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अनेकांत नियत कालिक (२०२४-२५) – अंकासाठी लेखन साहित्य मागविणे बाबत


Department of Zoology was established in the year 1964 and was affiliated to the then University of Pune (Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune). Department offers Undergraduate degree course (B.Sc. Zoology) since 1981 and has the intake capacity of 48 students. Department also offers post-graduate degree program (M.Sc.) in three subjects as Entomology, Animal Physiology & Genetics.

Department of Zoology has well equipped UG & PG laboratories (Dr. H. G. Korana lab, Dr. Salim Ali lab & Sir Ronald Ross lab) with almost all the necessary laboratory equipments like varieties of microscopes, microtome machine, ovens, incubators, centrifuge machine, PCR, electrophoresis, autoclave unit, LAF, etc. All laboratories are well ventilated and follow all necessary safety measures.

The Department offers a congenial environment for knowledge development, research training and for individual growth. The Department has an excellent complement of teaching by the faculty who are involved in basic and applied research in different areas of Zoology.

We recognize the crucial role of the science in general & Zoology in particular in addressing societal challenges. Our department seeks to translate scientific knowledge into practical applications that improve environmental sustainability, human health, and overall well-being. By actively engaging with local NGOs, different laboratories, government agencies, and the public, we aim to contribute to the environmental sustainability with special focus on animal diversity conservation; individual skill development in the fields like Sericulture, Apiculture, Fisheries, and foster a deeper understanding of the significance of various branches of Zoology in our everyday lives.

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