- /wp-content/uploads/IQAC/3.6.2 Extension and Outreach Activity/Evidence 2023-24/

[To Parent Directory]

7/26/2024 4:43 PM 386340 3.6.2 Astro club.pdf
9/12/2023 5:28 PM 10513648 BioEra training.pdf
4/23/2024 3:48 PM 4042147 Bird watching activity.pdf
4/23/2024 3:48 PM 3106356 Cleanliness Drive on ocassion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti (1).pdf
3/21/2024 11:31 AM 1115003 Collaborative activity (1).pdf
3/21/2024 11:59 AM 1506240 Data Visualization and sudoku.pdf
2/19/2024 9:00 PM 2556896 Extension activity - National Nutrition Week.pdf
10/12/2023 3:03 PM 363595 Psychology Club.pdf
2/20/2024 3:38 PM 1250026 Report of Night Sky Observation-23-24.pdf
4/30/2024 3:45 PM 1487374 Swachhta hi Seva Report 2023 24 -Dept of Commerce.pdf
7/26/2024 4:43 PM 1283523 Tree plantation Drive through Economics department.pdf