamhane Omkar Suresh Sudarshan Chemicals as “Executive – Application Development Lab” M.Sc. 9623993874
16 Jagdale Swapnil Vikas Amazon Development Centre (India) Private Limited M.Sc. 9130281528
17 Bhosale Kanyaka Dhananjay Job at Lonand Pathsantha M.Sc. 9373063433
18 More Sunil Krushna Own Business – Shrinath Fertilizer, Baramati M.Sc. 9850523553

Students Achievements Year 2020-21

Sr. No. Name of Outgoing Students Name of Placed Institute/Industry/Job Class Contact No.
1 Bankar Suraj Sanjay Samata Nagari Sahakari Path Sanstha Ltd, Nira M.Sc. 7218132721
2 Bhoite Pragati Sanjay Flamingo Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Taloja, Mumbai M.Sc. 9503802510
3 Dere Rushikesh Kantilal Baramati Agro, Baramati, Pune M.Sc. 7057570417
4 Dharashivkar Swarali Nitin Vimta Lab Ltd, Hyderabad M.Sc. 7276163125
5 Gadekar Monika Jalindar Raptim Research Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 7057965769
6 Kavale Akash Sharad Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7057828416
7 Kore Rushikesh Rajkumar Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore M.Sc. 9022800803
8 Mulik Poonam Yuvraj Shreechem Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 8378938137
9 Navale Karuna Kishor Pharmaffiliates Analytics & Synthetics P Ltd, Haryana M.Sc. 7057463811
10 Rupnawar Pooja Ganpat Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune M.Sc. 9763138749
11 Solankar Sangram Rajkumar Indus Biotech Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7745895457
12 Takale Nikhil Ajit Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 9922821189
13 Wable Pooja Sunil Jubilant Biosys Ltd, Greater Noida M.Sc. 8530028042
14 Waghmode Ashvini Ramchandra S.M. Shankarrao Mohite-Patil Mahavidyalaya, Natepute, Solapur M.Sc. 9766480828
15 Waghmode Sagar Dnyandev Raptim Research Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 9766060051
16 Pise Lakhan Baban Quick Management Services, Pune M.Sc. 9637812007
17 Bankar Suraj Sanjay Samata Nagari Sahakari Path Sanstha Ltd, Nira M.Sc. 7218132721
18 Bhoite Pragati Sanjay Flamingo Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Taloja, Mumbai M.Sc. 9503802510
19 Dere Rushikesh Kantilal Baramati Agro, Baramati, Pune M.Sc. 7057570417
20 Dharashivkar Swarali Nitin Vimta Lab Ltd, Hyderabad M.Sc. 7276163125
21 Gadekar Monika Jalindar Raptim Research Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 7057965769
22 Kavale Akash Sharad Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7057828416
23 Kore Rushikesh Rajkumar Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore M.Sc. 9022800803
24 Mulik Poonam Yuvraj Shreechem Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 8378938137
25 Navale Karuna Kishor Pharmaffiliates Analytics & Synthetics P Ltd, Haryana M.Sc. 7057463811
26 Rupnawar Pooja Ganpat Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune M.Sc. 9763138749
27 Solankar Sangram Rajkumar Indus Biotech Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7745895457
28 Takale Nikhil Ajit Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 9922821189
29 Thombare Supriya Pandharinath Business-Construction 3D Design, Home Classes M.Sc. 8329898019
30 Wable Pooja Sunil Jubilant Biosys Ltd, Greater Noida M.Sc. 8530028042
31 Waghmode Ashvini Ramchandra S.M. Shankarrao Mohite-Patil Mahavidyalaya, Natepute, Solapur M.Sc. 9766480828
32 Waghmode Sagar Dnyandev Raptim Research Pvt Ltd, Mumbai M.Sc. 9766060051
33 Jadhav Archana Dnyandev Business-Resin Artist M.Sc. 8975409856
34 Pise Lakhan Baban Quick Management Services, Pune M.Sc. 9637812007
35 Taware Sadhana Gorakh Business-Farming M.Sc. 9021102169
36 Godase Akshay Vishnu Raptin Research, Mumbai M.Sc. 7774954669
37 Kognole Pravin Balaso Zydus, Mumbai M.Sc. 7507351944
38 Nimabalkar Shivaji Vasantrao Diary, Baramati M.Sc. 9689400694

Students Achievements Year 2019-20

Sr. No. Name of Outgoing Students Name of Placed Institute/Industry/Job Class Contact No.
1 Lonkar Sarika Haribhau Vidya Pratishthan’s Supe Arts, Science And Commerce College M.Sc. 7776979645
2 Mohite Ashvini Sharad Vidya Pratishthan’s Supe Arts, Science And Commerce College M.Sc. 9881069651
3 Taware Prashant Nanaso Clean Science & Technology Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 7083437597
4 Pawar Jyoti Vilas Biz2credit Info Services Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 8108418098
5 Shaikh Farhin Hamid T. C. College, Baramati M.Sc. 8625971605
6 Tonpe Madhurani Navanath Mayas Creator & Manufacture of Fragrance, Baramati M.Sc. 8308641655
7 Mulani Sohel Chandsahab Eurofins Advinus Discovery Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore M.Sc. 9665266054
8 Suryawanshi Haridas Rajendra Aurigene Pharmaceuticals Services Ltd, Hyderabad M.Sc. 7219163588
9 Karande Avinash Tanaji Aragen Life Sciences Ltd, Hyderabad M.Sc. 7028568331
10 Patil Aniket Anil Saurav Chemicals Ltd, Hyderabad M.Sc. 7038848202
11 Shivankar Onkar Dattatray John Distilleries Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru M.Sc. 9503660996
12 Bhoite Aakanksha Rajendra Shivaji Eng. Med. School & Jr. College, Saswad M.Sc. 7796020111
13 Biskite Priya Pandurang Molars Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pune M.Sc. 9309881168
14 Chavan Dipali Sanjay Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai M.Sc. 8975998651
15 Dhole Rohini Machhindra The Defence Walla, Pune M.Sc. 9763701590
16 Ms. Kamble Reshma A. Jack & Jill English Medium School 7378682548 M.Sc. 9763069237
17 Ms. Gosavi Prajakta P. Miraj Mahavidyalay – Teacher 0233-2211919 M.Sc. 9665123318
18 Mr. Taware Sagar L. Cipla Pharmaceutical, Kurkumbh 02224826000 M.Sc. 8379835766
19 Ms. Chaudhari Dipali D. Padmashri Manibhai Desai Mahavidyalaya, Urali Kanchan 08668771543 M.Sc. 7038749235
20 Ms. Vanave Monal D. Aspire Technologies Pvt. Ltd 9595775123 M.Sc. 8600539158
21 Ms. Lonkar Sandhya S. J.J. Magdum College, Jaysingpur – Teacher 02322221123 M.Sc. 8975967546
22 Ms. Sonawane Anuradha Sprivil Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. 02162240146 M.Sc. 7028527883
23 Ms. Shinde Megha J. Academy – Teacher M.Sc. 7350891638
24 Ms. Shinde Shwetambari R., Mumbai 7139639444 M.Sc. 7350184525
25 Mr. Adsul Akshay K. Vashishtha Pharma, Hyderabad 09010877277 M.Sc. 8698290631
26 Upadhye Sourabh Uday Micro Lab, Hyderabad 8022370451 M.Sc. 8411074002
27 Markad Akshay Mahadev Cipla T.Y.B.Sc 7558577260
28 Gadhave Gouri Ashok Reliance Digital T.Y.B.Sc 7744819655
29 Jadhav Somnath Balu Analyses Pune T.Y.B.Sc 9096986744
30 Tamboli Musaib Munir Mobile App Developer T.Y.B.Sc 9970371272
31 Sawane Siddharth Sanjay Jr. Research Analyst T.Y.B.Sc 7755975440
32 Ransing Shivraj Jayvantrao Clerk, Axis Bank T.Y.B.Sc 9096507282
33 Khalate Rohit Vishwas Technical Expert – Quality Control T.Y.B.Sc 7038291729
34 Ransing Sumedha Ramrao Assistant Professor T.Y.B.Sc 9422418766
35 Jambhale Vishal Manohar Randstad T.Y.B.Sc 9975810321
36 Kashid Nikhil Anil Hegde & Hegde Pharmaceutical LLP T.Y.B.Sc 9767413109



Sr. No. Full Name Degree taken from TC College Year of Passing Currently Working Organization Name Current Designation Mob. No.
1 Dr. Trupti Kotbagi M.Sc. 2005-2006 BASF-ECMS, U.S.A. Senior Manager 12055359822
2 Dr. Hanumant Gurav M.Sc. 2005-2006 Reliance Industries Ltd, Baroda, Gujarat Lead Scientist 8320796173
3 Mr. Amar Adhav M.Sc. 2018-2019 GST Department, Gov. of Maharashtra STI 7020896431
4 Dr. Sandip Patil M.Sc. 2003-2004 IPCA Lab, Hyderabad Dy General Manager 7972708394
5 Mr. Nitin Gawade M.Sc. 2004-2005 Indigo Remedies, Mumbai General Manager 7506725915
6 Ms. Kalyani Jawale M.Sc. 2015-2016 Police, Government of Maharashtra PSI, Andheri, Mumbai 9881062009
7 Mr. Dadaso Kare B.Sc. 2001-2002 DS Agrotech, Baramati Owner and Director 9850846823
8 Ms. Snehal Patil M.Sc. 1997-1998 Government of Maharashtra Additional Collector, Pune 8805244989
9 Ms. Varsha Gholave M.Sc. 2011-2012 Government of Maharashtra Protection Officer 8668268970
10 Dr. Sudesh Manjare M.Sc. 2003-2004 Department of Chemistry, University of Mumbai Asst. Professor 9890224092
11 Dr. Vishwas Uttam Pawar B.Sc. 2004-2005 PI Industries, Udaipur Team Leader, Process Innovation 9420931239
12 Mr. Atul Ankush Ghadage B.Sc. 2009-2010 Atul Pharma, Cidon Pharma Pvt Ltd. Owner 9096676744
13 Dr. Javed Sardar Patel B.Sc. 2007-2008 Emcure Pharma Ltd. Principal Scientist 9160778870
14 Mr. Ganesh Gorakh Sawane M.Sc. 2015-2016 Ganesh Paramedical Institute, Baramati Founder 7038710808
15 Vishal Rajendra Mahamuni M.Sc. 2010-2011 ADL Department Manager 9960320662
16 Ranjit Narayan Sawant B.Sc. 1990-1991 Police, Government of Maharashtra Dy SP 8108611500

Head, Department of Chemistry:

PG Incharge Department of Chemistry:

IQAC Co-ordinator Department of Chemistry:

Social media Co-ordinator Department of Chemistry:

Botany : Department Profile
Prof. (Dr.) Bhagawan Mali, Professor and HOD , Dept. of Botany

The department of Botany established in June 1962, with commencement of the college. The undergraduate programme in botany was started in June 1981 and the Post-graduate degree programme was commenced in June 1992 which was letter enriched by adding specialization in Plant Physiology, Mycology, Bryology and Taxonomy. Moreover, the recognisation for Ph.D. research in August, 2007 from Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune.

Till the year 2023 the total 12 research students have been awarded Ph.D. degree and currently 64 scholars have been working for their doctoral research under 14 recognized supervisors. The teachers have been received 17 research projects from state and national funding agencies like DST, BCUD, and Mangrove Foundation, which is in total 69,31,000 rupees and all these projects successfully completed. The department organized a National conference in 2012 and International conference in 2016.

The following best practices such as Nursery Management Course, Plant of the week Activity, Maintenance of Herbaria, Organization of Workshops, Conferences, Webinars, Summer Training Programme, Value Based Practices : Welcome, Sendoff, Celebrating  Occasions by offering Books and Involvement of Students in Research Activities are conducted in the department, keeping in mind an overall development of student. One patent and more than 100 research papers have been published in UGC care listed journals, Scopus and Impact having renowned journals. More than 50 national and international conferences attended by faculty. However, faculties have been playing important role in framing syllabi at the university and college levels as well as contributing as an author to text books and written reference books. Kavivarya Moropant Botanical Garden having more than 1000 type of flowering, non flowering plants which are distributed in the various groups such as Medicinal, cacti, Halophytes, Cactus Plants, Hydrophytes, Butterfly garden plants, Oxygen park plants, Fernery and Bonsai under maintains of the department. For consultancy the department started Surbhi Nursery in 26 January 2022 which sells the sapling of plants, bouquets, bonsai, hanging basket and medicinal plants.


VISION: To be distinguished a famous academic department recognized for its research, innovation and excellence; generating the best human resources in the era of a plant sciences and help them to release their scientific knowledge in ways that the welfare of society.

MISSION: To impart the fundamental Knowledge of Plant life through practical and innovative research, thereby creating positive attitude in student, their society and country.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Academic Programs: offers undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs in Botany and Agricultural science, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of plant s
  2. Faculty and Research Expertise: Eexperienced faculty with diverse expertise in various subfields of Botany, such as Plant physiology, Ecology, Taxonomy, Genetics, Mycology, Bryology, Pharmacognosy and Organic Farming.
  3. Research Facilities: Provides well-equipped laboratories and facilities for conducting research in plant sciences
  4. Herbarium: Maintains a herbarium such as Angiosperms, Bryophytes and Mycology.A collection of dried plant specimens used for Practicals, research, identification and reference.
  5. Gardens: Maintains of Kavivarya Moropant Botanical garden and Surbhi Nursery for selling of ornamental, medicinal, oxygen park plant, aquatic plants and cactus.
  6. Field Research Opportunities: Arrange field visit to facilitates field research to study plants in their natural habitats, enabling students and researchers to gain practical experience.
  7. Publication and Journals: Encourages faculty and students to publish research paper, book chapters and review articles in scopus, high impact factor having reputable scientific journals, contributing to the advancement of plant science knowledge.
  8. Conservation Initiatives: Actively participates in conservation efforts plants in ecosystems and aware the public about the importance of plant diversity.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Prof. (Dr.) Bhagawan MaliProfessorM.Sc. PhD.21View Profile
2.Prof. (Dr.) Mahadev KanadeProfessorM.Sc. PhD.20View Profile
3.Prof. (Dr.) Ajit TelaveProfessorM.Sc. PhD.19View Profile
4.Dr. Rupali ChitaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B. Ed., PhD.22View Profile
5.Dr. Madhuri PatilAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., M.Phil, PhD.13View Profile
6.Mr. Prasad BankarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.06View Profile
7.Mr. Sourabh ChandankarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.05View Profile
8.Mr. Sangram ThoratAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.02View Profile
9.Miss. Supriya ThombareAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.,SET02View Profile
10Mr. Sourabh JagtapAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.--View Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Sc.(Botany)19623/4 Years
2.M.Sc. (Botany)19921/2 Years
3.Ph.D. (Botany)20073 Years
  1. Post-harvest technology and value- addition in fruits and vegetables.
  2. Gardening and Landscaping.
  3. Seed Technology.
  4. Organic Farming.
  5. Herbal cosmetic preparation.
  6. Bonsai making.
  7. Hybridization of water lily.
  8. Mushroom Cultivation.
  1. Recognized research centre.
  2. ICT class rooms
  3. Well-equipped laboratories.
  4. Green Campus.
  5. Kavivarya Moropant Botanical Garden.
  6. Herbaria (Angiosperms, Bryophytes and Mycology)
  7. Vermicomposting Unit
  • Research Centre details
Name of Research CentreAnekant Education Society Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati
Area of specializationBotany
Total Guide14 (5 College + 09 Other Colleges)
Total PhD Award Students12
Total Working Students64
  • Guideship details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Prof. (Dr) Shashikant ChavanBryology06
2.Prof. (Dr) Bhagawan MaliPlant Physiology08
3.Prof. (Dr) Mahadev KanadeMycology06
4.Prof. (Dr) Ajit TelaveEcology06
5.Dr Rupali ChitalePlant Pathology04
6.Prof. (Dr.) Babita SakdeoPlant Physiology04
7.Prof. (Dr.) Ajinath SonavaneGenetics02
8.Dr. Bharat ShindeMycology01
9.Dr. Bharat JinturkarPlant Pathology02
10.Prof. (Dr.) Hanmantrao PatilTaxonomy06
11.Prof. (Dr.) Bapu AvcharAngiosperms06
12.Dr. Subhash SamudraPharmacognosy04
13.Dr. Jalindarnath BagalAngiosperms and Taxonomy04
14.Dr. Kishor BhosaleTaxonomy05
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmount (Rs.)DurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Dr. Madhuri PatilEx-situ conservation of Giant water lilies in Kavivarya Moropant Botanical Garden, at Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati.Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati.1,15,000/-1 Year2023Completed
2Prof (Dr.) Bhagawan Mali & Mr. Prasad BankarIsolation, identification and
characterization of agriculturally
important soil fungi from Baramati tahsil of Pune district
Tuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati.1,15,000/-1 Year2023Completed
3Prof (Dr.) Ajit Telave and
Mr. Sourabh Chandankar
Survey of the major estuaries/ creeks in the Raigad district for the mapping and distribution of some mangrove species.Mangrove Foundation, Mumbai2,65,000/-2020-20212020Completed
4Prof (Dr.) Ajit TelaveResource monitoring and integrated management of mangroves on Maharashtra Coast.DST, New Delhi22,36,000/-2017 -20202017Completed
5Prof (Dr.) Ajit TelaveSurvey, Mapping and eco- restoration of mangroves of Raigad district of Maharashtra.DST, New Delhi20,80,000/-2013-20162013Completed
6Prof (Dr.) Mahadev KanadeAeromycological studies in Baramati area of Pune district of Maharashtra.BCUD, SPPU, Pune.1,90,000/-2016 - 20182016Completed
7Dr. Rupali ChitaleStudies on potential use of Parthenium hysterophorus L. as a biofertilizer.BCUD, SPPU, Pune2,00,000/-2016-20182016Completed
8Prof (Dr.) Shashikant ChavanPhysiological studies of Musci (Bryophytes) from Western Ghats of Maharashtra for Sustaining crop productivity.BCUD,SPPU, Pune1,20,000/-2015-20172015Completed
9Prof (Dr.) Ajit TelaveChemical screening and evaluation of Exocaria agallocha L. from West coast of Maharashtra.BCUD, SPPU, Pune2,40,000/-2015-20172015Completed
10Prof (Dr.) Shashikant ChavanStudies of biochemical and the associtated fungi of Musci (Bryophytes) from Western Ghats of Maharashtra.BCUD, SPPU, Pune1,90,000/-2015-20172015Completed
11Prof (Dr.) Bhagawan MaliSeasonal variation in Osmoregulatory substances in Pentatropis nivalis Wight and Arn with reference to Saline Soil from Baramati Tehsil.BCUD, Pune, University1,80,000/-2013-20152013Completed
12Prof (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade,
Prof (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan,
Prof (Dr.) Ajit Telave
Studies on host plants of Cascuta reflexaRoxb. In Baramati area with reference to anatomy, biochemistry and plant pathophysiology.BCUD, Pune, University2,25,000/-2012-20142012Completed
13Prof (Dr.) Ajit Telave,
Prof (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan,
Prof (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade
Autecological studies on Sonneratia sp. Raigad district of Maharashtra.BCUD, Pune, University2,25,000/-2012-20142012Completed
14Prof (Dr.) Bhagawan MaliSalt affected soils from Baramati Tehsil.BCUD, Pune, University1,50,000/-2009-20112009Completed
15Prof (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan,
Prof (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade,
Prof (Dr.) Ajit Telave
Antimicrobial Properties of bryophytes from Western Ghats of Maharashtra.BCUD, Pune, University75,000/-2009-20112009Completed
16Dr. Neelam Patil,
Dr. Rupali Chitale
Nitrogen metabolism and productivity of organically grown soyabean (Glycine max [L.]Merr.) as influenced by soil application of Oxygenated PeptoneBCUD, Pune, University1,25,000/-2009-20112009Completed
17Dr. Neelam Patil,
Dr. Rupali Chitale
Soil conditioning using Oxygenated peptone for organic farmingBCUD, Pune, University2,10,000/-2009-20112009Completed
  • Patents Granted: 07
Sr. No.Name of Patentee/ AwardeeTitle of Patent/ Award/ PrizeFiled/GrantedAwarding agencyYear
1.Prof. Bhagawan MaliUtility Patent: A method for remediation of saline soilGrantedGovernment of India2023
2.Prof. Bhagawan MaliDesign Patent : Pot for cooling of waterGrantedGovernment of India2024
3.Prof. Bhagawan MaliDesign Patent : Fan for Personal UsesGrantedGovernment of India2024
4.Dr. Rupali ChitaleDesign Patent : Pot for cooling of waterGrantedGovernment of India2024
5.Dr. Madhuri PatilDesign Patent : Pot for cooling of waterGrantedGovernment of India2024
6.Mr. Prasad BankarDesign Patent : Smart Plant Health Monitoring DeviceGrantedGovernment of India2024
7.Mr. Prasad BankarDesign Patent : Rapid Pathogen Detection DeviceGrantedGovernment of India2024

Book Publication:

Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Prof. (Dr.) Bhagawan MaliMarathi Medium Gandul Khat Prkalp Nirmiti-Ek Sopi Padhat.Vaishali Mali, Aundh.2018
2Prof. (Dr.) Bhagawan MaliEnglish Medium Easy Method : To Raise Vermicomposting UnitVaishali Mali, Aundh.2016
3Prof. (Dr.) Ajit TelaveAn Expedition among the Mangroves of “Raigad”Department of Botany, Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati.2016
4Dr. Rupali ChitaleSoil Application of Oxygenated PeptoneLAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany2011
5.Prof. (Dr) Mahadev KanadeText Book of Botany for TYBSc. BotnayPrashant Publication, Jalgao2022
  • Teachers Awards:
Sr. No.Name of Patentee/ AwardeeName of AwardAwarding agencyYear
1.Prof. (Dr.) Bhagawan. MaliBest paper presentationInternational conference: on science and technology for society 2023 Hanoi, Vietnam VH Research Foundation2023
2.GABTP Manibhai Patel life time achievement awardGABTP Manibhai Patel Foundation, Gujarat2023
3.Baramati Ratna AwardAward NGO Senior citizen Club Baramati2024
4.Distinguished Scientist APSI-AwardAPSI ,Muzaffarnagar2023
5.Best student development officer AwardSavitibai Phule Pune University Pune2023
6.Prof (Dr.) Mahadev KanadeYoung Scientist AwardAcademy of Plant Sciences, India, Muzaffarnagar (U.P)2016
7.Prof (Dr.) Ajit TelaveBest Assistant Professor AwardPEARL Foundation, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.2017
8.Dr. Madhuri PatilBest Poster Presentation AwardAcademy of Plant Sciences, India, Muzaffarnagar (U.P)2016
9.Young Plant Scientist AwardPLANTICA foundation, Dehradun2021
10.Best oral Presentation AwardInstitute of Fundamental and Applied Research , Tashkent, Uzbekistan.2024
  • Ph.D. Degree Awarded Candidates
Sr. No.Name of CandidateName of Research GuideDate of Ph. D. Declaration
1Dr. Rupali ChitaleDr. Neelam Patil24/09/2010
2Dr. Jayram KashidProf. (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan23/11/2012
3Dr. Utkarsha ThakareDr. Neelam Patil28/12/2012
4Dr. Rupali DeshmukhDr. Neelam Patil21/02/2014
5Dr. Madhuri KadamPrin. Dr. Chandrashekhar Murumkar30/03/2015
6Dr. Dadasaheb WadavkarProf. (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan14/02/2020
7Dr. Ilahi MujawarProf. (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade03/03/2020
8Dr. Nageshwar YemulProf. (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade09/07/2020
9Dr. Abasaheb MulayProf. (Dr.) Shashikant Chavan04/11/2020
10Dr. Praveen RoylawarPrin. Dr. Bharat Shinde28/03/2022
11Dr. Damaji BhiseProf. (Dr.) Ajit Telave05/07/2022
12Dr. Sujit WaghProf. (Dr.) Mahadev Kanade17/05/2023

ACADEMIC CALENDAR -2023-2024 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR -2022-2023 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR -2021-2022 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR -2020-2021 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR -2019-2020: View

  • Post- Harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables
  • Add-on: Nursery Management Course
  • Plant of the Week Activity
  • Maintenance of Herbaria
  • Organization of Workshops, Conferences, Webinars
  • Organises Excurssion Tours
  • Summer Training Programme
  • Value Based Practices: Welcome, Sendoff, Celebrating Occasions by Offering Books
  • Involvement of Students in Research Activities
  • Maintenance of Botanical Garden
  • Maintenance of College campus greenery
  • Running of Surabhi Nursery
  • Celebration of days.
Sr. No.Organization which MoU is signedName of the Institution/ Industry/Corporate houseYear of Signing MoU
1Abhinav Farmers Club, Man (Bodkewadi), Near Hinjawadi Rajiv Gandhi Info Tech Park, Phase 1, Tal- Mulshi, Dist- Pune.Organic Farming2023
2Varvand Gram Shikshan Sansth’s Eknath Divekar College Varvand, Tal. Daund, Dist. Pune.Academic and Research exchange2023
3Nymphaea and Nelumbo, Badlapur, MumbaiMultiplication of water lilies and lotus2024
  1. Academic Achievements : achieve high grades in botany courses during their academic studies
  2. Research Contributions: Conducting research in botany, leading to publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  3. Field visit: Participating in botanical field work or plant collection trips to study and document plant species in different ecosystems and geographical location.
  4. Fellowship: Securing prestigious fellowships from governmental and non governmental agencies such as UGC, CSIR, SARTHTI, BARTI, Maha-Jyoti.
  5. UPSC, MPSC and other compitative exam qualifying.
Sr. No.Funding AgenciesNumber of Beneficiary (SRF)
1UGC(University Grants Commission)01
2CSIR(Council of Scientific and Industrial Research)01
3SARTHTI(Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Research, Training and Human Development Institute)24
4Maha-Jyoti(Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Research & Training Institute)09
5BARTI (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research and Training Institute)08
Sr. No.Name of Patentee/AwardeeTitle of Patent/ Award/ PrizeAwarding agencyFiled/ GrantedYear
1.Mr. Vikram PatilDesign Patent : Fan for Personal UsesGovernment of IndiaGranted2024
2.Mr. Vinayak BhagatDesign Patent : Fan for Personal UsesGovernment of IndiaGranted2024
3.Mr. Aniket ChandanshiveDesign Patent : Smart Plant Health Monitoring DeviceGovernment of IndiaGranted2024
4.Mr. Vivek KadamDesign Patent : Smart Plant Health Monitoring DeviceGovernment of IndiaGranted2024
5.Miss. Ashvini DudhalAVISHKAR – 2023-2024Zonal, University level--2024
6.Mr. Vinayak BhagatBest Poster presentation Award: Second rank32nd APSI scientist meet and International conference (Gujarat).--2024
7.Mr. Vinayak BhagatAVISHKAR – 2023-2024Zonal Level, University level--2024
8.Mr. Akshay GulveBest Poster Presentation AwardNational conference: on Research In The Life Sciences With Special Emphasis on Medicinal Plants--2024
9.Mr. Ganesh PawarBest Poster Presentation Award: Third rankInternational conference: on Emerging Trends on Plant Sciences, Biodiversity Conservation & Environmental Sustainability (ETPSBCES-2022)--2022
10.Miss Arati ShevateBest Poster Presentation Award: Third rankInternational conference: on Emerging Trends on Plant Sciences, Biodiversity Conservation & Environmental Sustainability (ETPSBCES-2022)--2022
11.Miss Arati ShevateAVISHKAR – 2022-2023Zonal level--2023
12.Mr. Ganesh PawarBest Poster Presentation AwardAt International conference: on Climate change-An imminent Global Emergency, By Department of Environmental studies ,Zakir Hussain College Dehli2021
13.Mr. Datta ShindeBest Poster presentation Award32nd APSI scientist meet and International conference (Gujarat).--2024
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Prof. (Dr.) Shashikant ChavanB.Sc.1984Tuljaram Chaturchand College, BaramatiEmeritus Professor
2Mr. Rajkumar DeshmukhMSc1994Shardabai Pawar Mahila College, Shardanagar Baramati.Associate Professor and Head of Botany Department
3Dr. Sopan SalunkheB.Sc.2004Dadasaheb Digamber Shankar Patil Arts Commerce and Science College, Erandol, Jalgaon, MaharashtraAssistant professor and Head of Botany Department
4Dr. Juned BagwanB.Sc.2004Agarkar Research Institute Pune.Technical Officer
5Dr. Ganesh NikaljeB.Sc.2010Seva Sadan's R. K. Talreja College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ulhasnagar-3Assistant Professor
6Ms. Halimabi KureshiB.Sc.2010Formerly BBC World and News 18Senior Journalist

Head, Department of Botany:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Botany:

IQAC and Social Media Coordinator Dept. of Botany:

Wesite Coordinator Dept. of Botany:

Zoology : Department Profile
Dr. Sandip Chordiya , Assistant Professor and HOD , Dept. of Zoology

Department of Zoology was established in the year 1964 and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. Zoology subject is taught at principle level since 1981 (before that Zoology was taught as a subsidiary subject). The establishment of the department illumines the vision of college that to provide quality education to the youth of Baramati region. Housed in an independent building, the Zoology department has two spacious well-equipped laboratories, each of 1200 sq. feet (30 X 40 ft) along with four additional rooms, each of 165 square feet (11 X 15 ft.).

Department of Zoology was established in the year 1964 and was affiliated to the then University of Pune (Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune). Department offers Undergraduate degree course (B.Sc. Zoology) since 1981 and has the intake capacity of 48 students. Department also offers post-graduate degree program (M.Sc.) in three subjects as Entomology, Animal Physiology & Genetics.

Department of Zoology has well equipped UG & PG laboratories (Dr. H. G. Korana lab, Dr. Salim Ali lab & Sir Ronald Ross lab) with almost all the necessary laboratory equipments like varieties of microscopes, microtome machine, ovens, incubators, centrifuge machine, PCR, electrophoresis, autoclave unit, LAF, etc. All laboratories are well ventilated and follow all necessary safety measures.

The Department offers a congenial environment for knowledge development, research training and for individual growth. The Department has an excellent complement of teaching by the faculty who are involved in basic and applied research in different areas of Zoology.

We recognize the crucial role of the science in general & Zoology in particular in addressing societal challenges. Our department seeks to translate scientific knowledge into practical applications that improve environmental sustainability, human health, and overall well-being. By actively engaging with local NGOs, different laboratories, government agencies, and the public, we aim to contribute to the environmental sustainability with special focus on animal diversity conservation; individual skill development in the fields like Sericulture, Apiculture, Fisheries, and foster a deeper understanding of the significance of various branches of Zoology in our everyday lives.


“To be a widely recognized center in higher education and research, empowering future generations of scholars to unravel the intricacies of life science and drive transformative solutions for the betterment of humanity. Through best of necessary infrastructure, modern technology-assisted education, and collaborations, we aim to expand the horizons of knowledge in various spheres of life. Our vision is to serve as a catalyst for societal transformation, addressing ever-changing needs of local society while upholding the highest ethical standards in teaching.”


The Department of Zoology at Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Baramati is dedicated to advancing conventional & modern knowledge, innovation, and discovery in the fields of Life Sciences in general & Zoology in particular.

We strive to provide exceptional education and training, equipping students with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental principles and modern techniques in life sciences. By fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for scientific exploration, we aim to nurture the next generation of brilliant minds who will push the boundaries of scientific research.

We recognize the crucial role of science in addressing the societal challenges. Our department seeks to translate scientific knowledge into practical applications that improve human health, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being.

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  • Profile

Excellence: Striving for the highest standards in academics and research, continuously seeking improvement and innovation.

Integrity: Strict adherence to honesty, transparency, and ethical principles in all aspects of our work and interactions.

Collaboration: Fostering a culture of teamwork, cooperation, inter- and intradisciplinary collaboration to maximize the impact of our educational efforts.

Inclusivity: We embrace diversity in all forms and maintain a welcoming, supportive environment for students, faculty, staff, and the broader community.

Impact: Focusing on research and education with tangible and meaningful contributions to society, driving positive change for the betterment of humanity.

With this vision, mission, and core values, the Department of Zoology at Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Baramati aims to be at the forefront of scientific progress, shaping the future of life sciences and making a lasting impact on the world.

Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Dr. Sandip ChordiyaAssistant ProfessorMSc. B.Ed., SET, Ph.D.27View Profile
2.Dr. Vitthal NaleAssistant ProfessorMSc., Ph.D.19View Profile
3.Dr. Ms. Pujawati ManoorkarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Ed.,Ph.D.1View Profile
4.Dr. Mrs. Deepali SangaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., NET, Ph.D.4View Profile
5.Mr. Kishor MoreAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. NET6View Profile
6.Dr. Sameer JadhavAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. NET-JRF., Ph.D.2View Profile
7.Mr. Samadhan KareAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. SET1View Profile
8.Mr. Yugandhar AwaghadeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. SET2View Profile
9.Ms. Sharvari Shah Assistant ProfessorM.Sc. B.Ed.2.5View Profile
10.Ms. Shaikh ShaheenAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.--View Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1B.Sc. (Zoology)198103/ 04 years
2M.Sc. (Zoology)201510/ 02 years


    1. Techniques in Molecular Biology
    2. Insect Preservation Techniques
    3. Sericulture
    4. Apiculture
    5. Fisheries
    6. Aquarium Construction & Maintenance
    7. Pearl Culture
    1. PCR
    2. Electrophoresis
    3. Light Microscopes
    4. Phase contrast Microscopes
    5. Entomological Dissecting Microscopes
    6. BOD incubator
    7. Hot Air Oven
    8. Autoclave
    9. Laminar Air Flow
    10. Cooling centrifuge
    11. AAS (in CFC)
    12. GC (in CFC)
    13. HPLC (in CFC)
    14. Spectrophotometer
  • Research : Nil
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1Dr. Anil ShendageEvaluation of potential of Nira river for aquaculture activityUGC1,85,000/-01 year2012-13completed
  • Book Publication
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1Dr. Sandip ChordiyaTechniques in Biology – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonMarch 2022
2Dr. Sandip ChordiyaZoology Practical (Paper I & II) – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonApril - 2022
3Dr. Sandip ChordiyaZoology Practical (Paper II & III) – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonApril - 2022
4Dr. Sandip ChordiyaPest ManagementVision Publications, PuneApril, 2022
5Dr. Vitthal NaleTechniques in Biology – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonMarch 2022
6Dr. Vitthal NaleZoology Practical (Paper I & II) – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonApril - 2022
7Dr. Vitthal NaleZoology Practical (Paper II & III) – TYBSc Zoology, SPPU.Prashant Publication, JalgaonApril - 2022









Department regularly organizes various activities like skill development & entrepreneurship development workshops, seminars, celebrates commemorative days like  National Wild Life Week, National Science Day, World Sparrow Day, etc; study visits, field visits, student research projects, Youth Festival, etc.  


  1. MoU with Paul Hebert Centre for DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity Studies, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
  2. Collaborations: Ela Habitat, Pingori, Pune, GodaGiri Farms, ShriRampur.

Students of the department are appointed in diverse fields like public administrative department, forest services, education sector, research laboratories, etc. Many students are also engaged in independent business based on the skill imparted in the department.

Mr. Bipin B. Jagtap is holding the responsibility of Deputy Director, Khadi & Gramodyog Mandal, Govt. of Maharashtra.

Dr. Girish Joshi is holding the responsibility of a director & senior scientist in Toxicological Laboratory in Pune.

Dr. Sandip Chordiya, Dr. Vitthal Nale, Dr. Mahadev Atole, Ms. Kamal Kumbhar, Mr. Jawahar Khenat, Ms. Sneha Bhonsle Ms. Sandhya Sonawane, and many more are in educational field.

Mr. Santosh Bhandare is working in poultry industry; Mr. Umesh Hiremath was involved in Biodivesity Conservation & now is a successful organic farmer; Mr. Gaurav Wable is working in Serum Institute of India, Pune;

Best Practices:

Department has undertaken the activity of disseminating the scientific information about animals in local language to students from other faculties by displaying one animal per week. This activity is performed by students of the department for the students from other faculty.

Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Bipin Bhagwan JagtapBSc2004Maharashtra State Goverment.Working as Personal Assistant of Deputy CM Mr. Ajit Pawar
2Miss. Swati Shankarrao SonwalkarBsc2004State GST Department maharashtarState Tax Officer
3Miss. Kamal Balu KumbharBSc2017Mudhoji college phaltanAssistant professor
4Mr. Mahadev Bapu AtoleBsc2007Maratha Vidhya Prasarak Samaj's Arts, Commerce and Science College, Nandgaon,Assistant professor
5Mr. Samadhan Ashok MalhareBsc2017Cipla LimitedTherapy manager
6Mr. Manoj Dttatray PiseBsc2014Czech university of life science pragueResearch fellow


Head, Department of Zoology:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Zoology:

Social media:

Microbiology : Department Profile
Prof.(Dr.) Sunil Pawar , Head & Professor

Tuljaram Chaturchand College’s Department of Microbiology was founded in 1990, coinciding with the launch of the B.Sc. in Microbiology program. In 2007, introduced the Master of Science in Microbiology. Subsequently, in 2016, the Microbiology Department attained recognition as a Research Center affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Presently, 16 students have enrolled in the Microbiology PhD program and 06 students have awarded with PhD. Currently, the Department of Microbiology has five research mentors. The department has research scholars having fellowships as CSIR-UGC NET, MAHAJYOTI, DST-SERB and DST-WISE fellowships and also a woman scientist awardee pursuing post doctorate and received funding under the scheme of DST-WOS-A, New Delhi,
In addition to the standard courses, the Microbiology Department also offers certificate programs aimed at enhancing the skill development of microbiology students. These include courses in ‘Quality Control Techniques in the Food, Pharmaceutical, and Dairy Industry’ and ‘Research Methodology’. The department has secured financial support through schemes like DST-FIST, DBT-STAR College, and CPE. With this funding, the department has procured advanced equipment for research purposes, which is actively utilized to train students.
Research stands as a prominent strength within the department. To date, the department’s faculty has successfully completed four significant research projects, with funding from sources like UGC, DBT, and DST-SERB. These projects have collectively brought in around Rs. 1 Crore in research grants. In addition, departmental faculty members have secured nine minor research projects, backed by UGC and BCUD (Pune University). They remain consistently engaged in conferences and seminars, both nationally and internationally, and have achieved recognition and awards in these events.
Furthermore, students actively participate in research endeavors through their MSc dissertation work. They receive research grants under the college’s ‘Student Research Project’ scheme. The research domains that both faculty and student researchers are engaged in encompass agricultural microbiology, fermentation technology, enzymology, bio cementation, waste management, nanoscience, bioremediation, mycology, environmental microbiology, and more.
Over the past 15 years, faculty members, alongside student authors, have collectively published 112 research papers in esteemed international and national journals, including those published by Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, among others.
The department maintains an ongoing commitment to fostering a research-oriented culture and enhancing students’ research skills by organizing guest lectures, conferences, and workshops. Collaborations with industrial entities like Q Edge Consultancy, Pune, Mangalam Agrotech, Ltd. Manchar, and Green Vitals Biotech, Pune, have proven beneficial for students by improving their microbiological skills. These enhanced skills will undoubtedly serve students well, particularly those aspiring to work in the industrial sector.
The department maintains an alumni association that serves as a valuable resource for newcomers, providing insights into opportunities within various industries. This network, connecting current students with alumni, has grown stronger, and it holds the potential for significant benefits to the department’s students. Additionally, the department offers various consultancy services, with the most popular ones being microbiological water testing for portability and the assessment of antimicrobial activity in compounds. Notably, the department’s standout activity involves organizing health check-up camps for both students and staff, encompassing services like blood grouping and hemoglobin determination.


  • Educating Future Leaders: To provide high-quality education and training to students and professionals, preparing them to excel in microbiology-related fields and contribute to scientific advancements.


  • To establish a nurturing educational environment within the department.
  • To nurturing the development of knowledge and skills in microbiology.
  • To equip students with competence to tackle real-world challenges.
  • To Promote the application of microbiological knowledge for the advancement of society
  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Highly qualified and experienced teaching staff.
  2. Sophisticated Laboratories.
  3. Research centre
  4. Department runs skill-based certificate courses.
  5. Consultancy services
  6. Department organise field visits.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Prof.(Dr.) Sunil PawarHead & ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D.33 YearsView Profile
2Prof.(Dr.) Milind GajbhiyeProfessorM.Sc., SET, Ph.D.28 YearsView Profile
3Prof. (Dr.) Yogini MulayIQAC Coordinator
Vice Principal & Professor
M.Sc., SET, Ph.D.28 YearsView Profile
4Mr. Dhawal DoshiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., NET(JRF) CSIR15 YearsView Profile
5Mrs. Komal JagtapAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., B.Ed15 YearsView Profile
6Ms. Priti BhosaleAssistant Professor.M.Sc., GATE08 YearsView Profile
7Ms. Shital OwalAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.06 YearsView Profile
8Ms. Ruchita HonraoAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.06 YearsView Profile
9Ms. Kajal GaikwadAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., GATE, SET, ASRB- NET04 YearsView Profile
10Ms. Puja DhapateAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET, CSIR-NET02 YearsView Profile
11Ms. Nikita DeokateAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.02 YearsView Profile
12Ms. Prajkta MarkaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. GATE, SET, CSIR-NET01 YearView Profile
13Ms. Sayali JadhavAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.01 YearView Profile
14Ms. Priti JadhavAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. GATE, SET01 YearView Profile
  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
  3. Phil.
  4. Ph.D. Research etc.
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Sc. in Microbiology19903 year
2.M.Sc. in Microbiology20072 year
3.PhD. in Microbiology2016Not less than 03 Years

1. Quality control techniques in food & dairy industry
2. Research Methodology

  1. 5 Laboratories equipped with all facilities.
  2. 3 Classroom with ICT facility.
  3. High end instruments for research such as: Lab. Fermenter, ELISA reader, PCR machine, N2 analyser, UV-visible spectrophotometer, spray dryer, homogeniser, laminar air flow system, cooling incubator, cooling centrifuge, deep freezer, etc.
  4. No. Of computers with internet: 06
  • Research Centre Details : 
Name of Research CentreArea of SpecializationEstablishmentTotal GuidesTotal PhD Award studentsTotal Working Students
Department of MicrobiologyMicrobiology2016050616
  • Guideship Details : 
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1Dr.Sunil PawarMicrobiology05
2Dr. Milind GajbhiyeMicrobiology06
3Dr. Yogini MulayMicrobiology05
4Dr. Snehal Agnihotri (Retired)Microbiology02
5Dr.Shivaji Sathe (Retired)Microbiology03 (02 Ph.D completed)
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty :
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of ProjectFunding AgencyAmountDurationSanctioned YearStatus
1.Dr.Yogini Mulay
Ms.Priti Bhosale
Renewable Fuel ProductionTuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati.“Seed Money for Teachers”1,10,000/-1 Year2023Completed
2.Mr.Dhawal DoshiStudies on Microbial Conversion of biomass energy present in Mannan to ethanolTuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. “Seed Money for Teachers”1,25,000/-1 Year2023Completed
3Mrs.Komal Jagtap,
Ms. Kajal Gaikwad
Development of Pulllulan Based Antimicrobial Coating SystemTuljaram Chaturchand College Baramati. “Seed Money for Teachers”1,15,000/-1 Year2023Completed
4Dr.Sunil Pawar
Mrs. Deepali
Design,synthesis and antimicroibal and
anticancer evaluation of B-carboline
derivative bearing oxazole moeity
3091392/-3 Years2020Ongoing
5Dr. Milind
Bacteriocidal Bactriophqges: A Novel Tool for the Management of Bacterial Blight of PomegrrnateDST-
2738740/-3 years20190ngoing
  • Book Publication : 
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Dr. Milind GajbhiyeFundamentals of Fermentation TechnologyCambridge Scholar Publishing, UK2024
2.Dr. Milind GajbhiyeIntroduction to MicrobiologyCareer publications, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.2015
3.Dr. Milind GajbhiyeIntroduction to MicrobiologyCareer publications, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.2010
4.Dr. Milind GajbhiyeMicrobiologyCareer publications, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.2004

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2024-25 : View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-24 : View

Sr.No.Name of Activity/Workshop/Seminar/CourseDateNo.of BeneficiariesResource Person
1One day workshop on Skill set and opportunities in pharma and Biotech Industry.21st Sept. 202464Mrs. Kirti Aphale
2One day workshop on Scope of Microbiology in Agriculture24th Sept. 202480Mr. Avinash Dhobale
3Skill development CC029 - Research methodology19th April to 29th April 202345Mr. D.V.Doshi
4Skill Deveoplment (Hands On Training On Bioinoculant Production)20th March 202348Dr. J. K. Potdar
5Workshop entitle “Pharmaceutical Techniques And Career Navigation With Interview Skills (Mrs Kirti Aphale Q Edge Pune )15th Mar 202365Mrs Kirti Aphale Consultant and Trainer, Q Edge Pune
6Skill development ( CC-0027 Quality control techniques in Pharma, food and diary Industries)18th Feb to 26th Feb 202368Mrs. K.R.Jagtap
7Skill development ( CC-0029 Quality control techniques in Pharma, food and diary Industries)18th Feb to 26th Feb 202346Mr. D.V. Doshi
8Health Check-up Camp Best Practice12 13 Jan 202388Mr. Pramod Jadhav Sai Laboratories ,baramati
9Skill devoplment ( Practices in Life sciences and Diagnostics, Bioera Pvt Ltd)17th Jan 202346BioeEa Pvt Ltd.
10Skill Deveoplment( Skilled Based Workshop on Bioinoculant Production):12 to 18 Oct. 202250Dr M. K. Ranjekar
11Mathematics for Biological Science12 13 Sept. 202268Dr. R.L. Deopurkar, Dr. Yogini R. Mulay
12Skill development ( CC-0028 Basic techniques in Microbiology )5th Sept to 20th Sept 202248Ms.P.C.Bhosale
13Skill Deveoplment(Analysis of biomolecules using FTIR, GC and HPLC)27th to 28th Sept202249Dr. Rahul Bhondave, Mrs. Kalpana Rupnawar, Ms. Gayatri Pirale, Ms. Sonali Nale
14Ten days online Workshop on Industrial Skills in Microbiology14 to 24 March 202265Mrs Kirti Aphale Consultant and Trainer, Q Edge Pune
15Workshop on opportunities in Entrepreneurship in bioinoculant preparation11 march 202239Mr. Jayant Keshav Potdar
Ecofernt and Yogeshwari Biofertilizers, baramati
16Workshop on opportunities in Entrepreneurship in microbiology7 march 202263Mangalam Agrotech Manchar
17Health Awareness Workshop6th 7th Jan 2022187Niramay Medical Foundation and research centre, Baramati
18Workshop on Analysis of biomolecules using Spectroscopy and HPLC29th - 30th dec 202134Dr. Rahul Bhondave, Mrs. Kalpana Rupnawar, Ms. Gayatri Pirale, Ms. Sonali Nale
19National Webinar on Covid vaccine :Truth and untruth unfold27th to 29th Jan 2021235Dr. R.L. Deopurkar, Dr. Satyajit Rath, Dr. Sameer Naik
20Health Check-up Camp Best Practice10th 11th Jan 202080Mr. Pramod Jadhav Sai Laboratories ,baramati
21Seminar “Out of box thinking”12th Jan 201940Dr. Prabhod Chobhe
Sr. No. Name of industry/ institute/ corporate house/workshop /guest lecture etc. Year of signing Duration
1 Mangalam Agrotech. Manchar 2022 3 years
2 Q Edge , Pune 2022 3 years
3 Green Vitals of Biotechnology , Pune 2022 3 years
Sr. No.Name Of StudentsName Of Placed Institute/ Industry/Any Other Examination
Academic Year 2023-24
1Kalokhe Somnath RajendraEmcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 021173500000
2Jaykar Shubham HaridasEmcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 021173500000
3Patil Abhishek PramodCipla Pvt Ltd Goa18002677779
4Pallake Prerana PopatJ.K Mulik English Medium School
5Bhujbal Sourabh SanjayAurigene Of Oncology,Banglore
6Suryawanshi Divya SambhajiSchirber Dynamix Baramati 02112662700
7Birnale Yash KuberCilical Research Pune
8Chougule Darshan AdinathFdc Industry Plant 3 Verna Industrial Estate Goa
9Kadam Vikas MohanSonai Dairy Indapur (Cheese Dept)9552531251
10Karnale Prathmesh PravinFdc Industry Plant 3 Verna Industrial Estate Goa
11Kolekar Kiran RameshBharat Serum And Vaccine Mumbai 02266560900
12Pathan Aliarbaaz AsifUnited Spirit Baramati
13Gade Kshitij PrakashCLARUS RCM Infotech Pvt Ltd Hydrabad As
14Jamdade Pooja NavnathSonai Dairy Indapur (Micro QCDept)9552531251
15Nalawade Anamika TanajiVP English Medium School 02112235274
16Chopade Chetan RameshGennova Biotech Pune 02039821300
17Pathan Saniya MahibubSchirber Dynamix Baramati 02112662700
18Kale Nikita ShrirangAkshay Comprehensive Science Academy Dahiwadi
19Pawar Sanket BabasoGennova Biotech Pune 02039821300
Academic Year 2022-23
20Nirwane Vedika VijaySymbiosis Pvt Ltd Sangali 09281195051
21Awate Sagar AtmaramMegafine Pharma Pvt Ltd 02557250121
22Saundatte Divya KuberSymbiosis Pvt Ltd Sangali 09281195051
23Kate Srushti BalasahebInteegrimedical Pvt Ltd
24Terdale Sidharth KrishnappaIndiana Opthalmics LLP Gujarat 02752241554
25Atole Tushar DattatrayCipla Pvt Ltd Kurkumbh 02224826000
26Khurape Aniket AdinathBec Chemicals, Roha
27Ghadage Triveni JayshingSonai Dairy, Indapur
28Jadhav Ankita MukundOxyregeal Industries Yavat
29Jadhav Sayali KalidasT.C.College Baramati 02112222416
30Khatmode Aniket AshokBLISS GVS Pharma Ltd 02242160000
31Swadip BhosaleGATE
Academic Year 2021-22
32Londhe Suraj AshokSerum Institute Pune
33Gawade Shubham ShivajiCirculant –Sotware Pune
34Chavan Puja KumarSkyquest Tech Pune Research Associate
35Mule Sayali SanjayMahabali Metal Miraj 02332644092
36Ghorpade Shraddha SunilDynasagar School Sawal
37Dhawale Pratiksha TanajiIndu Care Pharmaceuticals Jejuri
38Gadiya Nupur Kirtikumar
ZS Company Kharadi
Academic Year 2020-21
39Jagadale Sanket BapuraoSerum Institute Pune
40Patil Sammed SunilLupin Pvt Ltd Mumbai
41Deokate Nikita TatyasahebT.C.College Baramati
42Desai Gurugeeta DhanyakumarWestside Agro Foods Pvt.Ltd.
43Chopade Neha SatishCilincal Researcher At Baramati Hospital
44Gaikwad Trupti NandkumarOmega Health Care As Medical Coder
45Patil Pratik ShitalCipla Pvt Ltd
46Kothale Rohit RajkumarAsantrick,Wakad Pune
47Vasagade Sourabh AnnasoUnichem Laboratorie S Kolhapur
48Kharade Shweta DevidasIndapur College
49Megha KakadeGATE
Academic Year 2019-20
50Shinde Kshitija VijayCognizant 18002086999
51Yele Yogesh PopatBayer Pharmaceuticals Pvt.Ltd.Thane
52Lonkar Bhawana ShivajiShardabai Pawar Mahila Arts,Commerce And Science College Shardanagar
53Markale Prajakta DattatrayT.C.College Baramati ,GATE, SET, CSIR-NET
54Bhoite Nikita BhagwanM.S.Kakade College 02112283047
55Bhange Aparna AshokraoNew English Science And Junior College Jat
56Borawake Shruti SudhakarNational Institute Of Virology Pune
57Patil Sourabh SanjaykumarFresenius Kabi 9158898288
58Rupnawar Mayur DilipGennova 02039821300
59Gaikwad Kajal MahadevT.C.College Baramati, SET, GATE, ASRB NET
60Dhapate Puja MahadeoT.C.College Baramati SET, CSIR NET
61Pansare Geetanjali EknathVidhya Pratishthan, Baramati 02112243488
62Walvekar Seema SubhashKWC College Of Sangali 02332372102
63Shitole Shubham TatyasahebSerum Institute Pune 02026993900
65Prashant RupnawarSET ,CSIR NET
66Shreekant BaradkarCSIR NET, DBT, BARC
67Priyana BankarCSIR NET,DBT JRF
68Chaitrali D PathakNET-LS, SET
69Priti C BhosaleGATE
70Pradnya NikamGATE
71Nishika ShirsatSET
72Abhijet DagadeSET
Sr. NoName Of AlumniYear Of GraduationMobile No.Position HeldDetailed Address of office
1.Sohan Khandagale.19969422501816Mangesh Laboratories,.Baramati
2.Avinash Dhobale20069591845034CEO of Mangalam AgrotechManchar
3.Nawaj Shaikh20029011097864Techniqual Manager Society Manager for health allied research and education IndiaTelangana
4.Farzana Sayyad20069762468404Vice Principal in Saraswati Mahavidyalay, Pimpri, Pune.pune
5.Sangram Pingale20059272118736Q.C. Officer in Dynamix, Baramati.Baramati
6.Anand Bhandwalkar20099850356366Q.C. Officer in Gokul Dairy, Pune.Pune
7.Smita Pingale20108380076805Officer in Ferrero India Pvt. Ltd. Baramti.Baramati
8.Sonali Gaikwad20139860425685R & D Dept, Satara.Satara
9.Vishal Shinde20069975729525Q.C. Officer in Emcure, Kurkumbh.Kurkumbh
10.Shivaji More20059975711776Q.C. Officer in Emcure, Kurkumbh.Kurkumbh
11.Saurabh Mohite20099652341811H.R. Officer in Ferrero, Baramati.Baramati
12.Amol Salunkhe20129865412536Q.C. Officer Schrieber Dairy Dynamics.Baramati
13.Sahil Wagh20069923879902Q.C. Officer in Serum Institute.Pune
14.Sharad Yeldare20128380056565Q.C. Officer in Serum Institute.Pune
15.Pradip Lonkar20059049814336Q.C. Officer in Genova Biotech.Pune
16.Ganesh Satale20058669070763G.K. Bioscience Pvt Ltd.Pune
17.Sagar Mohite20109657795863Clinical Data Management in TCS.Pune
18.Dheeraj More20129860752412Production Officer in Lupin.Mumbai
19.Rahul Patil20109665306456Poonawalla biotechnology ParkMajari
20.Ashwinkumar Erandole20069923197723Biocon Bilogic pharmaceuticalBangalore
21.Anand Dhogade19969881120320M R in pharmaceutical companyBaramati
22.Amarsinh Bhosale20109422563046Reasearch associate in Baramati AgroBaramati
23.Chandrakant Dube20079975305125Fresenius kabi India Pvt LtdFresenius kabi
24.Mayur punde20058857929690Training and placement officer at all india Shri Shivaji memorial societyPune
25.Hemant Ghadage20039881247264Project manager in sun pharmaceutical industryAhmednagar
26.Hussain Bhori20068698105335Factory head Malas foodPanchgani
27.Pawan kumar sargar20059503488502Mukhya Anujeev ScientistRatnagiri
28.Sahil Shaikh201393700564102Research specialist, springer netPune
29.Sayali Tilekar20139860436566Scientific analystBangalore
30.Santosh Waghmare20059960255652Shriber DynamicsBaramati
31.Sopan Ingale20089850872752Food Safety officerpune
32.Harsh Jagtap20069960004780EMBIO pharmaceuticalsMahad
33.Ganesh Mohite20069850426386UNIVERSITY Staff Human Genetics WT Centr Oxford UniversityUK London
34.Sandesh Kawachale20139611848512Novartis ,Global Compliance headEurope
35.Digambar Jagtap20127588943583Lecturar at IphasPune

Head, Department of Microbiology:

  • Name: Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Pawar
  • Email ID:
  • Mob. No.:  +91 9423251465

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Microbiology:

  • Name: Mr. Dhawal Doshi
  • Email ID: –
  • Mob. No.: +91 9890798800

IQAC Coordinator Dept. of Microbiology:

  • Name: Prof. (Dr.) Milind Gajbhiye
  • Email ID: –
  • Mob. No.:– +91 9049661272

Web Coordinator Dept. of Microbiology:

  • Name: Prof. (Dr.) Yogini Mulay
  • Email ID: –
  • Mob. No.: +91 9764988295
Statistics : Department Profile
Dr.Kakade Vikas Chintaman ,Professor & Head Dept.of Statistics , Dean - Faculty of Science
Prof. Dr. Vikas Kakade , Professor and HOD, Dept. of Statistics







The Department of Statistics was established in 1970 by introducing statistics subject at first and second-year B.Sc. Over the years, the department has evolved into a vibrant hub for learning, innovation, and application of statistics across diverse domains. Our department offers undergraduate programs B.Sc. Statistics and B.Com. Statistics, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of statistical theory, data analysis, and their practical applications in real-world scenarios in 1981.

Recognizing the growing importance of data in the modern world, the Department of Statistics is dedicated to producing skilled statisticians equipped for academia, industry, and public service which is why the Department started Post Graduate Program, M.Sc. in Statistics in 2012 with an intake capacity of 24 students and now it is of 48 students.

Our department is the only Statistics Department at college level in Savitribai Phule Pune University to have a Research Center in Statistics which is started from the academic year 2023-24. By integrating statistical theory, data science, and advanced analytics, the department aims to stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving field of statistics. In line with this vision, the Department has introduced another Post Graduate Program, M.Sc. Data Science course in the academic year 2024-25, with an intake capacity of 48 students.

The department has a strong leading line as head of the department namely the late Prof. V. G. Padvekar (1974 –2003), Prof. Nandakumar J. Subandh (2004–2015), and Prof. Dr. Avinash S. Jagtap (2015–2023). Currently, Prof. Dr. Vikas C. Kakade is the head of the department.

The department has highly qualified and experienced teaching staff moreover the success of the department is largely attributed to the dedication of the teaching and non-teaching staff. Many outstanding alumni of the department are presently working all over India and abroad. The central library has a fairly rich collection of reference books of Statistics, moreover, our departmental library is also enriched by more than 455 reference books of statistics which are donated by our alumni and teaching staff. Our alumni, who are worked in various technical and educational fields, provide strong support to the Statistics Department which contributes to its growth and success. The department has more than 120 computers with well-equipped three air-conditioned laboratories and licensed SPSS, MATLAB, SYSTAT, and Wolfram Mathematica software. The course curriculums have been updated from time to time, thus giving students an advantage over their peers


Our vision is to be a recognized center for excellence in statistical research, education, and its application. We wish to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge, decision-making, and societal well-being through the use of statistics.


  • We are committed to providing an education in statistics which prepare our students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in a data-driven world.
  • We strongly promote ethical behavior in data collection, analysis, and interpretation, ensuring that our students make responsible and unbiased decisions.

We collaborate with academia, industry, and government agencies to apply statistical methods to solve real-life problems, promoting evidence-based decision-making.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Faculty: There are 16 highly qualified and experienced teaching staff members among them 2 are Professors, 2 are Associate Professors. 8 faculty members are Ph. D. holders and one is pursuing Ph.D.
  2. Curriculum: The curriculum is designed to blend classical statistical methods with modern advancements in data science, machine learning, and computational statistics. In this regard, the curriculum has been updated from time to time which covers both theoretical and practical aspects of Statistics.
  3. Laboratories: Three well-equipped air-conditioned statistics labs with 96 PCs, three LCD Projectors and one Digital Display with Internet facility.
  4. Licensed Statistical Software: SPSS, MATLAB, SYSTAT, and Wolfram Mathematica.
  5. Departmental Library: More than 455 reference books of statistics.
  6. Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Training Program: Opportunities for students and faculties to participate in various Programs organized by the department to stay updated with the latest developments in statistics.
  7. Student Support Services: Mentoring, Bridge Course, Remedial classes for weak learners, Career Guidance
  8. Collaborations: MoUs with Stat Modeller, Vadodara, AIS Solutions, Pune, Yog Mahavidyalaya Baramati, SRE Stat consultancy Services Private Limited, Mumbai
  9. Consultancy: Serve as a bridge between academia and industry, offering solutions to real-world problems.
  10. Cytel Fly-High Scholarship: Since 2015 Cytel statistical software developer has provided scholarships for our PG students regularly which provides scholarship of Rs. 22,99,800/- till date.
  11. Study Tour: Every year study tour is organized for UG and PG Students.
  12. Alumni: The department’s alumni are a testament to its success, excelling in various professional roles, including data analysts, statisticians, statistical officers, quality managers, and researchers in leading organizations and institutions worldwide. Alumni of the department contributes to the department through financial support, career Guidance, and Guest Lectures.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Prin. Prof. Dr. Avinash JagtapPrincipalM.Sc., Ph.D.36View Profile
2Prof. Dr. Vikas KakadeHead, ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D., ADCSSAA35View Profile
3Dr. Neeta DhaneAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D., NET21View Profile
4Dr. Vaishali PatilAssociate ProfessorM.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D.19View Profile
5Dr. Chandrashekhar SwamiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET.Ph.D.12View Profile
6Dr. Priti MalusareAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET,Ph.D.12View Profile
7Mrs. Sarita WadkarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET, Diploma in Animation13View Profile
8Dr. Nilambari JagtapAssistant ProfessorMSc, SET, Ph.D.11View Profile
9Dr.Trupti ArekarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., Ph.D.14View Profile
10Ms. Kalyani KaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.8View Profile
11Ms. Tejashri KawadeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.8View Profile
12Dr. Pooja GaikwadAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET, Ph.D.6View Profile
13Ms. Shital ChoudharAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.7View Profile
14Miss. Priya RakateAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.3View Profile
15Miss. Rupali KaleAssistant ProfessorM. Sc.4.5 MonthsView Profile
16Miss. Ankita YadavAssistant ProfessorM. Sc.4.5 MonthsView Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B. Sc. (STATISTICS)19813 Years
2.B. Com. (STATISTICS)19813 Years
3.M. Sc. (STATISTICS)20122 Years
4M. Sc. (Data Science)20232 Years
5.Research Center2023-

Basic SPSS, Basic Python, Introduction to Scilab, Introduction to MATLAB, Introduction to Power BI and SQL, R Programming, Tableau, Mathematica, Latex, Advanced MS-Excel.

  • Statistics Labs: Three well-equipped air-conditioned labs with 96 PCs, three LCD Projectors and one Digital Display with Internet facility.
  • Licensed Statistical software: SPSS, MATLAB, SYSTAT, and Wolfram Mathematica.
  • Departmental Library: More than 455 reference books of statistics.

RESEARCH: The Research Center is started in October 2023. Prin. Avinash S. Jagtap, Prof. Vikas C. Kakade, and Dr. Vaishali V. Patil are Ph. D. Guide in the Research Center. Also, the faculty members Prin. Avinash S. Jagtap, Dr. Neeta Kishor Dhane, and Dr. Vaishali V. Patil are Ph. D. Guides at  JJTU, Rajasthan. Total 7 candidate are awarded Ph. D. degree under the guidance.

  • Guideship details:
Sr. No.Name of The GuideSpecialization
1.Prin. Dr. Avinash JagtapData Science
2.Prof. Dr. Vikas KakadeStatistical Process Control
3.Dr. Neeta DhaneData Mining
4.Dr. Vaishali PatilStatistical Quality Control, Reliability, Data Science
  • Book Publication:
Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
Prin. Dr. Avinash Jagtap1. Business Mathematics and StatisticsLulu Publishers2019
2. Data-Driven Decision MakingLulu Publishers2019
3. Synergies in Defence Exploring Interplay of Science Technology Arts and CommerceBharti Publications, New Delhi2023
4. BIOSTATISTICSNashik Publication2024
Prof. Dr. Vikas Kakade1. A Text book on “Mathematics and Statistics” For - F.Y.B.ComSuyash Publication, Pune2004
2. A Text book on “Mathematics and Statistics” For - F.Y.B.B.AStudy-Max Publications, Pune2008
3. A Text book on “Mathematics and Statistics” For - F.Y.B.ComStudy-Max Publications, Pune2008
4. A Text book on “Mathematics and Statistics” For – XI Commerce for HSC Board.HSC, Board, Pune2014-2015
Dr. Neeta Dhane1. Traditional and Data-Driven Predictive Statistical ModelsLulu Publication2024
2. BIOSTATISTICSNashik Publication2024
Dr. Vaishali Patil1. Elements of StatisticsThkur Publishers, Pune2013
2. Designed Experiments With Poisson Distributed Response VariableBLUE ROSE Publication, Delhi2019
3. Äpplication of Decision Tree for Developing Accurate Prediction ModelsLulu Publication2022
4. BIOSTATISTICSNashik Publication2024
Dr. Chandrashekhar Swami1. Synergies in Defence Exploring Interplay of Science Technology Arts and CommerceBharti Publications, New Delhi,2023







List of ACTIVITIES 2019-20 to 2024-25: View

  1. MoU Signed with AIS SOLUTIONS PVT LTD, Pune on 23rd September 2021.
  2. MoU Signed with Stat Modeller, Vadodara, Gujarat on 10th August 2022.
  3. MoU Signed with Yog Mahavidyalaya, Baramati on 28th February 2024.
  4. MoU Signed with SRE Statconsultancy Services Private Limited, Mumbai on 18th July 2024.

Students Achievements Year : 

YearName of the StudentsAchievement
2005-2006Agawane Shital BharatStood first in college at T.Y.B.Sc. Examination
2006-2007Kadam Saurabh RamchandraStood first in college and Secured first rank in Science faculty at T.Y.B.Sc. Examination of University of Pune
2007-2008Thorat Sandeep RameshStood first in college at T.Y.B.Sc. Examination
2008-2009Gholve Amruta RamchandraStood first in college at T.Y.B. Sc Examination and Secured second rank in Science faculty at T.Y.B.Sc. Examination of University of Pune
2012-13Pooja Achyut ShitoleStood first in college at T.Y.B. Sc Examination and Secured second rank in Science faculty at T.Y.B.Sc. Examination of University of Pune
2013-14Ms. Shilpa JadhavPublished Book in Marathi : Nabhapadyalache Sapan
2014-15Ayyaj shaikhWinner of State level Kavivarya Moropant Elocution Competition
2018-19Mukand Shivaji DhaleStood first in the college and secured the first rank in the Science faculty at the T.Y.B.Sc. Examination of Savitribai Phule Pune University, and was also awarded a gold medal by the university.
2021-22Mukand Shivaji DhaleQualified NET Examination
2023-24Mukand Shivaji DhaleStatistical officer at the Department of Statistics and Information Management, Reserve Bank of India

Students Achievements Year 2023-24: 

Sr. No.Name of studentsName of placed institute/ industry/ any other JobClassContact No.
1.Ms. Pooja S. GaikwadMH-SETM.Sc.8605767162
2.Miss. Aparna MindMH-SETM.Sc.7757870629
3.Miss. Pooja ShitoleMH-SETM.Sc.7385523525
4.Mr. Khajasaheb SayyadMH-SETM.Sc.9762524945
5.Mr. Minanath KareMH-SETM.Sc.7447531381
6.Mr. Rupesh GaikwadMH-SETM.Sc.8669028281
7Mr. Darade ShrikantSales Tax InspectorM.Sc.--
8Dnyanda Vijay Kumar NimbalkarGATEM.Sc.9689019494
9Mukunda Shivaji DhaleDept. of Statistics & Info. Mgmt, RBIM.Sc.8275747580
10Mr. Ashraf MulaniPolice Sub InspectorM.Sc.9503907506
11Mr. Vaibhav RautMPSCM.Sc.7709573812

Students Achievements Year 2022-23:

Sr. No.Name of Awardee StudentType of Award: National/ InternationalDetails of Awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at inter- collegiate / state /national / international eventsContact No of Awardee studentClass of student
1Jayram Prakash PingalePurushottam karandak singles competitionFirst prize9011982665S.Y.B.Sc
TC College Youth festival (Arranged Department of Marathi ) Quiz CompetitionsSecond Rank9011982665S.Y.B.Sc
Kavi Moropanth State level Oratorical CompetitionParticipated9011982665S.Y.B.Sc
Pune University Youth Festival (singles competition)First prize9011982665S.Y.B.Sc
Pune University Youth Festival State levelSecond prize9011982665S.Y.B.Sc
2.Mukunda Shivaji DhaleNET +JRFQualified8275747580M.Sc.

Students Achievements Year 2021-22:

Sr. No.Name of studentsName of placed institute/ industry/ any other JobClassContact No.
1Kokane Jalindar JanardanInfosys Technologies Private LimitedM.Sc7620424694
2Lembhe Akshata VijayDr. D. Y patil arts, commerce and science college, Pimpri, pune 18M.Sc8530916604
3Kuwar Preetikumari LalbahadurSymphony RetailAiM.Sc8080203532
4Shinde Vaishnavee AchyutTuljaram Chaturchand College, BaramatiM.Sc09527137633
5Rakate Priya NanasahebTuljaram Chaturchand College,BaramatiM.Sc8550994096
6Thorat Somnath kantilalTata Consultancy ServiceM.Sc7620240211
7Borate Sagar DhondibaCognizant technology solutionsM.Sc7558251569
8Kumbhar Vaibhav SambhajiTata consultancy servicesM.Sc9503566048
9Bobade Monali AshokEclerx Services Limited, Pune.M.Sc9970294347
10Mane Ashwini ShivajiTata consultancy servicesM.Sc8329602475
11Ankita Vinayak BhosaleTata Consultancy ServiceM.Sc7083122030
12Gofane Gauri MahadeveClerx Services LimitedM.Sc9049180666
13Chougule Soundarya SanjayTCS, Wipro, InfosysM.Sc9049817729
14Bande Vishal RajendraInfosys LimitedM.Sc9637333348

Students Achievements Year 2020-21:

Sr. No.Name of outgoing studentsName of placed institute/ industry/ any other Job Talathi, Police/ Teacher etc. (Detail address)ClassContact No.
1Chakane Mayuri BalasahebInfosysM.Sc9021293784
2Bhandwalkar Dattatray BaluEclerxM.Sc8796373020
3Birajdar Manjushree Mallikarjun (Nagarkar Manjushree Ajay)Parexel InternationalM.Sc9834211129
4Gore Vrushali SunilKumar Bioseeds and Products Pvt.Ltd.M.Sc08975695069
5.Viraj Bhagat(SET Qualified)M.Sc9527893936

Students Achievements Year 2019-20: 

Sr. No.Name of studentsName of placed institute/ industry/ any other JobClassContact No.
1Bankar Tanmay Vinayak1st entercoms; currently in EatonM.Sc.7040354925
2Ranpise Santosh MohanWNS Global Services Pvt LtdM.Sc.8625008241
3Bhanudas JadhavRanadey Professional Services Private LimitedM.Sc.7769890945
4Limbore Jaya LaxmanMES Abasaheb Garware College, Pune.M.Sc.9970867736
5Narkar Akshay SanjayRight Steps Business Solution Pvt.LtdM.Sc.8007043203
6Shirsat Snehal DhanajiBajaj Allianz life insuranceM.Sc.9730169922
7Satale Vikram DnyaneshwarUpThink Edutech Services Private LimitedM.Sc.9762337022
8Markad Amol DhanajiUpThink ExpertsM.Sc.7057075125
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
2Mr. Rahul Subhash JagtapB. Sc.1997National Statistical office, Government of India.Deputy Director General
3Mr. Nisar Badshah SayyadB. Sc.2000Alinma BankDeputy General Manager
4Ms. Trupti Nanasaheb GhadageB. Sc.2006Directorate of Economics and StatisticsStatistical Officer
5Mr. Saurabh Ramchandra KadamB. Sc.2007JP Morgan Chase and Co.Vice President
6Ms. Shraddha Nivrutti GaikwadB. Sc.2009Government of Maharashtra Forest DepartmentForest Statistician

Head, Department of Statistics:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Statistics:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Data Science:

Mathematics : Department Profile
Mr. Sadashiv Puranik , Assistant Professor and HOD, Dept. of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics in our rural area is a beacon of academic excellence, dedicated to nurturing mathematical prowess in the heart of our community. Established in 1962 with the establishment of college, the department has been a cornerstone of education in the region, providing students with a solid foundation in mathematics.

In 2011, a significant milestone was achieved with the initiation of the M.Sc. program, a testament to our commitment to offering advanced education in mathematics to aspiring scholars.One of our best practices is the integration of practical applications with theoretical concepts, fostering a holistic understanding of mathematics. We believe in hands-on learning, organizing regular workshops and seminars, where students can engage in problem-solving and collaborative projects. Additionally, our faculty members employ innovative teaching methods, ensuring that mathematical concepts are presented in an accessible and engaging manner.

The department has a rich history of producing accomplished mathematicians, many of whom have gone on to excel in academia and various industries. Our alumni have contributed significantly to the field of mathematics, both nationally and internationally, reflecting the quality of education imparted within these walls.

With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a nurturing environment, the Department of Mathematics continues to inspire and empower the minds of the future, ensuring that the legacy of mathematical brilliance continues to thrive in our rural community.

Vision: Fostering a culture of mathematics empowerment and innovation to uplift rural communities through education and practical applications.

Mission: Empowering rural learners with a robust foundation in mathematics, fostering critical thinking, problem-solving and promoting a culture of quantitative literacy for sustainable growth and development.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

1) Develop a curriculum that addresses the unique needs and background of rural students, providing them with a solid mathematical foundation while incorporating practical applications relevant to their environment.
2) Utilize modern educational technology to overcome geographical barriers, ensuring access to online resources and interactive tools for both students and educators.
3) Implement projects and activities that demonstrate the real-world applications of mathematics within the rural context, encouraging students to see the relevance and impact of mathematical knowledge in their everyday lives.

Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1Mr. Sadashiv PuranikAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET, NET14View Profile
2Dr. Prakash FulariAssistant ProfessorM.Tech., SET, Ph.D.08View Profile
3Dr. Jayvant PatadeAssistant ProfessorM. Sc., Ph. D., Post-doc.07View Profile
Non- Grant
4Dr. Shaila JadhavAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. SET, Ph.D.12View Profile
5Ms. Sonali KateAssistant ProfessorM.Sc., SET6View Profile
6Ms. Rupali KadamAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.6View Profile
7Miss . Sayogita Sapkal Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.-View Profile
8Miss. Ankita AnpatAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.-View Profile
9Miss. Nikita Vyavahare Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.-View Profile
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Sc.196203/04 Yrs
2.M.Sc.201101/02 Yrs
  1. English comprehensive and communication
  2. Programming in SCILAB/LaTeX/Maxima
  1. Departmental Library
  2. Mathematical models
  • Research Centre details (Establishment, area of specialization in short)
  • Guideship details:
  • Research projects sanctioned to faculty
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Dr. Shaila JadhavMathematics using Maxima softwareVision Publication, Pune2023







Maths Dept Activities 2019-24 – View

  1. MOU Signed with EDU-BRIDGE LEARNING PVT LTD, Pune on 23rdJan 2024.
  1. Hanumant Wanave (1994-95) working as Associate Professor at Sharadabai Pawar College, Baramati.
  2. Machhindranath Gophane (2002-03) working as Associate Professor at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
  3. Nilesh Mundlik (2002-03) working as Associate Professor at Nowrosjee Wdia College, Pune.
  4. Sachin Ballal (2004-05) working as Associate Professor at Central University of Hyderabad.
  5. Abhijeet Ghanwat (2011-12) completed D. from CMI, Chennai and pursuing Post Doc at IIT Madras.
  6. Shreyash Dhumal (2021-22) secured 11th rank in IIT-JAM and pursuing Sc. at IIT Guwahati.
  7. Pragati Shinde (2021-22) working as Sales Tax Assistant at Pune.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Haribhau Ramchandra BhapkarB.Sc. Maths1998MIT Art, Design and Technology University's School of Engineering and SciencesProfessor
2Mr. Nilesh Dagadu MundlikB.Sc. Maths2003Nowrosjee Wadia College,PuneAssistant Professor
3Mr. Sachin Bhanudas BallalB.Sc. Maths2004School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of HyderabadAssociate Professor
4Mr. Vishal Tukaram BhandwalkarB.Sc. Maths2007Axis BankBranch Head
5Mr. Amit Ashokrao PatilB.Sc. Maths2007TATA Consultancy Services (TCS)Team Leader
6Mr. Abhijeet Atmaram GhanwatB.Sc. Maths2012post doc fellow NBHM FELLOWSHIPIIT Madras

Head, Department of Mathematics:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Mathematics:

Web Coordinator Dept. of Mathematics:

Electronics : Department Profile
Prof. Dr. Jagdish Deshpande, Professor and HoD, Dept. of Electronics

Dept. of Electronics, established in 1986, is the biggest of its kind in the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune imparting knowledge of Electronics and Computer Science at U.G level. Department offers B.Sc. (Electronics), B.Sc. (Computer Science) and M.Sc. (Electronics) programs.

The department is enriched with 9 faculties for teaching, research and extension activities and sufficient supportive staff. Besides teaching-learning programs, other activities like workshops, Remedial Coaching, Seminars, National Science Day, project work and lectures of eminent personalities are organized continuously and successfully. Department offers campus interview and placement services to students. Most of our alumni are holding responsible positions in dignified areas. Dept. of Electronics, established in 1986, is the biggest of its kind in the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune imparting knowledge of Electronics and Computer Science at U.G level. Department offers B.Sc. (Electronics), B.Sc. (Computer Science) and M.Sc. (Electronics) programs. The department is enriched with 9 faculties for teaching, research and extension activities and sufficient supportive staff. Besides teaching-learning programs, other activities like workshops, Remedial Coaching, Seminars, National Science Day, project work and lectures of eminent personalities are organized continuously and successfully. Department offers campus interview and placement services to students. Most of our alumni are holding responsible positions in dignified areas.

Vision of the Department: To kindle innovation & creativity among students, develop and sustain a culture of research, and promote values, ethics, and professionalism, leading to a progressive career in industry & academia globally. Mission of the Department:

  • Utilize modern education aids, state-of-the-art laboratories, and a team of competent faculty to ensure an effective teaching and learning process.
  • Adapt to the ever-growing and changing industrial and business environment by providing students with practical, hands-on experience and relevant skills.
  • Challenge and inspire young minds with innovative ideas, encouraging them to engage in research activities.
  • Facilitate interaction with research organizations and industry partners to create opportunities for students to participate in groundbreaking research projects and gain recognition through their contributions.
  • Foster the development of responsible citizens and professional leaders who uphold high ethical and moral values.
  • Encourage students to contribute to the dissemination of universal science and technology, promoting the responsible use and advancement of knowledge for the betterment of society.
  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Consultancy Projects.
  2. Good number of student internships in industries.
  3. Excellent Result and Placement.
  4. A strong awareness and motivation among students to be creative and innovative resulting some innovative projects through incubation centre.
  5. Experienced, qualified, competent and devoted faculties and skilled technical, non- technical staff.
  6. Well-equipped and modern laboratories.
  7. Wi-Fi, LAN and internet connectivity.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationTeaching Exp.YrsPhotoBio-Data
1Prof. (Dr.) Jagdish DeshpandeProfessorM.Sc ,Ph.D.37View Profile
2Dr. Aparna PawarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,SET,Ph.D.15View Profile
3Dr. Priya RupnawarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,SET,Ph.D.14View Profile
4Dr. Aniket Kothawale Assistant ProfessorM.Sc ,Ph.D.12View Profile
5Dr. Shital GawadeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,SET,Ph.D.10View Profile
6Dr. Suhas PatilAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,SET,Ph.D.14View Profile
7Mrs. Shweta PatilAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.06View Profile
8Mrs. Priyanka ShindeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.03View Profile
9Mrs. Shital WalekarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc.,NET05View Profile
10Miss.Sayali Pawar Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.-View Profile
  1. Undergraduate
  2. Postgraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
  1. PCB and Circuit Designing.
  2. Robotics.
  3. IOT Based Embedded System Design.
  4. Basic Instrumentation Design.
  5. Arduino System.
  6. Mobile and Computer Repairing.
  1. Matlab Software
  2. Lab View Software
  3. PLC SCADA Trainer Kit
  4. Embedded System Design Kit.
  5. Antenna Trainer Kit
  6. DSP trainer kit.
  7. Advance Computer Laboratory.
  • Research:
  • Guideship details:
Sr. No.Name of GuideSpecializationNo. of Scholars Registered
1.Prof. (Dr.)Jagdish DeshpandeSensor Development03
2.Dr. Aniket KothawaleEmbedded System--
  • Book Publication:
Sr. No.Name of TeacherTitle of BookName and Place PublisherYear
1.Prof. (Dr.) Jagdish DeshpandeA Comparative Study Humidity Sensors: Plasma Polymerized and Spin Coated Thin Film SensorsLambert Academic Publication2021
2.Dr. Suhas PatilElectronic Instrumentation for AC Susceptibility MeasurementLambert Academic Publication2021
3.Dr. Aparna PawarWireless Sensor Network for Agricultural ApplicationLAP publication2022
4.Dr. Aniket KothawaleWireless Sensor NetworksNotion Press2022
5.Dr. Aniket KothawaleEmbedded SystemsAlpha International Publication2023

ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2024-25 : View ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2023-24 : View ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2022-23 : View ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2021-22 : View ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2020-21 : View ACADEMIC CALENDAR : 2019-20 : View

1) Education Trip. 2) PCB Designing. 3) Mobile and Computer Repairing. 4)NET/SET Coaching. 5)Guest Lecture. 6) Entrepreneurship Workshop. 7)LED Manufacturing Workshop. 8)Training program for Higher Education in Foreign. 9) Welcome party for Fresher. 10)Social Awareness Program. 11) Project and poster exhibition.

Sr. No.Name of industry/ institute/ corporate house/workshop /guest lecture etc.Year of signingDurationList of activities under MOU
1.Future Chip Tech, Pune20213 years-
2.Rajiv Electronics, Pune20213 yearsCertificate Course
3.Eagle Solution, Pune20213 years-
4.AI Adventures, Shivajinagar, Pune20213 yearsField Visit
5.M. G. Techsolution sales and services20223 yearsTraining Program
  1. NET/SET Qualified -10
  2. Class one officer in Central Government Services-01
  3. Start Up of Led Bulb Manufacturing- 01
  4. M.Sc. II Student Miss. Beera Housanna got third prize in university level project cum poster competition organized by department of Electronics, Modern College,Pune.
  5. M.Sc. II Students Miss. Datir Kiran and Mr. Prasad Bhagwat got consolated prize in project competition organized by department of Electronics, Modern College, Pune.
Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Mr. Rishikesh Ramesh KulkarniB.Sc1996CongnizantSenior Director
2Mr. Sandip Mahhadev DhavaleB.Sc2007M.I.T. AalandiAssistant Professor
3Mr. Dhananjay Vaman BansodeB.Sc2007Someshwar Science CollegeVice Principal and Head of Department of Electronics
4Mr. RohitKumar Sudamrao DhembareM.Sc2015John Deere IndiaLead Engineer II
5Mr. Ganesh Suryakant SutarM.Sc2016ASQUARE INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONSenior Technical Engineer
6Mr. Shubham Kamlakar MundheM.Sc2017Airport Authority of IndiaTechnical Officer

Head, Department of Electronics:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Electronics:

IQAC Coordinator Dept. of Electronics:

Web Coordinator Dept. of Electronics:

  • Name:  Dr. Aniket Kothawale
  • Email:
  • Mo.No.: 9561597469
Computer Science : Department Profile
Dr. Upendra Choudhari Assistant Professor and Head , Dept. of Computer Science

Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati has started Department of Computer Science in the year ‘June 1986’ that aims at providing quality education in Computer Science. The college started Bachelor of Computer Science (B.Sc. (Computer Science) earlier B.C.S) course from June 1986 under the affiliation of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

From June 2001 college has started the Post Graduate Course, Master of Computer Science (M.C.S./ M.Sc. (Computer Science)) .

Apart from teaching, the faculty of the department involved in research, consultancy and development programs. The support structure of the department provides all the required non-academic support to the students and the faculty. The Department of Computer Science takes care to ensure that the basic scientific principles of Computer Science are presented to the student and actively tries to point out the differences between the Computation as a science and software.


Education and Training: To provide high-quality education and training to students at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate and beyond, preparing them for successful careers in the tech industry and academia. Adaptability and Future-Readiness: To remain adaptable and responsive to the rapidly evolving field of computer science, continuously updating programs and research areas to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.


To provide high-quality education and training in computer science to students at various levels, including undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs, ensuring they acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for successful careers in the field.

  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  • Additional Programmes:
    • Add-on , Enrichment , Value based, Skill development.
    • Certificate Courses, Bridge and Remedial coaching.
  • Software Consultancy: Software Systems Developed for college. Development & maintenance of College Website.
  • Placement: Organization of Campus Interviews and Assistance for Industry Projects.
  • Collaboration:
    • Maharashtra Business Training Board (MBTB).
    • Center, (IIT) Mumbai for Spoken Tutorial.
    • ICT Academy, Channai
    • Oracle Academy, AWS Academy
    • Palo Alto Network Pvt. Ltd.
    • Red Hat Academy, Mumbai
  • Career Guidance and Pre-IT Guidance Lectures.
  • Optimal utilization of Computer Labs and in house maintenance.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationTeaching Exp.YrsPhotoBio-Data
1.Dr. Upendra ChoudhariHOD
Assistant Professor
M.Sc.(C.S.), M.Phil. Ph. D.25View Profile
2.Dr. Vilas KardileAssistant ProfessorM.C.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.26View Profile
3.Mr. Abhijeet MankarAssistant ProfessorM.C.S., SET22View Profile
4.Mr. Vishal ShahAssistant ProfessorM.C.S., M.Phil.(C.S.),SET,NET21View Profile
5.Mr. Rahul ShahAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)13View Profile
6.Mrs. Prajakta KulkarniAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)15View Profile
7.Mrs. Asmita BhagatAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)14View Profile
8.Mr. Purushottam DixitAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.), SET13View Profile
9.Ms. Kalyani LondheAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.) , NET,SET09View Profile
10.Mrs. Komal TheurkarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)07View Profile
11.Mrs. Nazia AttarAssistant ProfessorM.C.A.03View Profile
12.Mrs. Pornima SwamiAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)08View Profile
13.Mr. Swapnil ChemteAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)05View Profile
14.Ms. Lata JadhavAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)04View Profile
15.Ms. Vrushali ShirkandeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)04View Profile
16.Ms. Nilima KadamAssistant ProfessorM.Sc(Computer Science)13View Profile
17.Ms. Nikita PanhaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)02View Profile
18.Ms. Vaishnavi ShivarkarAssistant ProfessorM.Sc(Computer Science)04View Profile
19.Mrs. Joystna GhargeAssistant ProfessorM.Sc(Computer Science)05View Profile
20.Mr. Akshay AtoleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. (Comp.Sci.)01View Profile
21.Mrs. Gautami BhosaleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc(Computer Science)FresherView Profile
  • Undergraduate
  • Postgraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Sc. (Computer Science)June – 19863/4 Years
2.M.Sc. (Computer Science)June – 20011/2 Years
3.Bridge Course For F.Y.B.Sc.(CS) , M.Sc.(CS)– IEvery YearOne week
4.Remedial Coaching for S.Y. B.Sc. (CS) & T.Y.B.Sc.(CS)Every YearOne week
  • Ph.D. Research etc.- Nil


Sr. No.Course NameCourse Type
1.Certificate CoursesOffice Automation
Internet Awareness
Computer Basics
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Artificial Intelligence with Machine Learning in Java.
Python Programming
2.Additional CoursesIntroduction to Cyber Security – I & II
Fundamentals of Robotics.
  1. Well Equipped Six (6) Computer Laboratories and 206 latest configuration Computer machines with projector, Internet facility and Interactive Board.
  2. Wi-fi access point in staff room is provided for staff members for academic purpose.
  3. Class Rooms with portable sound amplifiers, ICT Facilities.
  4. Two Graphics Tablet used for teaching and learning purpose.
  • No. Of Books Publication : 08
  • No. Of Research Paper Publications : 11
Sr. No.Title of paperName of the authorsName of journalYear of publicationJournal Impact FactorISSN numberListed In
1Study on the use of information communication technology (ITC) tools by secondary school teachers of Pune district, MaharashtraChoudhari U.D.Web of Science ,Vidyabharti international Interdisciplinary, Research
Journal 13(1)
Sept-2021----ISSN 2319-4911International
2Opinion, Thinking and Attitude towards use of ICT for educational purpose by secondary school Head Teachers and students view of Pune district areaChoudhari U.D.International journal of all research education & scientific methods (IJARESM)
Volume 10 Issue 5 ,
May - 2022----ISSN-2455-6211International
3Review of Literature on RecursivePartitioning and its applications in various areasMankar A.D.The International Conference on Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems. (THEETAS 2022) (Virrual Mode) Procecdings16th to 17th April 2022----ISSN:2593-7642International
4Women Entrepreneur in India: A big step towards empowermentKulkarni P.P.Women Today as Savitri Reborn
9th & 10th March 2022----ISBN-918-93-5626-941-5National
5Women empowerment in IT:An Indian Prospective abstract.Bhagat A.A.Women Today as Savitri Reborn9th & 10th March 2022----ISBN-918-93-5626-941-5National
6To Study of women employment in Tuljaram Chaturchand College.Theurkar K. M.Women Today as Savitri Reborn9th & 10th March 2022----ISBN-918-93-5626-941-5National
7Role and Contribution of Education in Women’s Empowerment in India.Londhe K. W.Women Today as Savitri Reborn9th & 10th March 2022----ISBN-918-93-5626-941-5National

2)Dr. Sudhir Baburao Jagtap
International research journal of humanities & interdisciplinary studies25th February 20236.865ISSN:2582-8568Open Access
2) Dr. Neeraj Basotia**,
3) Dr. Janardhan K. Pawar***
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER)10th April 20227.816ISSN: 2277-7881UGC Care list
2) Dr. Neeraj Basotia**,
3) Dr. Janardhan K. Pawar***
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)3 August 20227.17ISSN:

UGC Care list

Dr. Sudhakar D. Bhoite
International research journal of humanities & interdisciplinary studies25th February 20236.865ISSN: 2582-8568Open Access
  • Book Chapter Publication :
Sr. No.Year of PublicationTitle of bookName of the publisherName of the Editor/Author
1September-23INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND PROBLEM SOLVING (First Year (FY) B.Sc. Cyber and Digital Science – Semester 1)Nirali Prakashan1.Dr.S. D. Bhoite
2.Mr.Abhijit D. Mankar
22022Programming in CDas Ganu PrakashanMr.U. D. Choudhari
3Sept-2021Mongo DBNirali
Mr,Abhijit D. Mankar
4May 2021Foundation of Data ScienceParijat PublicationDr.Vilas V. Kardile
5February 2021Web TechnologyNirali
Prakashan, Pune.
Mr.Abhijit D. Mankar
6November 2019Database Management Systems – INirali
Prakashan,Pune Mr,Abhijit D.Mankar
Mr.Abhijit D. Mankar
7November 2019Database ManagementNirali
Mr.Abhijit D. Mankar
8January 2020Relational DatabaseNirali
Mr.Abhijit D. Mankar
  • Research Guide : 01







Every year Department organizes following activities for the students and faculties.

  1. Workshops / Seminars.
  2. Career guidance/ lectures.
  3. Industry Expert Talks.
  4. Faculty Development Programs.
  5. Skill Enhancement Programs.
  6. Training Programs for student and faculty.
  7. Placement Drives.
Sr. No.Name of Institute / Organizations
1MBTB (Maharashtra Business Training Board).
2ICT Academy, Chennai
3Red Hat Academy, Mumbai
4AWS Academy
5Oracle Academy
Name of Awardee StudentType of Award: National/ InternationalDetails of Awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at inter-collegiate / state /national / international eventsClass of student
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshNationalInter College – Fergusson Karandak 2023 - Singing CompetitionT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshDr. Vishwnath Karad Karandak 2023 – Karaoke Singing CompetitionT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Arsul Renuka VishwambharAkhil Bhartiya Aanter Vidyapeeth – Talwarbaji at Jammu UniversityT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Khaire Anuradha DattatraySoft ball and BaseballT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Bhapkar Mayur HaridasSoft ball and Baseball at Agasti College, AkoleT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshAIMS - Singing Retro Mood and latestT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshVPASC- Swararang 2022 – Western SoloT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshWagholi College, Pune – Upshastriya GayanT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshWagholi College, Pune – Swararang 2022 – Western SoloT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshVPASC- Swararang 2022 – Semiclassical VocalT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Gaikwad Prathamesh GaneshVPASC- Swararang 2022 – Western Vocal SoloT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Joshi Subodhan AshutoshPurushottam Karandak 2022 – Uttejanarth DigdarshakT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Joshi Subodhan AshutoshHari Vinayak Karandak 2022 –Sarvotkrusht Vidyarthi DigdarshakT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)
Nikam Priti RajuHari Vinayak Karandak 2022 – Backstage SupportT.Y.B.Sc.(CS)

Alumni Association Executive Board 2023-24 – Click Here to View

Sr. No.Full NameDegree taken from TC CollegeYear of passingCurrently Working Organization NameCurrent Designation
1Dr. Ranjit Dnyandeo PatilB.Sc. Computer Science1998Dr. D. Y. Patil ACS College, PimpriPrincipal
2Mr. Pritam YadavB.Sc. Computer Science2003Entrata Inc. USAVice President of Engineering
3Mr. Sachin Shivmurti LamkaneM.Sc. Computer Science2007Mudhoji College, PhaltanAssistant Professor and Head
4Mr. Sagar Madhukar KharadeB.Sc. Computer Science2009Bank of AmericaVice President, Software Engineer Level III (VP, SE-III)
5Mr. Nilesh Ravsaheb IdhateB.Sc. Computer Science2011Maharashtra PoliceAssistant Police Inspector
6Mrs. Sayali Jayendrakumar ChavanM.Sc. Computer Science2012Maharashtra PoliceAssistant Police Inspector (API)

Head, Department of Computer Science:

PG Coordinator-M.Sc. Computer Science:

  • Name: Dr. Vilas V. Kardile
  • Email: /
  • Mob. No.: 9860388383
Environmental Science : Department Profile
Mrs.Surashri Sonawane, Assistant Professor and HOD, Dept. of Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science was established in 2019. From first step, Environmental Science was introduced as an optional course in the entire science department. The department offers under-graduate course and the success rate has been an astounding 100%. The Department of Environmental Science is committed to fostering interdisciplinary education, research, and outreach aimed at addressing pressing environmental challenges facing society today.

Our department offers a comprehensive curriculum that integrates principles from ecology, earth sciences, chemistry, and social sciences to provide students with a holistic understanding of environmental issues and solutions.

Our faculty members are renowned experts in their respective fields, actively engaged in cutting-edge research and scholarship across various environmental disciplines. They bring diverse expertise in areas such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, environmental policy, sustainable development, and environmental health, enriching the learning experience for our students.

Through innovative teaching methods, hands-on fieldwork, laboratory experiments, and collaborative projects, students gain practical skills and knowledge to analyze complex environmental problems and develop sustainable solutions. Our department emphasizes experiential learning opportunities, including internships, field trips, and research projects, to prepare students for diverse career paths in environmental science and related fields.

We are committed to fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and scientific inquiry within our college community and beyond. Our department actively engages in outreach programs, community partnerships, and environmental advocacy initiatives to promote environmental awareness, conservation, and sustainable development practices.

Together, we strive to empower the next generation of environmental leaders who are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and values needed to address the complex environmental challenges of the 21st century and contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient world.

  • Vision- To impart career-oriented quality education at par with global standard across all fields of academic and research. We will do this by developing various skills of excellence and through inculcation of moral values in the youth with a view to make them responsible citizens of India. To empower students to become informed, responsible and innovative leader in environmental science. To prepare students for successful career in environmental science and related field.
  • Mission- To contribute to nation building by continually empowering the youth through educational and vocational programmes, and inculcating culture by maintaining a multidimensional, holistic approach to life in them. We strive to develop informed leader and professionals who can innovate sustainable solutions, promote ecological integrity and balance human and environmental needs for the benefit of current and future generation.
  • One Page Document

  • Profile

  1. Environmental Science department provide students with comprehensive education and training in environmental principles, scientific methods, and sustainability practices.
  2. The department provides students with the skills and knowledge to tackle environmental challenges and pursue careers in related sectors.
  3. Our department organize outreach programs, workshops, seminars, and public events to raise awareness, promote environmental stewardship for sustainable development.
  4. The Environmental Science department prepares students for diverse career opportunities in environmental consulting, government, non-profit organizations, research, education, and industry.
  5. The Environmental Science department provides internships, fieldwork, and networking to boost student professional growth and ease their entry into the workforce.
  6. Environmental Science department assess ecosystem health and identify environmental threats through monitoring projects.
  7. Environmental Science departments promote campus sustainability through green initiatives and integrating sustainability principles into operations, curriculum, and student activities.
Sr. No.Name of TeacherDesignationQualificationExp. Yrs.PhotoBio-Data
1.Miss. Surashri SonawaneHead of the DepartmentM.Sc.6 yearsView Profile
2.Miss. Aruna KadamAssistant ProfessorM.Sc. Biodiversity01 YearsView Profile
  1. Undergraduate
Sr. No.Name of the ProgrammeDate of EstablishmentDuration
1.B.Sc. in Environmental Science20193 years
  1. Postgraduate : Nil
  2. Research : Nil
  • Introduction to lab instruments.
  • Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Organic Farming.
  • Designing of Rain Water Harvesting
  1. Instrumentation lab.
  2. Soil, water, air and noise quality parameter analysis.
  3. HVAS for air pollutant sampling.
  4. UV Spectrophotometer.


ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2024-2025 – View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2023-2024 – View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-2023 – View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2021 -2022 – View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020-2021 – View

ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2019-2020 – View

Environment related activities are celebrate at department with various activities like-

  1. Out of the campus Tree Plantation
  2. Celebration of World Environment Day
  3. Poster presentation on the occasion of World Ozone Day
  4. Quiz competition
  5. Essay Writing
  6. Debates
  7. Entrepreneurs Guest lectures
  8. EHS Workshops
  9. Visit and study tours
  10. Workshops and Seminars
  11. Guest lecture
  • Forest department, Baramati
  • Nagarparishad, Baramati
Sr. No.ItemParticulars
1.Name of the studentOmkar Waghole
2.DepartmentSenior College
3.Date of the achievement26 Jan 2022
4.Type of achievement: SET/NET/GATE/ PH.D./MPSC/UPSC/Award/appointment etc.part of Republic Day Marching contingent at Rajpath
5.In case of Student/Alumni: Batch & Class2020-2021

Content Not added yet.

Head, Department of Environmental Science:

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