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अनेकांत नियत कालिक (२०२४-२५) – अंकासाठी लेखन साहित्य मागविणे बाबत


To fulfil this, need the college has established the department of Business   Administration in the year 2008. Since then education is taught at general level from the first year to third year of the undergraduate level. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is one of the most advanced stream under graduation study based on the curriculum it. Offers and the opportunities it has for the post graduation studies. BBA students are exposed to multiple subjects during their 3 years or 6 semesters of studies. Establishment of the department was in 2008. While the establishment, course contains only Finance and Marketing specializations. But now as per the need of Industry we have started with two more specialization for the students that are Human Resource Management and Service Sector Management. Now a day education is focusing on creating job providers instead of job seekers and department focus on the same activities related to entrepreneurship development. Department is taking continuous efforts for development of the students in management professional.

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