IQAC ensures quality culture as the prime concern for the Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the initiatives taken with internal and external support. As per the NAAC guidelines for the creation of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) by Accredited Institution (For Autonomous Colleges) (Revised on 20th February, 2020) College has established IQAC cell on 07/08/2003, which guides the teaching learning process and give suggestions for the smooth functioning of the system. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was set up after first cycle in the year 2003 of NAAC accreditation in order to initiate and monitor plans for quality enhancement and quality sustenance of the institute. Accordingly the IQAC cell has been making untiring effort to motivate and guide faculty members, students, as well as non teaching staff of the institution to achieve quality excellence.
Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati, Pune is one of the leading and prestigious colleges in Maharashtra established in 1962. Our motto, ‘We for Students’ is at the heart of everything we do at the college. The college celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2012. Keeping pace with modern trends in higher education, the college has full fledged UG courses in Arts, Science and Commerce along with PG courses almost in all subjects of different streams as well as Ph. D. Research centers. Beside traditional courses we seek to develop and introduce need based, value added, skill based and career oriented new courses.
The Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati has established Research Committee and in the academic year 2018 established
Centre for Innovative and Applied Research (CIAR)
to carry out Innovative, applied and interdisciplinary research. This will be one of the most significant initiatives of the college to make progress in research under the coordination of research centre. The college has the three research centers like Botany. Microbiology, Physics, English, Marathi and Economics recognized and affiliated to the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and many more are supposed to get included in future. Around 31 students are registered for Ph.D. in above three subjects. College faculty has completed four major projects funded by UGC, DBT & DST, SERB and several Minor projects are funded by UGC and BOD, SPPU, Pune. Currently, research is carried out independently in each department as per available expertise. So there is necessity to coordinate these research activities and promote targeted interdisciplinary research.
There is a necessity of undertaking innovative and interdisciplinary research projects by faculties from every stream with the outcome of finding solutions. Publications and patents. NAAC and other assessment agencies expect the involvement of each faculty member in the research activities.
We hope that establishment of separate
Centre for Innovative and Applied Research (CIAR) for research will motivate. And guide faculties and students as well to undertake new projects resulting in quality.
Vision: To make Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati reputed, globally competent through research
Research Objectives : To fulfill the vision for research, the college has identified the following major research objectives and strategies.
In order to strengthen Research culture following activities are proposed:
Guiding Principles
Code of Ethics in Research:
Code of ethics in research involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to be followed in research activities, including scientific research. Research, education and extension are integral parts of any higher education institute. The reputation of institution depends on quality of research and education. NAAC gives substantial weightage to quality and quantity of research undertaken by faculty and students of the Institute. UGC as well as Savitribai Phule Pune University expect certain ethics followed by institution in their research activities. To fulfill these expectations the college has formulated certain code of ethics for research on the campus.
These code of ethics are as follows:
Responsibilities of a Research Investigator:
A research investigator or guide must not only put together the research students but also try to assemble an adequate financial and administrative structure to support the research. A supervisor not only provides guidance and advice to individual students in the research but also make them aware of responsibility for the scientific integrity of the whole research activity.
Data and report: Research guide should take all reasonable steps to check the details of experimental procedures and the validity and authenticity of the data or observations reported by research scholars, including periodic reviews of primary and secondary data as well as reports prepared by scholars. The report of research outcome must be based on accurately recorded data or observations. It will be considered as a breach of research integrity if the reported data fail to support the reported conclusions. The data must be authentic and be based on outcome of original activities of researcher and not from other sources. Any intentional or reckless disregard for the truth in reporting observations may be considered to be an act of research misconduct.
Ethical policy of UGC on dissection of animals: Every researcher must follow ethical policy on animal dissection given by UGC.
Originality and acknowledgement of sources: The research work that must be original and come from research outcome of researchers. If help is taken from other sources, should be acknowledged properly.
Duplication of Publication: Research articles must be published in UGC notified journals. Researchers should not publish the same research outcome in two different places. If published very good reason must be given and appropriate citation must be made in the later publication to the earlier one and if required, the editor must be explicitly informed.
Disclosure and conflicts of interest: Researchers may use Institution resources such as staff, equipment, information or confidential information with prior permission of Principal or head of the department. Researchers may not use Institution resources for any purpose other than purposes related to teaching, research or service by the Institution, unless prior permission has been obtained by the head of the department and/or the Principal.
Plagiarism Policy: We follow the plagiarism policy decided by UGC and Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
This policy is given in following link.
Link:,- 2017.pdf
The college research committee aware researchers about these policies. According to the guidelines mentioned in Svaitribai Phule Pune University circular No. 175/208, UGC notification F. 1-182010 (CPPP-II) dated 23/7/2018. Research committees have right to check plagiarism and all related issues before submission M. Phil./Ph.D. Thesis, Publication of research paper, etc.
IPR : The aim of the Institute’s policy on patents, copyrights, and other Intellectual Property is to make available Institute technology to industry and others for the public benefit, while providing recognition to individual inventors and encouraging the prompt and open dissemination of research results. The Committee on Intellectual Property recommends policy guidelines to the administration. Individuals who may be in a position to make, conceive or reduce to practice inventions or otherwise develop intellectual property under sponsored research or other projects (whether or not salary or other support is received from such projects) or through the use of significant administered funds or facilities must sign the Invention and Proprietary Information Agreement. This requirement applies to all employees, students, and stakeholders.
When Intellectual Property is developed by faculty, students, staff, visitors, or others participating in programs using significant funds or facilities, College will own the Intellectual Property. If the material is not subject to a sponsored research or other agreement giving a third party rights, the issue of whether or not a significant use was made of college funds or facilities will be reviewed by the inventor’s/author’s laboratory director or department head, and a recommendation forwarded to the Coordinator of Research committee and CIAR. The Principal of the college will make the final decision on this issue and on any dispute or interpretation of policy relating to Intellectual Property.
Initiatives for research : The Principal of the College , IQAC, CIAR and Research Committee of the Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati keenly involved and proactive to promote research culture amongst the faculty and students. College has CIAR and research coordination committee which along with the IQAC looks after all the requirements for the research work carried out in the college. The CIAR and Research committee has recommended few reforms such as providing seed money for research work, improvement of existing research facilities, purchase of instruments as well as journals and books, besides publish research compendium for inculcating research culture in college.
Research Themes for Sciences:
Research Themes for ARTS and Social Sciences:
Research Themes for Commerce:
2) Research Centers: Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati has following Recognized Research Centers of S. P. Pune University:
Central facility Centre (CFC) : Tuljaram Chaturchand College is devoted to good quality frontier research in all fields. To fulfil the thrust of international standards the central facility centre was established. Dr Bhondwe R S is working as Coordinator of the Central facility Centre (CFC)
CFC is one of the most dedicated centre for research, it have following four major sophisticated instruments under one roof.
FTIR is mostly used for functional group detection of organic compounds, Inorganic complexes, plant extracts, nanoparticle formation etc. HPLC is used for analysis of constituents from natural products as well as contents from agrochemicals, Main function of AAs is to detect metal concentration and it’s used for waste water analysis and soil analysis. UV is used for measurement of absorbance of different complexes.
CFC provides analysis facility to students from TC College and students, research scholars and faculty from nearby colleges with minimum charges.
Besides this demonstration and hands on training is also given to PG student from various disciplines according to their regular course and curriculum.
Sr. No. | Name | Project Title | Download Project |
1 | Dr. Kakade V. C. | Development of some Statistical Process Control Techniques “A Nonparametric Group Runs Control Chart to Detect Shifts in the Process Median” | Download |
2 | Mr. Kulkarni K. V. | A Comparative Study of Learning Achievements, Trends in Enrolment and Cost per Student in Government vs Private Schools | Download |
3 | Dr. Wadde H. M. | NINPS-Thiamine hydrochloride (VB1) in Water : A Priviledged synthetic route for benzimidazole derivatives | Download |
5 | Mr. Salunke S. T. | Synthesis and Characterization of Aryl -14H-dibenzo xanthenes under solvant free conditions | Download |
Approval to the list of selected students for Ph.D. Admission 2021-22 To 2022-23 All Research Center : Download
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