Academic Notices
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शैक्षणिक वर्ष २०२५-२६ साठी महा-बी. बीबीए/बीसीए सीईटी ऑनलाईन अर्ज सादर करण्यास अंतिम मुदतवाढ देण्यात येत आहे
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पदवी (UG ) व डी. टी. एल. या अभ्यासक्रमातील सर्व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी मार्च / एप्रिल – २०२५ ऑनलाईन परीक्षा अर्ज भरणेबाबत
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प्राध्यापक व विध्यार्थ्यांसाठी महत्वाची सूचना – अमेरिकन लायब्ररी चे सभासद होण्याची सुवर्णसंधी

Our Activities


Dr. Vilas Kardile : District Co-Ordinator & Chief Co-Ordinator 
Email ID :

Dr. Dr. Nirajan Shah :  Programme officer (Group A)
Mr. Maharudra Dudhe : Programme officer (Group B)


National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) unit has been functioning in our college since its opening year 1971-72. Since its beginning, it has been trying sincerely to meet the needs and requirements of students and people from different walks of life.

Tuljaram Chaturchand College N.S.S. Student Enroll Form – For academic year 2020-2021

The valuable contribution of the N.S.S. unit to our college and society is as follows:

  • The project of planting and cultivating thousands of trees to save the earth and ultimately control pollution was undertaken by our unit.
  • Special assistance and cooperation were imported to organize blood donation camps to meet the demand for blood. Blood was supplied by our unit to the Military during India-Pakistan War during 1971-72.
  • Various festivals are being celebrated at the remand home to create a feeling of domestic atmosphere for orphans from the remand home at Baramati.
  • Considering the importance of libraries in villages and to motivate them to read, 300 books and 50 magazines were donated to a public library from the village named Gunawadi, Ta. Baramati, Dist. Pune.
  • Unused medicines are being collected from the people under the guidance of medical professionals and they are being supplied to the people who are poor and needy.
  • Activities like eradication of weeds, bijamash pest control, and construction of bunds for water conservation were carried out successfully by the volunteers of our unit to give relief, especially to the farmers during the period from 1975 to 1977.
  • As there was a need for a school in the village of ‘Gojubavi’, Tal. Baramati, Dist. Pune our volunteers from the unit gave their full cooperation by digging a foundation for the building and by laying down tiles to construct a fence for the school premises.
  • To meet the needs and requirements of society, volunteers from our unit actively participated in different missions such as polioeradication, national integrity, maintaining harmony among the people during the war, etc.
  • Special efforts were made by the unit to inspire volunteers to participate in different activities by organizing training camps and workshops, female volunteers were trained to work as nurses and male volunteers were trained as police friends N.S.S. during the ‘Ganesh Festival’.
  • Activities such as campaigning rallies to control dowry disease (system), AIDS control mission, and alcohol prohibition were organized by our unit.
  • Special efforts were made to raise funds to help affected people from natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, and so on

NSS Committee

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1.Dr. Vilas KardileChief Coordinator
2.Dr. Niranjan ShahGroup A - Program Officer
3.Mr. Vinayak Lashkar Asst. Prog. Officer
4.Dr. Devidas BhosaleMember
5.Dr. Jyotiram GhadageMember
6.Mr. Mahesh PhuleMember
7.Dr. Megha BadveMember
8.Mr. Krushnat NagareMember
9.Smt. Shobha KanadeMember
10.Ms. S. M. BorawakeMember
11. Mr. Maharudra DudheGroup B - Program Officer
12.Mrs. Asmita BhagatAsst. Prog. Officer
13.Dr. Prakash FulariMember
14.Dr. Vithal NaleMember
15.Dr. Deepali SangaleMember
16.Dr. Suhas PatilMember
17.Dr. Vijay MohiteMember
18.Mrs. Komal JagtapMember
19.Ms. Kalyani KaleMember
20.Mr. Saurabh ChandankarMember

NSS Activities

Sr. No.TitleDownload
1.Two day Youth Upgradation Workshop - NSS 2023_24Download
2.Workshop on Value Education 2023-24Download
3.Regular Activities in the Year 2022-23Download
4.Camp Activities in the Year 2022-23Download
5.Regular Activities in the Year 2021-22Download
6.Regular Activities in the Year 2019-20Download

NSS Yearwise Reports

Sr. No.TitleDownload
1.Activity Report 2023-2024Download
2.Activity Report 2022-2023Download
3.Activity Report 2021-2022Download
4.Activity Report 2020-2021Download
5.Activity Report 2019-2020Download

Lt. Dr. Vivek Bale : Co-Ordinator
Email ID :

National Cadet Corps (NCC) has its genesis in the ‘University Corps’ which was established under the Indian Defence Act, 1917 with the objective of making up the shortage of the army. The need to create a youth organization at national level and to train the young boys to be better citizen and future leaders of our great country in all walks of life including defense forces was rightly realized by our leaders. The motto of the NCC is ‘Unity and Discipline’ which was accepted on 23rd December, 1957. In light of the motto, the NCC strives to be and is one of the greatest cohesive forces of our nation, bringing together the youth hailing from different parts of our country and molding them into united, secular and disciplined citizens of our nation.

Nowadays NCC has the following aims:

  • To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizens.
  • To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life, including the armed forces and be always available for the services of the nation.
  • To create a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in armed forces. The NCC does not act as the feeder of entry of cadets into the defense forces. However, it does encourage and assist cadets to do so should they be inclined. Keeping this in view, service training is conducted only to help in fulfilling the aims of developing character quality among our cadets and making them good leaders and useful citizens of our country. The NCC, therefore, trains cadets to take appropriate place in the society, in all walks of life and in service of the nation.

एन.सी.सी. छात्र प्रतिज्ञा मै प्रतिज्ञा करता हूँ कि , मै , सच्चाई और श्रद्धासे , अपने देशकी सेवा करुंगा तथा , नैशनल कॅडेट कोर के नियमो , और अधिनियमोंका पालन करुंगा | और अपने , कमांडिंग ऑफिसरके आदेशके अनुसार हर परेड व कॅम्पमें पूरि शक्तिके साथ सम्मिलित रहूंगा ||

Achievements :

  • Associated National Cadet Corps officer Lieutenant Vivek Anil Bale won the Director General’s Baton and Gold Medal for standing first in the order of merit among the senior division at NCC Officers Training Academy, Kamptee, Nagpur on Saturday 1st February 2020 by the hands of Major General IJS Hundal
  • Sargent Ruthik Pandurang Nale selected through Republic day camp for Prime Ministers Rally held on 28th January 2020 on Raj path at Delhi
  • Won the Runner Up trophy for volleyball Competition at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • Winner of Dance Competition Senior at CATC-706 Camp held on 10/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • Our College NCC Unit Participated and won the 2st prize in Drill Competition organized by Baramati Tahsil office at Railway Ground on 26th January 2020

Achievements of Cadets

  • SUO- Aniket Kavale got Gold Medal as JD senior at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • JUO Sohel Inamdar got Gold Medal as Camp senior at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • SGT- Sagar Raut got Gold medal as Best Sargent at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • SGT- Dimple Kuchekar got Gold medal as SW senior and in Dance Competition at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT-Ankita Bhokare got Silver Medal in Kho- Kho at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT- Himabindu Manchirahu got Silver Medal in Kho- Kho at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT- Renuka Arsul got Silver Medal in Kho- Kho at CATC 702 Camp held on 17/06/2019 to 26/06/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CQMS -Ajaykumar Raskar received Gold medal as Best Cadet at CATC-706 held on 10/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CQMS-Ajaykumar Raskar selected as senior of Maharashtra Directorate and received gold medal as Best Hard worker cadet at All India Narmada Treakking Camp, Gujrat held on 27th November 2019 to 13th December 2019
  • JUO-Shrikant Mahamuni received Gold Medal as JD Senior at CATC-706 held on 10/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT- Vishakha Shinde received Silver Medal in Kho Kho at CATC-706 held on 10/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT- Kajol Bhapkar Received Silver Medal in Kho Kho at CATC-706 held on 10/07/2019 to 19/07/2019 Pune Group HQ, Pune
  • CDT- Rahul Kale received Gold medal as Best Cadet at Shivaji Trekking Camp held on 30/11/2019 to 07/12/2019 at Kolhapur
  • JUO-Dhiraj Jadhav received a Gold medal in Kho Kho Competition at EBSB Camp held from 04/11/2019 to 15/11/2019 at Uttarakhand
Sr. No.TitleDownload
1.Regular Activities 2023-24Download
2.Regular Activities 2022-23Download
3.Regular Activities 2021-22Download
4.Regular Activities 2020-21Download
5.Regular Activities 2019-20Download

Dr. Gutam Jadhav

HOD Sports Department

Baramati’s Anekant Education Society established the Arts, Science and Commerce College on 23rd June, 1962. A gymnasium was also established alongside in 1962, for which the college authorities made available 17 acres of land.

With the grant from the university and government, as well as a sizeable investment from the society, a huge playground was made ready. This included a track of 400 mtrs. for running, a volleyball court, a basketball court, football ground, and kabbaddi and khokho ground as well.

With an additional grant from the society a separate gymnasium building was constructed which housed the office, store room, NCC office and two halls. A separate building was also constructed with the intent of being as a gym.

A compound wall was been constructed around the playground. Several trees were also planted with a view of keeping the environment healthy. The gymnasium is fully equipped with the latest machinery required for running a gym. Various facilities for different sports are also provided at the gymnasium. This is done so that the students with varying interests can take full advantage of the facilities.

Since 1962 till 2009 the players representing our college have brought us many laurels at the university, national and state level. The college had organised an all-India university khokho and kabbaddi competition. District level competition were also organised by the college. This fully-equipped gymnasium has always been the college’s pride over these years.

Sr. No.ClassDownload Syllabus
1First Year UG Students for Sem-I & II (CC) (2024 Pattern)Download
2.Second Year UG Students for Sem-III & IV (CC)(2023 Pattern)Download

Mr. Bhimrao Torane: Co-Ordinator
Email ID :

The cultural department is one of the enthusiastic departments in the college. Every year many students perform and participate actively in various cultural activities, such as solo dance, group dance, instrumental music, painting, drama, elocution, debate, singing, etc. that are held at different colleges, institutions and universities, and they always come out with flying colors. The students of our college left their footprints in diverse events through the cultural department. Our students always grab the opportunity to express themselves and participate in various conferences and seminars.

Beside this, the cultural department also conducts courses such as kathak, guitar and singing throughout the year.

Vision and Mission

Vision : To inspire and unite communities through the celebration of diverse cultural expressions, fostering creativity, inclusivity, and mutual understanding. We aim to be a catalyst for preserving heritage, promoting innovation in the arts, and building a vibrant, interconnected society where every individual’s cultural identity is honored and celebrated.

Mission: Our mission is to nurture and promote cultural diversity, creativity, and heritage by supporting artistic expression, preserving historical traditions, and fostering cross-cultural dialogue. We strive to empower communities, enhance cultural education, and provide accessible opportunities for everyone to engage with and contribute to a rich cultural landscape.


  • Promotion of Arts and Creativity
  • Preservation of Cultural Heritage
  • Community Engagement
  • Education and Awareness
  • Innovation and Modernization
Name of TeacherDesignationPhoto
Prof. Bhimrao ToraneHOD
Mr. Rajendra KandareMember
Mr. Somnath KadamMember
Mr. Vishal MoreMember
Ms. Prajakta KulkarniMember

Purushottam Karandak Winning team

Cultural Rally in Odisha

Yearwise Achievements :

Academic YearDownload

Organized Competitions/Events in our College:

Sr. No. Academic Year Name of event/competition





Stage play workshop
2. Workshop on Drama
3. Commercial writing
4. Elocution competition
5. IQAC Cultural Competitions
6. Poetry reading and script writing
7. Swararang 2023 Intercollegiate Youth Festival
8. Script writing workshop



Conservation of folk art
10. Workshop on Play
11. Drawing and Sketching
12. IQAC Youth Festival
13. Quiz Competition


Screenplay Writing
15. Script Writing
16. Drawing and Sketching
17. Differences between folk art and folk dance


Folk art Conservation
19.  Film Making Workshop
20. IQAC Youth Festival


  • Dance competitions
  • Singing competitions
  • Drama competitions
  • Fine arts competitions
  • University level Youth festival
  • IQAC Youth Festival
  • Cultural workshop
  • Student exchange program
  • State level cultural competitions
  • National level cultural competitions
  • International level cultural competitions


  • Kala Avishkar
  • Cultural Activities


  • Well-equipped theatre
  • Folk Instruments
  • Western instruments
  • Expert guidance



  • Maharashtra government youth festival 2024

1. Pune district level (Pune)- folk dance first prize

2. Pune divisional level (Solapur)- folk dance first prize

3. State level (Nanded) – folk dance third prize

  • Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune

Youth festival championship (2024)

  • International Tribal Dance Competition Odisha

Tribal dance – Second prize (2024)

  • National Youth Cultural Exchange Program Punjab

Folk dance -first prize (2024)

  • Purushottam Karandak 2022 (state level drama competition)
  1. Drama-‘Bhu-Bhu’ Shriram Karandak
  2. Best Director
  3. Best Actor
  4. Best Actress
  • Youth parliament competition – Yuvak Biradari

Second prize in national level(2024)

Alumni Name Year of passing Currently working organization name Current designation
1 Mr. Akshay Kalkute 2018 ‘Colour tv’ Marathi tv channel Lead role as  Actor
2 Mr. Ashay Deshpande 2019 ‘Ragas Studio’


Owner, lyrics writer, film editor
3 Mr. Pallab Bhore 2019 ‘Yash Raj Film’ Mumbai Sound engineer
4 Ms. Girija Mahamuni 2019 Marathi film ‘Lata Bhagwan Kare’  Singer
5 Ms. Swati Kadu 2018 Marathi Film ’Spandan’ Support Actress
6 Mr. Pradeep Jamble 2018 Marathi Film ’Spandan’ Support Actor
7 Mr. Pravin Bhagat


2019 Cipla Pharma Cultural Co-ordinator
8 Mr. Saurabh Pandhare 2024 Working in Marathi Film and Drama    Actor

Celebrity Visits

Sr.No. Name of celebrity          Profession Famous Film/Song
1 Nagraj Manjule President Award Winner Director ,Actor,  Producer, Script writer, Filmmaker





2 Akash Thosar Famous Marathi/Hindi Actor 1.Sairat

2.Ghar Banduk Biryani

3 Sayali Patil Famous Marathi Actress Ghar Banduk Biryani
4 Dr. Ganesh Chandanshive Singer, Composer and Lyricist 1.Diwani Mastani -Song

2.Alare ala Ganesha

5 Shahir Ramanand Ugale Famous Marathi Folk Song Singer Gadi Ghungrachi-Folk Song


Sr. no. Name of the Teacher Designation Mobile No Email   ID
1 Prof.Bhimrao Torane HOD 9850792165
2 Mr. Rajendra Kandare  


3 Mr. Somnath Kadam Member 8888460486
Board of Students Development
Board of Students Development

Dr. Bhagawan Mali : Board of Student ‘s Development Officer

Email ID :


Board of Student’s Development:

The Board of Student’s Development of T.C College, Baramati is continuously  engaged in developing the overall personality of the student. In connection with this BSD undertakes various student centred programs it believes that given the opportunity, many of these students will bring out of their hidden talents. To unravel these hidden talents in the BSD provides the platform and the boosting environment for students to explore their respective career. The BSD initiates different schemes, which includes Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Earn and Leran Scheme, special guidance scheme, Voter’s Registration, IQAC Yuva Mohtsav, Nirbhay Kanya, student safety insurance scheme, Participation at various cultural activities, Moot Courts at college, University, State as well as National level. These schemes are targeted for the development and betterment of the students.

BSD through its many fold programs provide ample opportunities for the development of the students and indulge them in its activities apart from their academic work. The university authorities are always keen not only to provide standard academic programs but also to inculcate self-reliance and boost the confidence amongst the students.

We believe that “We for Student”

The BSD is always taking sincere efforts for the overall development of students. It executes various activities in college campus various department under the kind guidance of Principal of institute, recognized institutes and P.G. departments.

The BSD of our College undertakes various programmes, which seek to broken the out with of these student and make them responsible citizen. It helps to inculcate communal harmony with team spirit and national Interpretation, amongst the students.


The Vision of the Savitribai Phule Pune University is student centric .The Board of Students’ Development  of our T.C. College ,Baramati truly represents this vision that is multidimensional as well as multifaceted. This vision sees the youth as a powerhouse  of strength where their energy is harnessed to nation building and socially relevant activities to build an egalitarian society.

The Board of Students’ Development(BSD) looks after the protection of rights and supervises the Development activities of the students ofU.G.and post-graduate departments of the college .BSD promotes and co-ordinates the different students’ activities for better corporate life. BSD tries to nurture students’ mental, physical, cultural growth with various activities to improve their overall personality development and to make them civilized Indian citizens to compete in the competitive world.


  • To strive for excellence in education for the realization of a vibrant and inclusive society through knowledge creation and dissemination.
  • To Improving the communication skills and cultural skills
  • To Provide economical help to all sections of the society to pursue higher education
  • To Inculcate right values among students
  • To develop leadership qualities among students
  • To Produce responsible citizens
  • To enhance the process of creating a knowledge society


  • Student safety insurance scheme
  • University level inter college youth festival
  • Drama presentation competition
  • University level workshop / seminars/ training :
  • Student personality development workshop
  • Cultural development workshop
  • University representative youth leadership development workshop
  • Youth parliament
  • Natya Abhivachan workshop
  • Speech skill development workshop
  • Career Guidance Program
  • Anchoring  skill development workshop
  •  Street play  and Cultural skill development workshop
  •  Students motivational workshop

Student Leadership Activities:-

  • College level student council
  • University student’s  council

For the college level activities:-

  • Globalization rising workshop or Seminars
  • Employment skill development guidance workshop
  • Personality development cell
  •  Stress management & guidance cell

Special program for Girl students:-

  • Nirbhay kanya
  • Personality development cell

Seminars for the Principal/ Director/ HOD, Student development officers & Teachers:-

  • Half yearly meeting
  • Pre planning meetings of student’s council members

The Board of Students’ Development undertakes the following prominent activities :

  • Anti-ragging Cell
  • Disaster Management Cell
  • Dr P C Alexander Inter University Marathi/ English Elocution Competition
  • Fearless Girls Campaign (‘Nirbhay Kanya Abhiyan’)
  • KarmaveerBhaurao Patil ‘Earn and Learn Scheme’
  • Moot Court Competition
  • Personality Development Scheme
  • Soft Skills Programme
  • Special Guidance Scheme
  • Student-related Seminar/Conferences/Workshops/ Lecture Series/Camps etc.
  • Students’ Safety Insurance Scheme
  • Students Aid Fund
  • Students Council
  • Voter’s Awareness Campaign( Electoral Literacy Club)
  • Collection of funds
  • Celebration of days
  • Tree Plantation
  • Magazine Competition
  • IQAC Yuva Mahostav

Pri.Prof. Avinash S. Jagtap , Prof. Dr. Bhagawan Mali(SDO) Prof. Sachin Gadekar Vice-Principal Receiving  Best Student Development Officer Award -2023 given  by Savitribai Phule Pune University ,Pune

Board of Student’s Development Committees (AY 2019 to 2024)

Sr. NoName of Committee MemberDesignation
Academic Year 2024-25
1Prin. Dr. Avinash JagtapChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Dr. Mrs. Mukta AmbhereMember
4Dr. Gautam JadhavMember
5Dr. Hanumant PhatakMember
6Dr. Vilas KardileMember
7Mr. Bhimrao ToraneMember
8Lt. Dr. Vivek BaleMember
9Mrs. Dipali ChavanMember
10Dr. Amar KulkarniMember
11Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
12Mr. Amol SolankarMember
13Mr. Aditya KubadeStudent Representative
Academic Year 2023-24
1Prin. Dr. Avinash JagtapChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Dr. Mrs. Mukta AmbhereMember
4Dr. Gautam JadhavMember
5Dr. Chandrakant KambleMember
6Lt. Dr. Vivek BaleMember
7Mrs. Dipali ChavanMember
8Mrs. Dhanvanti BamaneMember
9Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
10Mr.Ajaykumar RaskarStudent Representative
Academic Year 2022-23
1Prin. Dr. Chandrashekhar MurumkarChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Mrs. Deepali AnpatMember
4Dr. Gautam JadhavMember
5Dr. Chandrakant KambleMember
6Mr. Vivek BaleMember
7Mr. Amar KulkarniMember
8Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
9Ms.Sakshi BhosaleStudent Representative
Academic Year 2021-22
1Prin. Dr. Chandrashekhar MurumkarChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Dr. Mrs. Seema Naik-GosaviMember
4Dr. Vikas KakadeMember
5Dr. Gautam JadhavMember
6Dr. Vilas KardileMember
7Mr. Vivek BaleMember
8Mr. Amar KulkarniMember
9Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
10Mr.Ajaykumar RaskarStudent Representative
Academic Year 2020-21
1Prin. Dr. Chandrashekhar MurumkarChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Dr. Mrs. Seema Naik-GosaviMember
4Dr. Yogini MulayMember
5Dr. Vikas KakadeMember
6Dr. Gautam JadhavMember
7Dr. Vilas KardileMember
8Mr. Vivek BaleMember
9Mr. Amar KulkarniMember
10Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
11Ms.Payal AgamStudent Representative
Academic Year 2019-20
1Prin. Dr. Chandrashekhar MurumkarChairman
2Prof. Dr. Bhagawan MaliSDO
3Dr. Mrs. Seema Naik-GosaviMember
4Dr. Vilas KardileMember
5Mr. Vivek BaleMember
6Mr. Abhinandan ShahMember
7Ms.Ujwala BandalkarStudent Representative

Activities Reports –  Year
2019-20 to 2023-24

Sr. No.Academic YearDownload
1.Activities 2023-24Download
1.Swarrang ReportDownload
2.Activities 2022-23 Download
3.Activities 2021-22Download
4.Activities 2020-21Download
5.Activities 2019-20 Download
Soft Skill Development

The programme is specially conducted for the rural students who are in their third year of B.A.,B.Com,B.Sc.,B.Sc(Computer Science),B.B.A. or B.B.A(C.A.) It helps to develop confidence, communication skill, discipline and transaction capacity in those who have a burning desire for future dreams. The ten days regular schedule from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon has been arranged since from last three years.

Topics Conducted:

  • Motivation
  • Positive attitude
  • Manners and Etiquette’s
  • Creativity
  • C.V. Writing
  • Time Management
  • Presentation Skill
  • Career Councelling
  • Interview Skill
  • Confidence Development
  • Goal Setting
  • Secret of Success
  • Memory Development
  • Group Discussions and Mock Interviews.
Competitive Examination & Study Center
Competitive Examination & Study Center

Dr. Hanumant Phatak:

Email ID :

Tuljaram Chaturchand College has realized that there is a general lack of awareness and there are a number of misconceptions concerning Civil Services Exam in the minds of not only the students and their parents but also with teachers and counselors.Due to this,the college has started The Competitive Examination Center. It was established with the collaboration of Unique Academy, Pune in July 2009.

Aims and Objective:

  • To provide guidance to the students who come from rural background for competitive exams.
  • Develop good administrators.
  • To create awareness among the students for various competitive exams.
  • Develop among them a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  • To make them capable to face emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
  • To incorporate National integration and social harmony.


  • Experienced staff.
  • Well established library facility.
  • Special coaching for higher secondary students.
  • Periodical unit test.
  • Participation certificate.


  • UPSC / MPSC foundation course.
  • Arrange Workshops.
  • Arrange Guest Lectures on various contemporary Social, Political, Economic and Environmental issues.
Entrepreneurship Development Cell & Skill Hub
Entrepreneurship Development Cell & Skill Hub

Prof. Dr. Vikas Kakade: Co-Ordinator

Mob. No : 9422607171
Email ID :

The department of Science & technology, Government of India has established an Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell). This scheme is currently being developed by ministry of Skill Development & entrepreneurship through 50 nodal entrepreneurship hubs. This ED Cell is launched with a view to encourage students as a self employment for their career option. Provide training in ED Cell through modular courses & increases the relevance of management particularly in the non-corporate & under managed sectors. A main objective is to create an environment in which individual become an entrepreneur. ED Cell concerned with something to do with business. Any student who belongs to Arts or Science or Commerce or UG or PG, after completing their degree course they all must be looking for good placement. Now days, need is that today’s youth become a job creator not a job seekers. In ED Cell, we help them to encapsulate, accelerate their business idea, groom them, council in various skills like computer training, food processing, agricultural related training, mechanical & electrical training etc. which gives number of chances to promote their skill.

Functions of ED Cell:

  • ED Cell movements like MAKE IN INDIA & START-UP INDIA encourage technical as well as non- technical start-ups.
  • Mentoring to develop start up culture in the campus.
  • Identifying brightest idea & giving them platform to it in a project.
  • To encourage college-level students to start their own business & improve job skill.
  • Linking students & industry in an informal way.

Role of skill Hub for students:

  • Self-reliance
  • Self-discipline
  • Reflectiveness
  • Self-awareness
  • Resilience
  • Courses with technical knowledge
  • Transferable skills
  • Internship & placements in industries
  • Providing E-learning facilities like E-journals / Magazines etc.

Activities to be plan by cell:

  • Initiating activities like business plan competition
  • Entrepreneurship awareness workshops
  • Entrepreneurship summits
  • Start up of new ventures
  • Entrepreneurship training program
  • Awareness about government scheme for new entrepreneurs
  • E-sale competition
  • Success stories of entrepreneurs
  • Start up experience
  • Industry interaction with entrepreneurs
  • Advance courses for entrepreneurs.

Team Members:

Sr. No.NameMobileEmail ID
1Dr. U. D. Choudhari9763457978
2Dr. A. M. Pawar8275206489
3Mrs. D. S. Chavan9890511241
4Mrs. P. P. Kulkarni9112094242
5Dr. J. K. Pawar8806789231
6Dr. R. D. Chitale9763020547
7Mr. M. S. Phule9922555523
8Mrs. M. R. Saste9503668675
9Mr. Krushna Kulkarni8788933638


Activities Conducted under ED Cell Year 2023-2024Download

Activities Conducted under ED Cell Year 2022-2023Download

Activities Conducted under ED Cell Year 2021-2022 – Download

Activities Conducted under ED Cell Year 2020-2021 – Download

Activities Conducted under ED Cell Year 2019-2020 – Download

List of first Generation Entrepreneurs – Download


Incubation & Innovation Cell
Incubation & Innovation Cell

Mrs. Deepali Chavan

Head, Innovation and Incubation Cell

Innovation and Incubation Cell was established in Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati under the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Center was established to identify and encourage the ideas and talents in various domains like food, Dairy, Agricultural, Chemicals etc. Center is basically devoted to inspire, encourage, motivate and support the students to transform their ideas into prototypes. With the help of registration to cell, student can enter into the process of incubation. Various eminent mentors, connected to center will help all the students in each phase of incubation.

Vision :

To be Higher Education Institute as a center of excellence for entrepreneurship development program and innovation based activities.

Mission :

To develop a preset mechanism for inculcating entrepreneurial culture to enhance the growth of innovation and entrepreneurship among the faculty and students.

Objectives of Innovation and Incubation Cell:

  • To facilitate entrepreneurship development culture in institution.
  • To arrange workshops/ awareness programmes on innovations among students.
  •  To foster problem solving ability and project-based learning.
  • To strengthen linkages with other institutes, incubators for innovation ecosystem in the region.
  • To act as motivator for students to convert feasible ideas into prototype.

To establish link between academic, industries and financial institutions.


Sr. No.TitleDownload
1.Activities of Incubation Cell in Year 2020-21View
2.Incubation and innovation cell Award 2022-23View
3.IIC Appreciation Letter 2022-23 View
4..Incubation Centre SPPUView
Short Films

Department Of Media And Communication Studies

Short Films Created by the Students on various topics

Sr. No. Student Name Film Duration in minutes YouTube Links
Short Films of Students in Year 2017-18
1 Sahebrao Ransing Bandhan 11.43 View
2 Ankita Khane Alcoholism 1.53 View
3 Rohit Kharade Barakya 4.16 View
4 Kiran Pharate Soch 2.23 View
5 Vishal Shelar Anukaran 7.26 View
6 Amol Yadav Manus 5.03 View
7 Gayathri Nandkumar Cyber 8.02 View
Short Films of Students in Year 2018-19
1 Vaibhavi Pingle Prejudice 2.48 View
2 Mahesh Pawar Patience 2.24 View
3 Nagesh Gaikwad Social Media 7.08 View
4 Darshan Jogi Karjmaphi 5.32 View
5 Ganesh Kale Jikali 8.55 View
6 Soyam Durge Spirit 4.11 View

Training and Placement Cell
Training and Placement Cell

Mr. Mahesh Phule

Training and Placement Cell, Officer


Mob: 9922555523

The Placement Cell serves as the platform for interaction between the college students and companies. TPC assists desired final year students to get suitable job after completion of their program. However, the training and grooming commences from the very first year. Spotting talent, classification, working on the strengths and weaknesses of students has been the hallmark of our endeavors. Placement Cell conducts Training programs to enhance soft skills and overall personality of students in association with industry and academic experts. Invitation Letters/e-mails are sent to various companies, organizations for conducting campus drives. The internships are also provided to the interested students to groom them to become job ready. The students are given occupational trainings such as communication skills, time management and stress management skills to be able to adapt to different work cultures and environments. The teachers also prepare the company profile to assist students to understand the work culture and job pre requisites.

The Training and Placement Cell (TPC) makes every effort each day to bridge the gap between the dreams and capabilities of our students. The different companies have also acknowledged and admired our efforts for providing them with best of the talents. Various companies have visited our college and conducted campus recruitment drives.


Equipping the students with relevant and conceptualized professional skills and guiding them towards a bright future and career all around the world with the values of – Sincerity, Hard Work and Justice.


Our mission is to equip students with practical and conceived professional skills that will enable them to pursue their goals and aspirations in various fields and sectors. We also aim to instill in them the values of justice, diligence, and sincerity that will guide them in their personal and professional endeavors.


  • To organize campus interviews for students with industries and reputed businesses from all over India as well as Overseas.
  • To prepare students for campus interviews by arranging assessments for aptitude and coding. Group discussion and personal interview preparation through professional trainers.
  • Providing requisite training to students in the area of personality development and communication skills.
  • To encourage career counselling by organizing guidance lectures by senior corporate personnel’s.
  • Maintaining regular interactions with the industry through Seminars, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Corporate Meets etc.

Collaborate with industry for Live projects, Research work, Industrial visit, Workshop or any other academic alliances.

Placement Cell Committee

Sr. No.

Name Position
1 Mr. Mahesh Phule Co-ordinator
2 Dr. Hanumant Pathak Member
3 Dr. Upendra Choudhari Member
4 Dr. Yogesh Indulkar Member
5 Dr. Sachin Kulkarni Member
6 Dr. Chandrakant Kamble Member
7 Mrs. Dipali Anpat Member
8 Mrs. Madhuri Saste Member
9 Dr. Chandrashekhar Swami Member
Career Katta
Career Katta

Mrs. Deepali Chavan


Career Katta

College Coordinator


About Career Katta:

Career Katta is an initiative launched by the Government of Maharashtra’s Department of Higher and Technical Education, in collaboration with the Maharashtra Information Technology Support Centre (MITSC). The program aims to provide comprehensive guidance to students in making informed career choices and preparing for various competitive examinations

Important Features of Career Katta:

  • Competitive Exam Preparation: Structured support for exams such as UPSC, MPSC, Banking, SSB, SSC, Police, LIC, and more.
  • Entrepreneurship Development: Programs designed to nurture entrepreneurial skills among students aspiring to start their own ventures.
  • Skill Development: Workshops and training sessions aimed at enhancing essential skills required in the job market.
  • Career Counselling: Personalized guidance to help students identify their strengths and align them with suitable career paths.
  • Internship and Placement Opportunities: Facilitation of internships and job placements to provide practical experience and employment opportunities.

Activities covered under Career Katta :

  1. IAS on your visit
  2. Entrepreneurs on your visit .
  3. Parayan of Indian Constitution
  4. Environmental Science Course
  5. Center of Excellence
  6. Competitive Exam Preparation and Study Guide
  7. Center for Entrepreneurship Development
  8. Model Skill Development Centre
  9. 50 Add On Courses Free.

Eligibility for the students to join Career Katta:

Student who have admitted to any regular course in college or alumni of college can join the activity.

Registration Fees:

Rs. 365 for Three-year degree period (Rs. 0.36 per day), which will be reimbursed in the form of subsidy on examination charges of CBCS. It includes free access to all the activities, courses, State Level Competitive Exams, etc.

Steps for registration:

  1. Download Career Katta app from Google Play Store.
  2. Click on Register
  3. Submit Information
  4. Click on Buy now
  5. Click on Online Pay

QR Code to Join Career Katta

Career Kata Activities Photo Gallery

List of Students Qualified Competitive Exams


Moropant Elocution and Debate Competition 7 & 8 October 2024

  • कृष्णा कुलकर्णी : +91 8421803685
  • खाली वक्तृत्व पंढरी मोरोपंत स्पर्धेच्या व्हाट्सअप्प ग्रुप ची लिंक दिली आहे , त्यावर क्लिक करून ग्रुप ला जॉईन व्हा!!
  • अधिक माहितीसाठी व माहितीपत्रक पाहण्यासाठी येथे क्लिक करा

कविवर्य मोरोपंत वक्तृत्व आणि वादविवाद स्पर्धेच्या इतिहासाची आणि वर्तमानाची कल्पना देणारा व्हिडिओ

Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment

Dr. Sunanda Shelake


Contact no: 9881657221

Women Empowerment Cell

  • It is the prime function of every educational institution to contribute to the welfare and the betterment of society at large.
  • Unfortunately, even in the second decade of the 21st century, our society is controlled and dominated by the males. Ours is a male- dominated society in which the females are suppressed and exploited in various ways.
  • Our society even today is deeply  rooted  in social evils such as caste-system, female feticides, gender- discrimination , child-marriage, dowry, superstitions, male-domination and many more. Indian women are forced› play secondary and inferior roles throughout their life. We need to work in the direction of eradicating these issues.


  • To enable the girl students to develop their intellectual, psychological, emotional and social, faculties ultimately leading to their empowerment.
  • Values and Skills inculcated Girl students are benefitted through programs on women empowerments.
  • The cell, which organizes activities related to women, functions under the chair of  the  co-ordinator – Dr. Sunanda Shelake  from Department of English
  • The college has been under taking various activities under women empowerment campaigns with the intention of improving status and dignity of women. Various programmes are arranged for their empowerment and personality development like Health Awareness, Safety, Financial Awareness and Entrepreneurship.

Women Empowerment Committee

Sr. No. Name Position
1 Dr. Sunanda Shelke Chairman
2 Mrs. Asmita Bhagat Member
3 Mrs. Kalyani Londhe Member
4 Dr. Megha Badave Member
5 Mrs. Prajakta Kulkarni Member
6 Mrs. Sushma Sangai Member
Institute of Innovation Council
Institute of Innovation Council

Ministry of Education (Govt. of India)

IIC ID- IC202014615

Mr. Mahesh Phule


Institute of Innovation Council (IIC)- Certificates

About IIC:

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has established ‘MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC)’ to systematically foster the culture of Innovation amongst all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The primary mandate of MIC is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years. MIC has encouraged creation of ‘Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs)’ across selected HEIs to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses. Our Institute has been selected for establishing Institution Innovation Council (IIC) (2020) at our premises as per the norms and directions of Innovation Cell, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.

Major Focus of IIC:

  • To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem
  • Start-up/ entrepreneurship supporting Mechanism in HEIs
  • Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework (ARIIA)
  • Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas
  • Develop better Cognitive Ability amongst the Students

Functions of Institution’s Innovation Council:

  • Promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campus
  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bounded fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc with the involvement of industries.


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