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अनेकांत नियत कालिक (२०२४-२५) – अंकासाठी लेखन साहित्य मागविणे बाबत


Till the year 2023 the total 12 research students have been awarded Ph.D. degree and currently 64 scholars have been working for their doctoral research under 14 recognized supervisors. The teachers have been received 17 research projects from state and national funding agencies like DST, BCUD, and Mangrove Foundation, which is in total 69,31,000 rupees and all these projects successfully completed. The department organized a National conference in 2012 and International conference in 2016.

The following best practices such as Nursery Management Course, Plant of the week Activity, Maintenance of Herbaria, Organization of Workshops, Conferences, Webinars, Summer Training Programme, Value Based Practices : Welcome, Sendoff, Celebrating  Occasions by offering Books and Involvement of Students in Research Activities are conducted in the department, keeping in mind an overall development of student. One patent and more than 100 research papers have been published in UGC care listed journals, Scopus and Impact having renowned journals. More than 50 national and international conferences attended by faculty. However, faculties have been playing important role in framing syllabi at the university and college levels as well as contributing as an author to text books and written reference books. Kavivarya Moropant Botanical Garden having more than 1000 type of flowering, non flowering plants which are distributed in the various groups such as Medicinal, cacti, Halophytes, Cactus Plants, Hydrophytes, Butterfly garden plants, Oxygen park plants, Fernery and Bonsai under maintains of the department. For consultancy the department started Surbhi Nursery in 26 January 2022 which sells the sapling of plants, bouquets, bonsai, hanging basket and medicinal plants.

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